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NeedleinA last won the day on July 27 2021

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    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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  1. Thanks @Vort. I'm relieved for the benefit of Veterans. When satire mimics reality too closely, I'll admit I got Babylon Beed.
  2. Only a tad too far? If what he is doing only constitutes a 'tad', then we clearly have different understandings about what is going on around us. Biden Orders VA To Withhold Health Benefits From Unvaccinated Veterans Biden told Veterans: I realize several people here voted for our current President, and thus a natural desire to minimize the damage he is doing in order to feel better about the past vote, but like Biden would say... "C'mon Man!"
  3. What do you do when you completely and humiliatingly botch the entire exit out of Afghanistan? What do you do when can't fix employment shortages, out of control inflation, when being woke starts to backfire on you, etc?? You deflect, you redirect and you get the peasants distracted by something else... like more mandates that threaten their livelihood. When you can't win anything abroad and you have burned all our international credibility, try threatening those at home with the sword instead. If the Taliban are the new choir boys... then simply classify the unvaxxed as the new terrorist? Pit family against family, neighbor against neighbor or church member against church member. Our city just received one of the recent 13 KIA service members from Afghanistan. Our city for one, will not be so quick to forget or easily distracted.
  4. Also interesting is the wording of: "protection... can only be achieved by immunizing" Does prayer, fasting, faith in God, the immune system in our God given bodies and priesthood blessings still play a role any longer?
  5. @LDSGator, do you drink alcohol? I don't mean in your past, I mean now days.
  6. Do Masks Work? Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle performs a simple experiment to see:
  7. Vaccine Hesitancy in the US by education level. I'm sure the media will swoop in to discredit this asap.
  8. Glad I could be of service. 😉
  9. Does it even really matter then if the Church takes issue with it or not? If the Church said 'don't do it', would you stop using it anyways?
  10. What do your studies suggest is the answer?
  11. For the benefit of other readers who might stumble on this thread. Church Handbook 38.7.9
  12. I've tried many times. 😉
  13. Now we are talking, you rebel scum you.
  14. This is all that has happened ^^^ Changed definitions. Changed PCR levels. Changed covid registering requirements. We are simply fed the data they want us to have, to do the thing they want us to do = shut up and comply