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Everything posted by seashmore

  1. She's lied to you about several things. Don't give her any more chances to lie to you. Her influence has already damaged your integrity. (Good news is it's reparable.) Your biggest fear should be the damage this has done to your relationship with God. I'm very glad to hear you're working through that with a priesthood leader. Worry about the future dating scenes after your mission. Chances are, you'll wind up with a woman who cares more about where you're going than where you've been.
  2. 3Ne 11:29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another. I think you need to bring this up when your MIL is acting out, and then leave the room (if at her place) or insist she leave your home. I've had to do the latter when my sister was visiting me. Appear calm and confident as you clarify that you will not allow such contention in your home. Definitely continue to do things like pray for her and attend the temple (you may consider putting her name on the prayer roll if you know there's a situation coming up, such as a new grandchild). Is there room for your brother-in-law in your home? I know of a family with a similar dynamic as your husband's where some of the younger siblings moved in with older siblings who had families (with varying degrees of success that depended on the personalities of the siblings) as they saved for missions or went to school.
  3. The most "fun" I've had reading the scriptures is when I don't pressure myself to get some magnificent insight every time I turn the page. I also take "normal" goals and tweak them a bit, like when my stake was challenged to read the BoM twice in one year, I read it and then read it backwards chapter by chapter.
  4. I have a widget called "LDS Scripture A Day" that gives me a daily scripture from the Standard Works and links to it on It works great to make sure I read at least one a day, and also gives me starting point if I don't already have a course set.
  5. I looked for a music sub board under interests, but couldn't find one, so general discussion it is... I have this problem where I'll hear (or sometimes dream) about a song and think it sounds like another. Once, I had a mashup of the music to two sacrament hymns, so it's not always the same two songs that I'm hearing in my mind. Normally, it's not a problem to figure out what the "song twins" are, since they're at least within the same genre. The exception to this seems to be the piano part (especially the intro/outro) of "Incomplete" by Backstreet Boys. It sounds like a song I've heard while listening to progressive rock (or progressive metal, depending on the day and person you talk to). And I can't. figure. out. what song it sounds like! It drives me nuts. Every time it pops up on Pandora. The only help Google gave me was a New York Times article from 2003 about an Iraqi boy band. YouTube gave me a video to the song "Piano Lessons" by Porcupine Tree. I've searched all sorts of configurations, including the "rhythmic acoustic piano" tag from Pandora, which gave me a short list that included a Pink Floyd song I've never heard of. Close, in the same way that the planet Mercury is close to the sun. Not really expecting anyone to have the answer, just needed a place to express myself.
  6. The first question I would ask myself in your shoes is how long has she been like this? If she was not this way when he was a child or when you got married, you should have your husband suggest she (or your father-in-law) bring the issue up with her medical doctor. Lots of things can cause personality changes, and it's important to rule those out before taking drastic action. My second question is, how close are you geographically? Could you get by with only short holiday visits, or is she close enough that the kids are going to wonder why they don't see Grandma very often? Are your kids old enough to understand that her behavior is inappropriate? For what it's worth, I'm more of a fleer than a fighter. There's a scripture in Matthew that talks about loving God more than parents. I'm on my way out the door, so I'll see if I can find it for you later. As others have mentioned, since it is your husband's mother, it is primarily your husband's responsibility. Also, does he have siblings? Do any of them see the same issues you're seeing?
  7. We are influenced by those we spend time with. You seem like a good influence, and I'm glad you've joined the hub! I'm sure you know that you don't have to be LDS to be a good person and that being LDS doesn't automatically make you a good person. Try to balance the time you spend with this troubled friend with finding other good people to spend time with. If at all possible, physically walk away from her when she is saying bad things (or look at positive things on a mobile device). I'm in a similar boat with some of my coworkers, and it takes real effort for me to not adopt their speech patterns. I'll keep you in my prayers, Roo!
  8. If you need help identifying who the ward clerk is, you can ask your bishop/branch president.
  9. This is an excellent resource, and I'm sure your youth leader can get you a paper copy if you prefer. @Sunday21 had some good advice about asking leaders. This can also include asking your YW class president what she has been taught.
  10. I haven't seen the basics covered. Open windows, especially if you can get any cross ventilation, and keep curtains drawn during daylight hours. Ceiling fans if you've got them also keep the air circulating and cooler. Try to avoid using the oven and/or clothes dryer (if applicable) on really hot days. And sometimes, sleeping with just sheets is cooler than sleeping with no covers. If you find yourself getting too hot to stand it, sit in a cold bath for an hour. Last summer, my A/C went out when highs went from low 70s to upper 90s in less than a week, and I found that wearing a lightweight maxi dress kept me cooler than walking around the apartment "Mormon naked" (just my garments). Fun fact, when I was in college, I lived in dorms with no A/C during record breaking heat, with bonuses of broken blinds and an eastern facing window. There was one day I came home, put my hand on the wooden door as I unlocked it, and flashbacked to fire safety videos that said to not open a door if it was warm to the touch. Six months later, I was living on the other side of campus when our heat went out during record breaking lows. I would rather have the latter.
  11. I'm sure their house is over 125, at least. My dad says it still has the same doorknobs when they bought the house about 55 years ago. It's on about one acre with trees lining three edges (all but south). I am desperately hoping that it can somehow stay in the family; all of us have so many memories there.
  12. First of all, congratulations on your anniversary and the new job! Wendy's has a four for $4 deal that's pretty satisfying in terms of fast food. Maybe go to Subway and split a footlong? I tend to eat out a lot in winter (pesky Seasonal Affective Disorder sucking away my meal prep/clean up motivation) and have found if you keep your eyes open for coupons you can get a meal out for little more than a meal at home, if you're only needing one or two meals.
  13. I actually love my apartment! It has a galley kitchen with a washer/dryer at one end that I adore, and I can walk laps around the accent wall in the living room. While I wish I felt a little freer to put nail holes in the wall or that I had a bigger bathtub, I definitely appreciate not having to worry about homeowner headaches. Second is my grandparents house. Five bedroom prairie home with a porch and balcony that wrap around two sides.....heaven. Especially after they turned the pantry off the kitchen into a main floor bathroom.
  14. Canada and Nebraska are birthday twins! (Kind of. Our official birthday is March 1, but we both turn 150 this year.) I don't have to create an ad to visit Nebraska; our tourism board has done that already with the Nebraska Passport. Every year, they come up with different places to visit. My favorites on this year's list are Ashfall Fossil Beds and Carhenge. Passport link Ashfall: where you can watch paleontologists unearth fossils Carhenge: extreme junkyard art
  15. I finally watched Moana. I would probably appreciate it a little more if there weren't so much content. Way too many storylines to keep track of for me to really enjoy it.
  16. Caught part of last night's was a nail biter for sure! Good luck tonight!
  17. I choose to interpret most of the stares as compassionate. I've only felt uncomfortable once, and it was during Sunday school following branch conference. The wife of the counselor teaching on how to keep sacred things sacred kept making comments about the sacredness of pregnancy and childbirth. It finally took me commenting that life remains sacred once it's outside of the womb.
  18. I was set apart as the YW President last week. We have a lot of inactive young women, and I've found that lots of people who wouldn't show up for an entertaining activity will show up for a service activity. (Learning how to tie quilts? Not a soul. Tying quilts to be sent to flood victims? Everyone and their son shows up. Speaking from experience.) So, I'm tapping your brains for ideas on community service activities that we can do as a group of eight to ten 13-17 year olds. Also, I don't know quite yet what our budget is. Tie/fleece blankets Hygiene kits (we have a beloved couple from the branch serving a senior mission in Sierra Lione) Backpacks/school supplies for low income kids in the fall
  19. Find a singleton. As an unmarried person, I would love to have a friend in the ward who also didn't have children and got awkward stares during family themed lessons. I like this advice. Give them an answer without answering the question. I also like quoting The Princess Bride. Perhaps do some resarch and find scriptural/prominent LDS figures who did not have children. "No, but neither did Eliza R. Snow." Also, if you're looking for friends to sit with the lessons on raising righteous families, seek out a single sister.
  20. I think you should call him "Something Else."
  21. lol...I support the event, not any particular team. Last year was super fun because I went to one of the UC Santa Barbara games with a friend who was actually one of their alums. I got a book of General Admission tickets and went with my baseball loving dad and sister, so it was fun to watch them enjoy themselves. The friend who was selling the ticket books happened to be one of the hosts/liaisons for Coastal Carolina, who ended up winning the whole thing.
  22. It's shaped me to have a truly eternal perspective on things. I don't get as annoyed by little things as my non LDS counterparts do. The Lord forgives, and I can, too. Also, it helps me plan for the worst and helps me hope for the best in this life. Most importantly, it's introduced me to some of the best friends I could have. Cheesy, but true.
  23. I love the CWS! It was a bucket list experience that turned into a "let's go again!" thing. One of my biggest regrets is not going while it was still at Rosenblatt. Good luck on Friday!