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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. Doubts are a normal part of life. There is always that missionary suggestion to fake it till you make it (your testimony), but I suspect you want something more genuine. Look for things that make you happy about the Church and things which you admire about both the institution and its members actions, and believe in that, since that holds immanently graspable truths.
  2. I'm undecided: this this or this
  3. Two news stories about this letter pulling: The first by Mormon author Joanna Brooks : Everyone Should Know the Story of Cary Crall | Religion Dispatches The second by Paul Rolly: Rolly: At BYU, now you see it, now you don’t | The Salt Lake Tribune
  4. Excellent point, belief does not hinge upon forcing its compliance on anyone. Nor should any religious belief be contingent upon political ideology.
  5. You might want to put a tail on that area around Mount St. Helens. I understand it is up to something potentially volatile.
  6. I understood the comment and tried to provide an indirect response. The freedom to express your opinion in a reasoned discourse does not exist everywhere. While this letter may have been fine for most student or other newspapers, BYU is a bit different by virtue of the Church having dug its heels so deeply into the sand on this issue. Think of the opponents to fluoridated water. Their science and reasoning against fluoridated water may have been based on bogus science and faulty reasoning, yet they would be well within their rights to keep any and all reasonable people from pointing it out in their own anti-fluoride mimeographs. If this student were to post his ideas elsewhere, this unfortunate censoring would not have been forced on BYU.
  7. I think of it this way: The people of the middle east served as a repository for science, philosophy and history during the Dark Ages of Europe. Having this knowledge available lead to Western Civilization's Renaissance and our own age of enlightenment. We are now able to return the favor, but war and politics keep getting in the way. If only the United States and Great Britain has agreed on Florida as the site of the Israeli home state, we would not be having this problem with the world of Islam. Heck, the Floridian Israel could have already annexed Alabama and the Mississippi Strip.
  8. Well, it is a little dicey for some members to proclaim they are against something simply because the Prophet told them so. For other members, being told to do something is sufficient. But for the first group who find it dicey, confabulating reasons to go along with request from the Prophet works as a point of rationalization, which as the writer points out, such rationalizing arguments fail to hold water in this case. Truthiness does not hold up under judicial scrutiny. Now as to the matter of this apparently outstanding student being able to speak his mind, I would first have to inquire whether such thoughts were presented in a clearly marked no thinking zone.
  9. It uses standard issue energy cells: The important thing is you don't accidentally use this ammo by mistake:
  10. The poster Mathew J. Tandy has added, "It's looking like Friday the 17th. I have to wait for the Imam to get back in this weekend to confirm". Did I mention he has invited others to join him? I am sure that includes posters in the greater Salt Lake area from Additionally, his outreach efforts can be replicated other places than Salt Lake for posters wanting to follow his admirable lead.
  11. The late comedian Lenny Bruce thought all preachers were hucksters if they owned more than two suits. Obviously Mr. Bruce did not have Mega-Ideals™.
  12. Thank goodness the LDS Church has issued a statement against this Quran desecration.
  13. Dravin, it might be good to start eying the MPXL Novasurge plasma pistol:
  14. Just read a most intriguing thread bearing a wonderful idea: LDS people visiting a Mosque in Salt Lake City. What better way to understand people than by meeting them. You can read about it here: Visiting a Mosque in SLC - Mormon Apologetics & Discussion Board What a timely idea!
  15. This would almost necessitate those needing a hit man in Las Vegas would need to look to hit men in Pahrump, Nevada to insure the gun could never be traced.
  16. Captain Picard may have scoffed too until he encountered 27th Century Vorgons trying to abscond with the Tox Uthat, during his vacation on Risa.
  17. Of course there are times to say no. The question is, can you provide enough behavior modification to train your husband to say "I have to consult with my wife first", so this problem will not continue arising.
  18. Really interesting that the original name for Baklava was Manna. No wonder the people cried out for it - Baklava is heavenly!
  19. Sort of makes you wonder if wing nuts are directionally challenged.
  20. For beginning hunters, remember to hold the paper bag with your left hand and make the beckoning gestures with your right. Otherwise, you could overextend your wrist and little finger.
  21. It should be pointed out that this is not the same Terry Jones from Monty Python. That Terry Jones would have nothing to do with this hateful pastor who just happens to have the same name, although I suspect they take the same size in women's frocks. Terry Jones as proper English lady on far right.
  22. I imagine there are those posters who see this widening gap between the rich and poor as a good thing. Could any of you make a one paragraph answer as to why this widening gap is good?
  23. Moksha

    Feeling lost

    JanP, since you are already on antidepressants, I suggest that you read Bryon Katie's book , Loving What Is (available at bookstores and libraries) and perhaps glance at her website. About The Work :: The Work of Byron Katie She has been instrumental in helping may depressed individuals redefine what is going on in their life. Best wishes.