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Everything posted by LocalFarms

  1. The anarchy movement reminds me of the zealot movement that was going at the time of Christ's ministry. At this time there was a law that a roman soldier could ask anyone to carry a "talent" (which I believe to be about 75lbs) of gold up to one mile and they would have to, even on sabbath. Of course this, and many other laws like it, is what caused the zealot movement of the time. What did Christ say about this? He said that when one asked you to carry his talent a mile, you should carry it two.
  2. We may not NEED to eat but I believe we will still enjoy eating. We may not NEED food but I still think we will enjoy gardening. Artists will continue to paint, architects will still design houses (which will be still be built), potters will still throw clay on a wheel. All in my own opinion of course.
  3. I believe we as humans PERCIEVE time to be linear but G_d is not bound by the same perceptions.
  4. "..... doing work is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure, a duty of goodness and light."
  5. I keep seeing body mass index mentioned and was curious... how does one compute their body mass index? I am 5'10" 120lbs.
  6. who says that just because they are spirits they can't be damaged? Joseph Smith said that spirit bodies are made of matter just like our physical bodies, just a finer substance. I've heard of people seeing visions of angels fighting with swords.
  7. To answer you about this I would say it's deffinately okay to lie about your jumper cables and I would deffinately also call the police on the guy.
  8. I think it is important to never lie unless instructed by the L_ord to do so (I started typing it that way because I read your article about why you do it Traveler)
  9. INFJ Introverted 100% Intuitive 62% Feeling 62% Judging 6% Very interesting to me how many people here are INFJ even though it's supposed to be the most rare type
  10. I am speaking about showing affection as between brothers or father and son, not lude behavior
  11. I think it'd be a better world if "straight" men could hold hands and kiss without being afraid of being labelled "homosexual"
  12. Hari Krisna devotee..... I almost became one in Spanish Fork
  13. My take on Lilith: a misunderstanding of the spiritual vs. physical creation in the bible. Where it says in the earlier passage the he created male and female it was the spiritual creation. Then he's creats Eve AND Adam again (physically).
  14. I want to apologize for the above post and any others I have said in a spirit of contention. I will be coming back to look at future post but will attempt to refrain from posting unless I feel I am doing it in the proper spirit. Again I am sorry.
  15. I'm tired of my posts being picked apart and judged by the standards of men. I thought this was an LDS site held to LDS standards. I guess I was wrong. As for me I have too weak of a testimony to be able to stay here in a place where it is under threat. It is through tears that I bid adieu.
  16. MoE you should investigate addiction in infants a little more. Did you know that they have to give cocaine to babies born to mothers who used cocaine, like wise the same with heroin or any highly physical addictive drug? As to the statement that people with ssa tend to have addictive personalities, I made that statement from my own observations through years of being in the gay community, so yes it's purely anecdotal Even if there's nothing similar with ssa and addiction that was not the point of my analogy as I have already stated, thank you
  17. Ugh! My mom swears like a drunken sailor:eek: however, despite her faults she is a lovely spiritual woman :)
  18. Thanks. I can't remember where I heard Mary was a descendant of David. Probably on a forum like this one or my mom or something
  19. But isn't Mary a descendant of David herself?
  20. I wasn't reffering to your story at all... I may have overlooked it I'll go back and take a look sorry.