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Everything posted by jayanna

  1. please read the article I linked, here it is in case my link isn't working. This is a conference talk given by a General Authority: Just over two years before his death, the Prophet Joseph Smith published the Articles of Faith. The ninth article of faith states, “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” I will speak concerning the final sentence, “He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” This principle of continuing revelation is an essential part of the kingdom of God. In the fourth and fifth verses of the Doctrine and Covenants section 21, the Lord declared to the Church their obligation to heed the guidance of His prophet: “Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me; “For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.” The Prophet Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon and received the revelations laying the foundation for the restored Church. He had premonitions of his own death and hastened to confer on the Quorum of the Twelve all the priesthood keys. In the words of Wilford Woodruff: “And thus addressing the Twelve, [Joseph] exclaimed, ‘upon your shoulders the kingdom rests, and you must round up your shoulders, and bear it; for I have had to do it until now. But now the responsibility rests upon you’” (Times and Seasons, 5:698). Revelation and guidance from heaven did not end with the death of Joseph Smith. “Many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” have been revealed through those who succeeded him as President of the Church. In the words of President Spencer W. Kimball: “Since that momentous day in 1820, additional scripture has continued to come, including the numerous and vital revelations flowing in a never-ending stream from God to his prophets on the earth. … “There are those who would assume that with the printing and binding of these sacred records, [and he was speaking here of the four standard works] that would be the ‘end of the prophets.’ But again we testify to the world that revelation continues and that the vaults and files of the Church contain these revelations which come month to month and day to day. We testify also that there is, since 1830 when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, and will continue to be, so long as time shall last, a prophet, recognized of God and his people, who will continue to interpret the mind and will of the Lord” (“Revelation: The Word of the Lord to His Prophets,” Ensign, May 1977, 78). We have large amounts of written historical material available to us, including sermons of early Church leaders. These give us background that help us understand the early events of the Restoration and the situations that existed in those days. This year we have the privilege of studying teachings of the prophet Brigham Young in priesthood and Relief Society meetings. There are wonderful continuity and agreement of these teachings and those of our more current prophets. As the policies and procedures of the Church are refined by continuing revelation and inspiration, there are those who become disturbed by any changes. Some literally hunt for situations where earlier Church leaders or members made statements which are not in complete harmony with our understanding and practices today. The mind-set of some is that anything coming from an earlier time must be more correct. I would offer the following thoughts on such matters: (1) Some of the procedures of the Church were not completely developed early in this dispensation and have been amplified and clarified by subsequent prophets. (2) Our protection from erroneous doctrine lies in an overriding belief in continuing revelation to the current prophet. President Harold B. Lee spoke of this by relating an experience: “Years ago as a young missionary I visited Nauvoo and Carthage with my mission president, and we were holding a missionary meeting in the jail room where Joseph and Hyrum had met their deaths. The mission president related the historical events that led up to the martyrdom and then he closed with this very significant statement: ‘When the Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred, there were many saints who died spiritually with Joseph.’ So it was when Brigham Young died: so it was when John Taylor died. Do revelations given to President John Taylor, for example, have any more authority than something that comes from our president and prophet today? Some Church members died spiritually with Wilford Woodruff, with Lorenzo Snow, with Joseph F. Smith, with Heber J. Grant, with George Albert Smith. We have some today willing to believe someone who is dead and gone and to accept his words as having more authority than the words of a living authority today” (Stand Ye in Holy Places [1974], 153). President Lee amplified this by telling of his response to a man who was disturbed at a new policy of the Church which was different from one established in the time of Joseph Smith. He said to this questioning brother: “‘Have you ever thought that what was contrary to the order of heaven in 1840 might not be contrary to the order of heaven in 1960?’ He had not thought of that. He again was following a dead prophet, and he was forgetting that there is a living prophet today. Hence the importance of our stressing that word living” (Stand Ye in Holy Places, 153). In summary, the Church is founded on continuing revelation to a current, living prophet. “Many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” have been revealed, and more are yet to be revealed through the living prophet. Beginning with Joseph Smith and continuing on to his successors as President of the Church, the ongoing stream of revelation has perfected our understanding of the gospel. The understanding of doctrines is more complete as taught by the Church today than at any prior time in this dispensation. Of this I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. That is pretty clear to me. Btw, the doctrine taught by Joseph Smith was not a new doctrine, it was 'new' to us, but not new, it is a restored church, and it was restored from something that had previously existed on the earth. The temple ordinances were not original to Joseph Smith's time even. Joseph Smith was not a greater prophet than Thomas S. Monson. Pres. Monson holds and uses all of the keys that Joseph Smith had, has spoken with HF, and recieves revelation from the cornerstone of our church, Jesus Christ, a living Jesus Christ, and he uses them for us in our day, and teaches us current doctrine, and Pres. Monson's words carry more authority for us today than Joseph Smith's words do.
  2. I think my hubby showed me this one. When I first watched it, I literally started to cry when they first took off It was SO INSPIRING!!!! They DID IT!! I said, THEY CAN FLY!!! Then I say the tropical island and said I have to laugh every time I see the one landing through the tropical leaves.
  3. Rame got it, I think. Disciplinary actions are done by a group, a committee. A meeting with the bishop and SP would be to talk with you about your repentence process. The SP probably just wants to get information straight from you. Putting it off makes it worse. They really want to do what is best for you, it would be good for you to go through the necessary steps whatever they may be. Onward and upward.
  4. I can understand that the word 'doctrine' can be very confusing, and we may have differing interpretation of that word; however, we have a definition of that word given to us by and apostle on the following link on Lds.org: Teach the Doctrine Why is it important to teach the doctrine? Jesus commanded us to “teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom” (D&C 88:77). Doctrine is the word of God as found in the scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets and apostles. The word of God has power to change our lives. Teachers must ensure that they keep the doctrine pure by teaching gospel truths as the Lord has revealed them. You can do this by teaching from the scriptures and the words of the latter-day prophets. President Ezra Taft Benson said, “Always remember, there is no satisfactory substitute for the scriptures and the words of the living prophets. These should be your original sources” (The Gospel Teacher and His Message [1976], 6). Also make sure that you use Church-produced materials when you teach. This will help you keep the doctrine pure. Avoid speculation and private interpretations. This is intruction given to teachers in the church. The same would naturally go for learning, search the word of God (which is defined as "found in the scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets and apostles"), ponder those things you have read, and pray for personal revelation to know if it is correct.
  5. YEs they offer new doctrine...that is why we continue to have Conference...if all the doctrine we need was written in Joseph Smith's time we would no longer need a prophet, or conference. Conference is necessary, we believe in a living God giving us current direction through our current prophet. Please read my link. This is one of the most important things about having a prophet. We face challenges TODAY that were not given to us then. We need current direction from the Lord to help us through the trials in these latter days... Joseph Smith did not counsel us to get out of debt right before the current debt crisis our nation is facing, that was Pres. Hinckley, what about the internet? pornagraphy? rave parties? What we are taught by living prophets help us, and it is doctrine. It is written, we are warned, the same as Noah warning about the flood, the same as Moses delivering the ten commandments, doctrine that we are supposed to harken to and live by. These are not guidelines, these are doctrine.
  6. Did you read my link Snow? DIDNT think so current prophets are more important than dead ones. Current prophets give us current doctrine all the time. That is why the article is titled "THE LIVING PROPHET: OUR SOURCE OF PURE DOCTRINE" not 'our source of current interpretation'
  7. B) okay, rame, that is so cool you just got the coolguy award today
  8. If you want to know what the church's doctrine is, your best bet is to go to lds.org and look up the manuals, or to search the church magazine since that is how teachings from the apostles are distributed after conference, etc. If you look up an article it will have their picture and their calling like 'quorum of the twelve' or 'quorum of the seventy' or something like that. The articles are on just about any subject you can think of. Just put a topic in the search window and you can choose magazines or manuals, etc. Go with writings of apostles and prophets when they were writing in thier calling, like for a talk or for instruction...naturally every word they have ever spoken is not scripture, but when they are doing their calling they have the responsibility to receive revelation on what they are speaking about. Some things are written for reference material, like Jesus the Christ is a reference book for missionaries, and A Marvelous Work and a Wonder Really the most important prophet for us is the current one. This is a very important principle to understand. Many times we consider the older doctrine as more correct that current teachings, and this is a grave error as explained In the following talk: The Living Prophet: Our Source of Pure Doctrine - Ensign Nov. 1998 - ensign In summary, the Church is founded on continuing revelation to a current, living prophet. “Many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” have been revealed, and more are yet to be revealed through the living prophet. Beginning with Joseph Smith and continuing on to his successors as President of the Church, the ongoing stream of revelation has perfected our understanding of the gospel. The understanding of doctrines is more complete as taught by the Church today than at any prior time in this dispensation. Of this I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. If it comes down to deciding which is more correct, a dead prophet or a living one, we chose the living one...so if you read an old book quoting dead prophets, you might be better off with reading from the living prophets in the Ensign. All of the prophets have and use revelation, including our present one, revelation to direct the church, where and when and how to build temples, and revelation on teaching us correct principles.
  9. I think that this type of independence is indeed necessary for eternity. A personal tesimony of Jesus Christ is the oil that we can't share with others. If we base our belief in Christ on the words of others, what will happen when that other cheats on his wife, or eats your pet rabbit for dinner? Our faith is shaken if it is based on belief in the person that shared the message of Christ. Will we recognize Him if we don't have a relationship with Him? Will He recognize us if we show up at the door withouth oil? Matthew 25* and a video of the parable of the ten virgins! I love videos Doctrine and Covenants Visual Resources
  10. I had a hard time dealing with the fact that I can't have any children with my hubby...and then I found something in the Latter-Day Saint Woman manual that helped me feel a lot better. Some women are unable to bear children. Childless women often fulfill the role of mother by adopting children or by taking in foster children. Women who are unable to have children and single women can find fulfillment by working with children in a variety of ways or by doing other things whereby they can give of themselves in service to others. Women who do such work can find joy in it and bring happiness and wholesome influence into the lives of children, especially those who have been denied a mother’s love. President Brigham Young comforted those childless women who had been faithful to their temple covenants, saying: “Many of the sisters grieve because they are not blessed with offspring. You will see the time when you will have millions of children around you. If you are faithful to your covenants, you will be mothers of nations. … Be faithful, and if you are not blest with children in this time, you will be hereafter” (in Deseret News [Weekly], 28 Nov. 1860, 306). The Latter-day Saint Woman: Basic Manual for Women, Part A Lesson 14: The Latter-day Saint Woman My hubby told me that we could have children later, but I didn't quite get it till I read that.
  11. I can't remember has someone posted this already?
  12. my hubby says, to get out of the friend zone, don't wait too long...let her know quickly, do something more than "friendly" send her flowers, etc... let her know that you are interested in a romantic relationship with her...if you are a friend for too long you could end up a friend forever. Be calm, and confident
  13. decompress? Have you been riding too fast on that motorcycle? Warp Speed on a Bike - Funny Picture :: KillSomeTime.com slamjet riding too fast...must breath...must decompress....
  14. ways the spirit speaks to us: Have I Received an Answer from the Spirit? - Ensign Apr. 1989 - ensign
  15. "A person may be temporarily guided by the Holy Ghost without receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (see D&C 130:23). However, this guidance will not be continuous unless the person is baptized and receives the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. We read in Acts 10 that the Roman soldier Cornelius received inspiration from the Holy Ghost so that he knew the gospel of Jesus Christ was true. But Cornelius did not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost until after he was baptized. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that if Cornelius had not received baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost would have left him (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 97). Today people who are not members of the Church learn by the power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true (see Moroni 10:4–5). But that initial testimony leaves them if they do not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. They do not receive the continuing assurance that can come to those who have the gift of the Holy Ghost."Gospel Principles Chapter 21: The Gift of the Holy Ghost
  16. slamjet, I think it's time for you to get a hobby
  17. marriage counseling find some happy that has nothing to do with him, and get some marriage counseling
  18. Applepansy, the same thing happened to my little sister, it was awful she got the worst infections from ones with backs on them, until a beautician told us it was the stems. The stems were too short for her and caused infections. We started looking for the ones with extra long stems (which you can buy if you look hard enough) and the problem was solved! Bini, I debated on this issue too, as I had two girls. I finally was deciding to let them choose for themselves when they got older, simply because I didn't want them to resent me making that choice for them. My hubby was all for that when we got married, he had seen several little children get theirs ripped out of their ears either on the playground or playing with another little child at home. He said it was super painful for them, and we shouldn't risk it just so they would look cute. Although mine weren't infants when he met them, they were 2 and 4.
  19. PC, this is a great question, and one of my first questions when I began investigating the church... One of the things that impresses me most about the church is how well taught even the little children are. They are taught some pretty deep doctrine in their Primary songs. One that I learned early on guided me through the conversion process in learning the gospel. The words to it go: I love to read the Holy Scriptures, and every time I do, I feel the Spirit start to grow within my heart a testimony that they're true. Search, ponder and pray are the things that I must do. The Spirit will guide, and deep inside, I'll know the scriptures are true. So prayerfully, I'll read my scriptures, each day my whole life through. I'll come to understand, I'll heed the Lord's command, and live as He would have me do. Search, ponder, and pray are the things that I must do. The Spirit will guide, and deep inside, I'll know the scriptures are true. We study, hopefully scripture (which is written by a general authority while in the duties of their calling and is made available either through the standard works or in the Ensign), ponder it out in our minds, and then pray. Generally when someone is performing the duties of their calling, they are able to receive revelation for those things of which they have stewardship...so while the Bishop does not have stewardship over the doctrine of the entire church, he can recieve revelation on things/problems you come to him about concerning your welfare issues, or worthiness issues, or repentance issues, etc. He would be someone who had studied the gospel quite a bit, so if you just wanted an opinion you could ask him, and then follow up with searching more, pondering, and praying. You can't really skip a step, you need all three. Even though we have church authorities like apostles and prophets, at some point to really learn something there has to be a personal revelation of some sort, maybe it is a really strong feeling of comfort or warmth, maybe it is a still small voice, sometimes there is a vision or something of that nature, but to really learn something that it is time for you to understand you have to do all 3 steps. We are never expected to simply take someone's word for it. Even when I was accepting the gospel and wanted to be baptized, the missionaries who were teaching me said they would not schedule my baptism interview until I had prayed and gotten a personal testimony. They knew I would need more than their words to go on in that decision. So I searched, pondered, prayed and got an answer. I think that this is good because you are more independent...when a church member is presented with a question, they don't necessarily have to say, "I don't know, I'll ask my pastor" Each member is expected to study, learn, and use the gospel, and have a very close relationship with Christ. Scripture study is a very very important part of membership. In fact one of the very few questions I was asked when my husband was being given the calling to the bishopric was if the gospel was taught in the home. It is a requirement for husbands to teach the scriptures in the home and is more important than executing the responsibilites of any church calling. It also breeds independence in the manner that each member has a personal testimony to keep them on the path back to their Heavenly Father, even when someone they trusted at church has disappointed them, or someone they had thought was teaching correct principles suddenly teaches something that seems very wrong. No matter what disappointments or trials come along, they will always have that experience of personal revelation to remember.
  20. Pres. Hinckley said this: "I recently spoke to your mothers and your fathers. Among other things, I talked with them about tattoos. What creation is more magnificent than the human body? What a wondrous thing it is as the crowning work of the Almighty. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, said: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Cor. 3:16–17). Did you ever think that your body is holy? You are a child of God. Your body is His creation. Would you disfigure that creation with portrayals of people, animals, and words painted into your skin? I promise you that the time will come, if you have tattoos, that you will regret your actions. They cannot be washed off. They are permanent. Only by an expensive and painful process can they be removed. If you are tattooed, then probably for the remainder of your life you will carry it with you. I believe the time will come when it will be an embarrassment to you. Avoid it. We, as your Brethren who love you, plead with you not to become so disrespectful of the body which the Lord has given you. May I mention earrings and rings placed in other parts of the body. These are not manly. They are not attractive. You young men look better without them, and I believe you will feel better without them. As for the young women, you do not need to drape rings up and down your ears. One modest pair of earrings is sufficient. I mention these things because again they concern your bodies. How truly beautiful is a well-groomed young woman who is clean in body and mind. She is a daughter of God in whom her Eternal Father can take pride. How handsome is a young man who is well groomed. He is a son of God, deemed worthy of holding the holy priesthood of God. He does not need tattoos or earrings on or in his body. The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve are all united in counseling against these things." Here: A Prophet?s Counsel and Prayer for Youth - Liahona Apr. 2001 - liahona I don't think that it is helping to to explain that one sin, of tattooing, is less than the sin of eating bad things...we don't get to do those sins that we think are 'lesser' sins when compared to others...you can find a worse sin than just about anything. Like, well I may have committed adultry, but at least I didn't do it with a child...doesn't really work. One is not made any less serious by comparing to another. While, I am in no way comparing tattooing with those type of acts with a minor, comparing sins against each other is not a justification to commit the 'lesser' sin.
  21. Well, I haven't served a mission, I joined when I was 24 and a mom already...but I am very very active in the ward mission, though I'm not called into it. I friendship and go with the missionaries when they teach as much as I can. I am currently working on a genealogical project through my library that is utilizing the family history center workers to help community members with family research. It is becoming really huge. There are about 65 people attending the one tomorrow night actually. Since my library has resources, but not genealogical skills, and our ward needs resources as our microfilm machines are all broken, I have been trying to coordinate the two. I obviously don't baptize, but I have helped with several baptisms, weddings, and some endowments, oh and a sealing or two. Especially loved going to one in particular, when a family that I taught as a ward missionary when they first joined went to the temple to get sealed...mom, dad, son, baby daughter. They had to go very very far away to get sealed and didn't think anyone in the ward could come, I had just had a sister who moved to that city and had a townhouse like 15 minutes from the temple, so we got to go! It was amazing! We took tons of pics on the temple grounds and made a slide show with music, and then had a reception for them at our ward and showed it. I have a lot of great missionary stories, one is my hubby who was a Baptist when we met, and another is when I did get to read and speak Spanish during classes, prayers, testimony meeting, and a couple of baptism talks, I evidently was completely fluent...though I can NOT understand it when it is spoken to me I have found that I could only speak it when in the church building and talking about the gospel, that's it. I'm still friends with some that I shared the gospel with that joined the church, though almost all of them have moved away. I am really looking forward to maybe someday serving a mission or possibly working in the temple. I don't want to wait for that though, I want to work NOW :) I don't know if it's being in the tribe of Ephraim that has me so jazzed about missionary work, or maybe it's the gratitude I feel for having the gospel....
  22. Okay, slamjet, you get the much anticipated cuddle bunny award today. As for me and my house.....we got a dog She is awesome. She adores me unflinchingly, does not bark indoors, uses her dog door to take herself out, has never chewed anything that's not hers, checks out all visitors with a sniff but not a jump, has killed a rat in my back yard, protects me from any man she finds threatening...and is terrified of appliances, squeaky toys, and baths I'm all for rescuing a dog that fits into your home. I saved her from being put to sleep, and I think she must know it. She must have been horribly abused before, and she had a death defying experience with heartworms, and so we suit each other really well. She looks just like the dog on Frasier, but she has her tail, and she is a bit shaggier b/c I won't have her hair cut, it would probably terrify her and life is already hard enough.
  23. I like to chat...Dr. Pepper is okay... :) McDonald's is fun... My hubby is busy busy busy too. I'm the introvert, though, and everyone loves him. When I go places people ask where HE is... He is at work, or doing some church duties or at school (he is enrolled f/t) When he is home I just smother him, and I try not to...it helps to get interested in other things or I will bother him while he is doing his homework
  24. Maybe he is feeling a bit smothered? Do you have interests outside of the home? I was thinking that if you have other interests, maybe volunteer somewhere, join a zumba class, or just do something you really really enjoy, let life light you up! Let him see the vibrant woman he married. He seems like a person that would rather look outward than inward. My hubby recently gave me a picture that describes his idea of us. It was two labs sitting together on a beach and looking out at the world, while my picture would have us looking at each other with being oblivious to the world. My hubby is extroverted, I am introverted. He wants to enjoy the world with me, while I want us to be the world. Being in my idea would make him feel trapped, lonely, and depressed with a good heap of resentment for forcing him into it. Being in his world means I feel unwanted and neglected. We have to be very careful to balance the two, and so do you. Once the two of you figure this out, you will both be much happier.
  25. Primary Chorister.....same thing