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Everything posted by Ironhold

  1. The author is literally trying to argue that it should be illegal for a woman to stay at home once the children are old enough to attend school, as they're depriving the economy of their labor. It gets worse the more you read, culminating in: *Only when the tiresome and completely unfounded claim that “feminism is about choice” is dead and buried (it’s not about choice, it’s about equality) will we consign restrictive gender stereotypes to history.* Yeah. What's even more shocking IMHO is the fact that people are defending her...
  2. Just show up, and when people ask questions be honest.
  3. The decision was made a month ago, but I only just now found out about it. Retail Christian bookstore chain Family Christian has announced it's going bust. They filed for bankruptcy back in 2015, and never really recovered. If you have one near you, it might be worth checking out. They *were* once a cesspool, such that their "comparative religion" section was "why anyone who disagrees with us is going to burn eternally" and their toy section had "Victory in Jesus" monster trucks, but they've really cleaned up over the last few years and so looked like they were really trying to turn things around.
  4. Yeah. The Batman / Joker subtext from "Lego Batman" was more blatant and more obvious than this.
  5. I waited until Friday morning to get tickets for the morning matinee, and so the only seats that were left were in the very first row. One of my editors waited until noon to get tickets, and the theater was booked solid until 9:45 PM, far too late to be out with his young son.
  6. Disney's live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast. Rather underwhelmed, actually.
  7. One of my brothers went there. I'll see if I can catch him on Facebook for details. The gist of it, though, will be "expect the unexpected". While he was there, he faced everything from personal illness to the fallout from the assassination of the then-sitting (vice?) president. He also had issues with a mission official who believed that since all Americans were "rich", they didn't need their stipends. It can be a rewarding experience given how ready and eager the locals are to learn, but it can also be very trying and so will require a lot of faith, patience, and perseverence. Also, he took a leave of absence from a military academy to serve. When he tried to get back in, the dental x-rays taken by a dentist in Paraguay were rejected... because the notes were in Spanish and the doctor at the academy didn't want to have to bother translating them. I kid you not.
  8. Having seen the film? The "scenes" are such that you wouldn't know what you were looking at if you weren't already looking out for it. I'm wondering now if someone didn't whip up the hype on purpose in order to get more publicity for the film.
  9. ...But the consequences of not serving are another matter entirely. Prepare to have people question your moral character for not serving, and also prepare for a lifetime of loneliness, snide remarks, and second-guessing yourself.
  10. So - Mom spent much of the day dealing with the aftermath of a can bursting. Most of the cabinets where we have our food storage are alongside exterior walls, and those walls appear to be poorly insulated. As a result, just about every time the seasons change, we have a can burst. While she was doing that, I spent the morning mowing the lawn. We both stopped for a while to brush my cat, and then spent a bit admiring a rather large butterfly I saw outside. Then we went back to what we were doing.
  11. Takes more than just sit-ups to get someone's core going.
  12. I've already been seeing people referring to the event as "A Day Without A Sandwich", much the same way that the Women's March was referred to as the "National Sandwich Shortage". That should say how seriously people are taking this.
  13. Logan. It's violent and gory, but the writing is supreme.
  14. Just giving my opinion on the matter.
  15. The problem with trigger warnings and safe spaces, however, is that they're all too often being invoked by individuals who are only triggered because it hurts their feelings or it's not something they want to deal with, not because they have a legit anxiety issue over the matter. For example, a number of law schools are having to deal with the fact that students are demanding trigger warnings (et al) before their professors start into discussions of rape law and related topics. Even though these students are going to need to know this material in order to actually practice law, they're wanting to sit it out because of their feelings. And yes, I have my own issues as well. Among other things, I was witness to someone's horrific death a few years ago; we're coming up on the fourth anniversary.
  16. A soccer player is credited with saving the life of another player. The other player was left choking his tongue after a collision with a third player, and the first guy was able to administer emergency treatment.
  17. Rachal Dolezal, the woman who lied about her race to obtain several positions and financial assistance, has been unable to find a job since the revelation was made and is facing the constant threat of eviction, yet isn't sorry in the least for what she did. Does she not realize how much she undermined the causes she was supporting by all of this?
  18. The original idea I had was for a science fiction comedy series. There's an organization that sends people into the past to obtain records of historical events, particularly in areas where the historical record is sparse. Some people are merely sent back to record individual incidents, while others may be given long-running missions where they're sent back in time to record everything broadcast by a particular television station or all episodes of a "historically and culturally significant" television show*. The former are brought back to the present day once their job is done, while the latter are essentially deep-cover operatives who live as a regular member of society by day. Well, a guy who has the ability to clone himself at his leisure is tapped for the program, as his clones present a ready source of archivists who can be sent back in time. Since they're clones, the powers-that-be believe them to be more expendable than regular individuals. Thing is, the guy's a member of the church, and so his clones gravitate towards membership in the church if that's an option where the are. ...Which is making a hash out of the membership records, as for every clone that joins the church *after* being sent back, that bumps the membership numbers up by one, subtly changing history. *In reality, much of the footage from the early days of television is permanently gone. Many events were broadcast live and so were simply never recorded, while many taped shows were destroyed in an effort to either recycle the metal content of the tape or obtain insurance money from their destruction; other taped shows, meanwhile, were simply taped over to save on costs. There are entire early television series where all that's left are individual episodes.
  19. The way I see it, God has what is essentially the biggest probability matrix in existence. God can see what people *might* do in a given situation, size up the consequences, and make plans accordingly.
  20. Just some random hypotheticals to get a discussion going. 1. You have a member of the church. They've been baptized and had their ordinances. They get cloned. Would the clone get covered under their ordinances, or would they need to be baptized and receive their ordinances themselves? 2. Someone falls in love with their opposite-gendered clone. Are they essentially in love with themselves? 3. Would someone be assigned to HT / VT their own clones if they live within the same ward? (Yes, I have *plenty* of time for my mind to wander when I'm at work...)
  21. "Get Out" Not sure who the target audience for this one was, but I'm pretty sure I'm not a part of it.
  22. The second statement is one of the things he clarified. When he was 17, he was in a relationship with a man who was 27. By the standards of the homosexual community, he was still a "boy" even though he was over the legal age of consent where he lived. Hence his specific wording in that remark.
  23. I don't have time to post it all here, but in a nutshell his full history of comments provides far more context and nuance.
  24. "The Great Wall" A surprisingly serviceable movie for being released this early in the year.