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    Crypto got a reaction from Daybreak79 in Does watching church talks counts toward to TV time?   
    PolarVortex hit the nail on the head!
  2. Like
    Crypto reacted to PolarVortex in Does watching church talks counts toward to TV time?   
    Well... your error was telling your son he watches too much TV.  He watches too much "bad" TV.  :)
    Do you know who Dr. Ben Carson is?  I just saw an interview with him.  He credits his success in life to his mother, who required him and his sibling to read two books a week and write a lengthy report on each book.  The mother would read each report carefully and check off and underline the good parts.  Many years later, Dr. Carson learned that his mother was illiterate and had not really read any of his reports... but she still went through the motions to teach her son the value of learning, books, study, and writing.  Think of how different the world would be if we all had mothers like that.
  3. Like
    Crypto reacted to pam in Women's meeting now considered an official session   
    I already considered it a session of conference.  I guess this just makes it official.
  4. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in It's just not fair...   
    Since this thread has recently touched on your search for truth 2ndRateMind.  What I would recommend, as a latter day saint, is that you read the Book of Mormon, and pray asking in faith if
    #1 It is true
    #2 if God would have you join our church.

    This is probably the most common and foundational way we start building our faith, and testimonies. (There are others, but less common)
    I believe investigation about our, and others beliefs are very important to do likewise, but that a spiritual investment, and investigation is also important. This may include visiting various church services, speaking with members (I'd also recommend missionaries from our church), Fasting, Prayer, and Reading and studying Scripture.
    (I don't know if you have been doing this already, and I suspect you may have already heard this, so I apologize if this is sounding like a broken record.)

    In the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, describes a time of great strife, and then with the visit of the Savior to the America's the development of a society where:
    This seems like the Chapter for you!   

    There may be disagreement by individuals as to whether society should have all things in common, but it is very much a part of our scripture that it is something we should aspire to obtain.

    Having all things in common doesn't necessarily mean a redistribution of money, or wealth. My personal view is that sharing of our possessions, time, and talents will fulfill the law of consecration. All that I have would be yours, all that you have would be mine. As I need so doth I receive, As you need so doth you partake.

    There are alternative views to this, such as pooling resources and then redistributing etc...
    Tithing, and fast offerings(bishops storehouses) to support the poor and needy. 

    In this way your views are very similar to ours.
    The disagreement seems to start when we try and figure out how this is to work when
    #1 Not everyone wants to live like this.
    #2 Some people want to live it, but only partially.
    #3 Physical constraints in geographical area.
    #4 How should it be put into practice.
    #5 Doing it in such a way that causes improvement for all over time, rather than a temporary improvement.
    #6 Dealing with corruption.
    #7 We no longer live in an agrarian society, New level of difficulty obtained.

    Resistance to your ideas stems from the fact that some people if given, will not contribute. Over time these people seem to increase which would cause such a system to fail. Reality beckons to our fallen state and all that we have to deal with.
  5. Like
    Crypto reacted to Jane_Doe in Serving the ungrateful and entitled   
    There's a difference between serving others, and letting yourself be taken advantage of.  After Jesus feed the 5000, the people wanted to force him to be king and continue feeding them.  Rather than be taken advantage of, Jesus left.  People deserve the right to learn to take care of themselves (whether or not they want it).
    In regards to this particular family, don't waste your time being offended.  You've learned your lesson and now it's time to move on.
     I'll keep your dad in my prayers.  Best wishes to him and your family. 
  6. Like
    Crypto reacted to The Folk Prophet in Serving the ungrateful and entitled   
    Since "ungrateful and entitled" pretty much sums up people in today's day and age, if we don't serve them, then who?
    As to your situation, just ignore it. You do what you have to. If they're offended, that's their issue.
  7. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Iggy in Favorite Day(s) of the Year   
    Oct, Nov, Dec

    Best time of the year. Particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Food and Family!
  8. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Seminarysnoozer in Three "truths"?   
    Your seminary classes must have been a whole lot more interesting than mine!
  9. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in Scout troop advancement problems   
    There is the possibility of delayed advancement if the scout doesn't pass the scoutmasters conference or board of review. That is very rare though, and generally only happens when there is suspect of cheating requirements or problematic behavior. Of which there would be a dialog on how to proceed.  

    Scouting is supposed to help boys grow.

    If that isn't happening because of corrupt adults then transfer to another troop. Your boy can and should still participate in the young mens activities, but need not attend scouting activities since you found a troop else where due to these problems.
  10. Like
    Crypto reacted to Backroads in Scout troop advancement problems   
    Indeed. A year is too long to wait. That isn't idiocy if other boys are getting awards, that's neglect. Find a nice local troop. If the bishop complains, just tell him you want a stronger scouting experience.
  11. Like
    Crypto reacted to MarginOfError in Scout troop advancement problems   
    It's been a year?!
    Seriously, just take the documentation into Council yourself. Get the awards straightened out there, then transfer your son into a non-LDS troop.
    No one in non-LDS scout troops would put up with that kind of nonsense for a year. Neither should you.
  12. Like
    Crypto reacted to The Folk Prophet in Three "truths"?   
  13. Like
    Crypto reacted to Just_A_Guy in Three "truths"?   
    Are you saying scientists are impure?
  14. Like
    Crypto reacted to The Folk Prophet in Three "truths"?   
    The reconciliation is simple. 3 is false.
  15. Like
    Crypto reacted to NeuroTypical in GOP sweeps the nation.   
    I think I'm happiest when both houses of congress are on my side of the fence, and the president is on the other side of the fence.
    I'm very much not happy when Pres and congress are all on the same team.  That doesn't go well, even when it's my side in charge.
  16. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in Scout troop advancement problems   
    The district executive will likely talk with the troop leadership directly. Some times it helps...A lot actually, i've seen it done before.

    I would always recommend talking to the church leadership first since it is the charter organization. (Just my opinion though)
  17. Like
    Crypto reacted to paracaidista508 in Scout troop advancement problems   
    Our troop has all the required admin positions staffed and operational----well at least there is a living, breathing person in each position. This has been going on for about a year now. It isn't time sensitive yet, but will be eventually.

    The entire chain (SM, COR, Adv Chair, et al) is aware of this and has been since this time last year...some of them less (like last spring).
    The issue is not whether the scout earned it or we are lacking documentation. Everything is done, just no one is actioning it despite being reassured time and again that they are. I am a former advance chair so I know how easy this is to do---difficult if you are lazy. Chronic problem here.

    Don't really want to go to the stake because they have other troops in similar situation, but it isn't important enough to fix apparently. I will tell you though, our scouts can play a mean game of basketball.
  18. Like
    Crypto reacted to Backroads in Scout troop advancement problems   
    I used to work in Scouts. Tech in ally I was in registration, but I still saw advancements. There were cases where Billy was up for his Eagle but proof of his other advancements were sitting in someone's glove box.
    If you have the proof of advancement with the proper signatures, you could possibly take it in yourself. Maybe not your job, but it's a proactive solution.
    Your district executive would be a great source to whip your troop leaders into shape (kind of the job) but I would approach the CoR first (probably the 2nd counselor in the bishopric). No use going over heads until you need to. Respect the leadership and work your way up the chain of command as needed.
  19. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in Scout troop advancement problems   
    If it isn't time sensitive, and has not been too long patience with gentle reminders might work best. That doesn't sound like the case though.
    There are also sometimes problems with awards if the troop wasn't registered. If this turns out to be the case you will need to speak to bishop, stake, and council. Bishop and stake to solve registration, council to find a way to properly get a boy an award if he worked on it.
  20. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in Scout troop advancement problems   
    On the scouting side of things: Before speaking to the council you should speak to the unit committee. (Assuming there is one -_-' ) If there isn't a unit committe speak with the COR (Charter Organization Representative) before petitioning the council. If the scout troop is registered there must be a COR. (It might be the bishop, young mens president, etc...). You will want to talk with your local scouting district's, district executive from the council.
    I personally would try petitioning, in this order for the redress of issues, Scout master, then young mens president, advancememt chair (part of unit committe, not all troops have an advancement chair), committe head, bishop, then stake, then council.
  21. Like
    Crypto reacted to NeuroTypical in Vatican to hold meeting to discuss marriage   
    Were there zombies?
  22. Like
    Crypto reacted to Blackmarch in It's just not fair...   
    that we still have a real long ways to go...
  23. Like
    Crypto reacted to auzziegirl in Am I Justified to Leave for Lack of Love?   
    Very interesting! I haven't heard of prolactin, but am going to research it now. 
    With new advancements in science and our ability to see into the brain with ever increasing accuracy, there are many studies studying all different aspects of the brain, several which seem to contradict each other. 
    As a lay person, I try and read several different studies, and realize that the information is ever changing especially when it comes to such a hot topic as our brains and sex.  Although the science does seem to agree on one point, and that is that sex is good for you!
    I also agree that skipping around the topic is a little ridiculous, but also understand why the rules are in place. I am sure many underage users browse this forum, and also agree that this forum shouldn't be the source of in-depth knowledge on the subject!
    (Why do I have this irresistible urge to change the second sentence to "....there are many studly studies studying..." Sorry, some silly forum humor...I couldn't resist!)
  24. Like
    Crypto reacted to askandanswer in Conflicting opinions on Kingdoms of Glory   
    from Bruce R McKonkie devotional entitled seven deadly heresies, given at BYU in 1980
     Heresy five: There are those who say that there is progression from one kingdom to another in the eternal worlds or that lower kingdoms eventually progress to where higher kingdoms once were.
     This belief lulls men into a state of carnal security. It causes them to say, "God is so merciful; surely he will save us all eventually; if we do not gain the celestial kingdom now, eventually we will; so why worry?" It lets people live a life of sin here and now with the hope that they will be saved eventually. The true doctrine is that all men will be resurrected, but they will come forth in the resurrection with different kinds of bodies—some celestial, others terrestrial, others telestial, and some with bodies incapable of standing any degree of glory. The body we receive in the resurrection determines the glory we receive in the kingdoms that are prepared. Of those in the telestial world it is written: "And they shall be servants of the Most High; but where God and Christ dwell they cannot come, worlds without end" (D&C 76:112). Of those who had the opportunity to enter into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage in this life and who did not do it, the revelation says: Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven; which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory. For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever. [D&C 132:16–17] They neither progress from one kingdom to another, nor does a lower kingdom ever get where a higher kingdom once was. Whatever eternal progression there is, it is within a sphere.
  25. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Blackmarch in Did You Wear A Costume For Halloween?   
    Something more or less like this.