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Everything posted by Grunt

  1. Interesting topic. In the men's portion last Sunday the speaker asked me to explain to everyone what I do to magnify my Home Teaching. I stood up and said: "Well, first I'd ask someone what Home Teaching is, then I'd do it really loud?.?.?" or something to that effect. One of the other members saved me.
  2. That's why I asked several times if he was LDS, with no answer. Earlier he had said he has no solid testimony and was looking for the true church (paraphrasing), so I thought he was not LDS. I like to know because it puts statements, questions, and ideas in perspective for me as an outsider if I know the source.
  3. Hacksaw Ridge. Crappy movie, incredible story.
  4. Interesting. I haven't started using this yet.
  5. @clbent04 are you a member of the LDS church and do you share your testimony?
  6. Are you a member of the LDS church? Do you share your testimony?
  7. Don't take this the wrong way, but this has been one of the issues for me, also. This was my first Fast Day, and everyone seemed to focus on that. From an outsider, it almost seemed like they were trying to convince themselves, not provide a testimony.
  8. Very thankful for this thread. I don't feel anything, or at least nothing that hits me in the face. I do, however, really enjoy the church thus far. I'm very thankful for the responses given, as they really help me.
  9. For the past few weeks I've just been praying. I don't particularly care who does or doesn't like the manner or text of my prayer.
  10. Just questions, that's all. I don't know what an endowment is except for what I read on wikipedia, is that accurate?
  11. Thank you. One of the things I really like about the church thus far is how people seem to be in VERY different places, yet they don't seem to be judgemental about it.
  12. My first Fast Day today. Most of the testimony I heard was just people thanking the church and the members for allowing them to be part of it.
  13. Just for clarification, you have a spiritual gift that allows you to accurately judge another's sincerity?
  14. Your discernment is supposition. You don't know what is in the hearts and minds of others. I may pray you have a safe travel home every single time I see you because I truly wish it for you.
  15. Untrue. You have a solution you can execute yourself. Read. Question. Pray. Live.
  16. Correct. That is still supply and demand. That said, follow your conscience.
  17. Supply and demand. You aren't charging "extra". You are adjusting the price to meet demand. The transaction is freely made, and if you are unreasonable people are free to look elsewhere. It also isn't mandatory, and you are free to NOT charge extra if you feel it is inappropriate. This is done every day in the marketplace. Whether or not it is a sin isn't up to us, though. I've read nothing that would suggest capitalism is sinful. Your feeling of guilt is natural. I have a small homestead and sell things I raise/grow all the time. I always feel a little bad when I sell a dozen eggs or a chick, for example. I sell for less than most homesteads like mine, but I make a profit. Because I know what my costs are and don't put a true value on my labor, I always feel a little guilty. If earning commission is a sin, I'm in BIG trouble.
  18. This response helps me a lot. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
  19. I guess I just have a harder time discussing things I know to be true as though they were hypotheticals. It's like asking me if twins were necessary for me to have a happy family. I suppose they aren't, but having twins is a factual part of my life so why would I try to discuss an alternate reality with no other point than is an alternate reality possible. Is the "concept" of a devil necessary for Christianity to function? Maybe not, but neither is the "concept" of Prophets necessary, but they exist. The "concept" of THE God and the devil is central to Christianity because they exist. Why would they pretend they don't?
  20. Necessary to function? I'm not quite sure what you are looking to discuss. Many things in scripture, as in life, aren't necessary for things to function. I don't need 2 kids for my family to function. I do have them, though.