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Everything posted by Grunt

  1. You are in the same boat as I am. However, the flaw in your proposal is it can't be measured, nor can a single person be filled with the Holy Spirit, then emptied, then filled (wash rinse repeat) until they have felt the Holy Spirit through every religion, and yet ONLY that religion. It is literally impossible. Therefore there IS no measure, nor any way to measure, for anyone. That's probably why Moroni 10:3-5 tells us to ask God Himself, and He will tell us. There is quite literally no other way to tell. Either you know it to be true because He tells you it is, you suspect it to be true even though you haven't been shown it to be, or you just don't accept it. Read, question, and pray. That's really all you can do as far as I know.
  2. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. If we work it backwards, it seems you're wondering how to establish that LDS has a "higher level" of the Holy Spirit when compared to other religions. You want to establish that because if it does, then it establishes that LDS is actually Christ's Church. I'm saying that if scripture states that LDS is Christ's Church, then there we have it. We do we need to figure out how to measure "Holy Spirit levels"?
  3. That the church is the true church of God.
  4. I guess I'm confused. Isn't it scripture that tells us that, not the church? If scripture says it, then does it matter whether tests are flawed?
  5. Long strokes, rudder drags, sit in the back.
  6. Agreed. Not just for the changes, either. Boys and girls are different.
  7. I think they are important based on my location, but more importantly some things are important for the lessons learned and confidence gained. It assists with masculinity and manhood. As such, I think many programs aren't gender specific because of what we're teaching but how we're teaching it. That's why I spupport programs divided by gender even if they have similar topics. We're teaching men to be men and women to be women, but that does mean they need different skill sets as much as it means men and women are just different. That said, my boys would love classes on survival, flag handling/disposal, civics, hunting/fishing, mountaineering, canoeing, fly tying, animal husbandry, etc. All things I'm teaching them now.
  8. Thank you! My boys don't participate in Cub Scouts for that reason.
  9. At church they were discussing pulling the kids out of BSA. They didn't get into detail and everything I've read as an outsider is vague.
  10. Agreed. There is a difference between being in church and being IN the church.
  11. Sorry. I was speaking as an outsider looking in. When I looked at the church I didn't even know non-members went regularly.
  12. Even more than that, as an outsider YOU are my witness. One of the reasons I wanted to learn more about your faith is because of how you acted. I'm just as interested in what you practice as what you preach. As a Baptist, I was always very put off by how people were judged and treated when they weren't living as others felt they should. How you live your life is quite honestly none of my business. That is between you and the Savior.
  13. I don't know if this counts, but my spouse performs acts of service every single day. I have no idea how she holds this family together as well as she does.
  14. That's why I love having a homestead. All my table scraps are turned into bacon.
  15. Are any of you in marriages where you spouse is not a member of the church? Do your children participate? Are there issues with the church or your family? How do you handle them?
  16. Can you talk to another bishop? Is this allowed in your faith? I know when I was active in my church, several friends went to talk to other pastors about issues they were having but were embarrassed to discuss them "on the home court". The more embarrassing the issue, the further they'd go. It seemed worth it to them.
  17. I thought the same thing. Good video, I'll share it with someone who asked me about it.
  18. I DID see someone drinking a Coke in service today. Well, not exactly drinking it, but carrying it around half empty.
  19. Interesting. So I could be speaking with, and getting advice from, people who aren't members of the church? What could cause you to get excommunicated?
  20. I'm not LDS, by the way. I can only speak to the schedule and availability of chaplains, not any specific requirements your faith may have.
  21. It really depends on what your job and duty station are. There is usually a chaplain kicking around for service, but the service is typically non-denominational. If you're going into aviation, particularly fixed wing, you'll be around a chaplain much of the time. When on shore duty, the navy still does things some weekends, but you'll typically work a more normal schedule and be mostly in the same space. This would allow you to actually join a church. Again, it really depends on where you are and what your mission is.
  22. Most things will be more expensive, though. Good food costs more.
  23. I have a small "homestead" where I grow/raise a good portion of my food. It really depends on how they grow/raise their products. There are different types and levels of "organic". I don't certify ANY of my food as organic, however, I free range or pasture, don't use chemicals, antibiotics, artificial fertilizer, synthetic feed, etc. I'm probably more organic than many things labeled "organic". I don't know anything about Winder Farms specifically, but I would certainly ask where they source their products then research those. CSA's are big up this way. Do you have those? You're typically getting a great product through most that I've seen.