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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. Does this missing of Vista show providence by the hand of God, or what?
  2. Do you have any with Pikachu or Sailor Moon?
  3. When God said, "Let there be light", the big bang did the trick in a spectacular manner. Primitive man's lack of understanding of specific events following this bang from the creation of the ever expanding physical aftermath to the creation of life throughout the universe must be forgiven on any points of fanciful speculation, because let's face it, the detail of all this are staggering. God did his part in all of this, and it is our privilege to discover what we can of the details.
  4. Think of it as a story that possessed numerous possible alternate endings. Like the character Indiana Jones, you could have experienced the final disposition of the Ark in many different ways - some good some bad. However, unless someone comes along with a Director's cut, the studio version is a wrap. The atonement in this sense is the studio wrap. No need to anguish about it
  5. Perhaps just one concrete example (which should not be too provocative) could help. Juanita Brooks once wrote a landmark history book called The Mountain Meadows Massacre describing an incident in history and its aftermath. Of course this met with apologetic denials and recriminations. However now the Church, after having noted that further enlightenment has entered the scholastic world, has agreed with the history put forth by Juanita Brooks in their own sanctioned work Massacre at Mountain Meadows, by Walker, Turley, and Leonard . In between these two major history works was the opportunity to release many of Mrs. Field's Cookies into the Universe.
  6. How deeply are we Mormons entrenched in this idea of bodies being without blood? What is the original scripture that this idea comes from and does it have more than one meaning?
  7. The most obvious similarity is that the both were started by Prophets and they both adhere to the Abrahamic tradition. Differences? Well, one eats falafel and one eats Jell-O.
  8. No, I would assume that as an active disciple of Christ, you would champion the cause of helping the poor, just as Jesus has directed you. One can be in favor of both groups, but one must be aware that sometimes what is best for the rich (being able to horde their riches without restraint) can be very bad for the poor. The question should be asked of the religious as "whose cause do they champion"? The poor do need someone who should be concerned for them, and if the only ones to step forward are the secularists and the religiously liberal, then that does indeed have significance that a key message in the good news may have been misplaced.
  9. Finally a joint march and rally that all can get behind because of the cross purposes! I assume we can have discussions here against Sanity and against Fear.
  10. Wonder if the origin of this was in support of good old Anglo-Saxon ghost as opposed to that Norman usage of Spirit. The King James committee did not want to slip a French word into and English Bible.
  11. Rally to Restore Sanity - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 9/16/2010 - Video Clip | Comedy Central March to Keep Fear Alive - The Colbert Report - 9/16/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central While Jon Stewart wants to hold a restore sanity rally, Stephen Colbert will hold a march to keep fear alive. This seems to be the best of both worlds by respresenting both partisan positions.
  12. Making Direct X 10 and 11 unavailable for XP most likely was also built in leverage in trying to sell Vista and Windows 7.
  13. Jman, out of curiousity what name did you use at Beliefnet?
  14. Could we get a ruling from the senior English major as to whether we are sheople or sheeple?
  15. By the same token Chaplain, in this widening econonic gap do you find yourself on the side of the rich or the poor? My guess is that FunkyTown would have sympathies with the poor.
  16. I suppose this could be asked of the characters in each episode of South Park. Anyway, Kenny usually sees the light by the end of the episode.
  17. Does it seem like Microsoft's old tricks to tie this browser update into a product (Windows 7) that most PC users have yet to buy? Well, we can always rest assured that Firefox, Chrome and Opera can meet the browsing needs for those of us who like XP. As long as they continue to support IE 8 with new exploit fixes, there is no need to pine away for a shiny new toy that probably has many new bugs anyway.
  18. You mean like allowing our inner Pharisee out long enough for a little obsessive compulsive ritualizing? I suppose, as long as it is back in its room by 9PM. The spirit will be returning shortly thereafter and we don't want a mess all over the living room.
  19. Even if the story writers don't win, their story will still be preserved in the archives of the Marriott Library awaiting some future generation to discover your genius. Imagine having the thoughts of Bytor, FunkyTown or you preserved for posterity! Get writing.
  20. But then what was the lesson to be learned? To be a pleaser for all things asked or to learn the appropriate time to say no? Actually, this whole concept of being lead somewhere for some purpose can be a bit perplexing when coupled with the concept of free agency. Its like the myriad of choices to have gone elsewhere were removed. In another context it would be akin to telling a grieving family member of a drive-by shooting victim that the decease was lead there for a purpose. Very unfortunate strings of events seem much easier to bear and fathom when they are randomized events based on choice with no inference that God wanted the unfortunate event.
  21. Excellent point. The best Satan can do is emulate a carrier pidgeon. Welcome.
  22. Welcome. We can never have too many from Utah. That way we can share out tuna casseroles with the world.
  23. Being just a guy is an important position on Works for MOE and Just-A-Guy as well. As Walt Whitman would say, "I speak the pass-word primeval, I give the sign of democracy, I will accept nothing which all cannot have their counterpart of on the same terms."
  24. Perhaps if we all took enough lessons in Feng Shui, we would all come to the point of realization that the best apologetics are no apologetics at all. Best to be kind to all and release Mrs. Field's Cookies into the Universe.
  25. Elder McConkie did not specifically condemn Gluons, nor shall I.