Midwest LDS

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Everything posted by Midwest LDS

  1. I was always under the impression that being of the direct lineage of Aaron just means, as long as you are worthy, that you have a legal right to hold the office of Presiding Bishop, not bishop of a ward. Especially since, according to D and C 65:19 they would be set apart by the hand of the First Presidency. 19 But, as a high priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood has authority to officiate in all the lesser offices he may officiate in the office of bishop when no literal descendant of Aaron can be found, provided he is called and set apart and ordained unto this power, under the hands of the First Presidency of the Melchizedek Priesthood. That was always my interpretation but I could be wrong.
  2. I like 5 as well, although I'm a little bit of an oddball in that 6 was my favorite, Ewoks notwithstanding (I love naval battles both real and fictional, and I still think VI has the best space combat of the series). I also agree that there are sometimes some fairly adult themes discussed even in works meant for children. The Hobbit comes to mind, book not film, where Bilbo is trapped with the blind monster Smeagol who is planning on eating him. But, I also think @unixknight makes a good point about the filmography and themes that would clearly go over the head of kids. Lucas may say he intended the series for children, but there are enough themes that are clearly marketed towards adults that make me question his assertion.
  3. I actually did not like what they did with Luke in that film either (he was always a hero of mine when I was a kid, although I didn't have a poster). For me, it doesn't ruin him because nothing done by Rian Johnson can get rid of Luke's arc and the inspiration it gave me from the original series. Anything I don't like will just get ignored in my head canon of Star Wars☺.
  4. Ok that makes more sense. I apologize if I took your tone wrong, internet posts can be hard to recognize without being able to read the emotion behind it. Yes I agree, if someone allowed a bad movie, even in a popular and interesting franchise, to ruin their life they are way to invested in something. But I don't think disliking a movie or show and wanting things to have turned out differently is letting it ruin your life, I just think it shows interest and care in a subject.
  5. Once again so what? Who cares if it was created for children or adults if I enjoy it? I'm not really sure what your point is. Are you just trying to show how vastly superior you are to the rest of us who enjoy these movies and books?
  6. Who cares? We like the movies and draw inspiration from some of it's themes. His opinion is irrelevant to how I enjoy the story and themes involved.
  7. I agree Disney's made some huge misteps, biggest of which is not using the original Thrawn triliogy as the plot for the new films. Although I'm not convinced that everything they do is no longer in the Star Wars universe as not everything in the Old EU was amazing (endless clones of Palapatine come to mind). But I can see where you are coming from.
  8. I see where you are coming from, although I think Space Western can work (Firefly comes to mind among others). Solo was a good film that was kept from greatness, I think, because of the subject matter. Han Solo is such an important character to most Star Wars fans, myself included, that any attempt at a film was destined to fall short of our expectations and any actor trying to replace Harrison Ford was going to fall short. Add in some of the problems we've talked about, and it's guaranteed to not receive a good reception.
  9. I liked Solo. It wasn't the best Star Wars movie I've ever seen, and I think several of your complaints are valid, but I left the theatre satisfied. I thought of it as a space western/heist movie, and I have to admit I liked the crazy female droid. I also loved Lando's portrayal, and I think your right he definitly stole the show. I do wish they had stretched out Han's story a little, and some of the story felt a little rushed, but I was happy with it and despite it's flaws it didn't deserve the hate it received from the fandom IMO.
  10. You're post reminds me of Paul's "thorn in the flesh" a weakness intended to keep him humble in 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 "7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." I agree with your sentiment. I believe sometimes God leaves us with weaknesses not to punish us, but to lead us to rely on him more than we would without them.
  11. I suspect we won't agree on this matter, but you bring up some points I haven't considered before. I appreciate the thought experiment.
  12. Two problems wo1th this theory. First, God already knows good from evil so the tree would not affect him. Second, it seems to me that it was the transgression of Adam and Eve in partaking the fruit, not some sort of magic or supernatural power of the fruit themselves, that caused the change.
  13. I'm sorry you were mistreated and I hope you are able to resolve these problems quickly. While we should strive to forgive and live charitably, we are also supposed to stand against evil. One of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon is in Helaman 2:6-11. It tells of a servant of Helaman who basically became an undercover cop, and exposed a conspiracy to murder Helaman. By standing up to the Gadianton robbers, this unnamed servant saved Helaman's life. In your case, by exposing the criminals in this organization, and turning your evidence over to the police, you are preventing these people from taking advantage of other innocent people, and hurting them as well. Stay strong, and remember you don't have to let anyone in your home that you don't want to, so don't let that area manager bully you.
  14. 1) Never assume that just because your baby has not had a blow out in months, that you no longer need to bring spare clothing with you when you visit friends.
  15. You are absolutely right. I think people are often confused between what an appraised value is, and what you can actually get for it. And I absolutely respect the right of free enterprise. If you want to spend a million and a half dollers of your own money on a penny, you go right ahead. I'm still going to think you're (generic) insane, but you'll have that penny and that's all that matters😁. Plus I'm going to go out an a limb and say the kind of person who can afford to drop that much dough on something like that, probably looks at one million dollers the way I look at 1000. Pricey, but not impossible.
  16. I just can't fathom paying 1.7 million dollers for something you are just going to use show off to your (generic) friends. I actually like coins, although I am far too poor to collect lol, and think it's neat to be able to hold a piece of history in my hands. But paying 1.7 million for a penny is just insane to me (although kudos to the seller 😃).
  17. It felt odd but good. I'm the SS president and I was doing my quarterly teacher training last Sunday. It felt really weird to dismiss the class and go home, almost like I was skipping the last part of church lol. But it was a positive change for me. We were able to get my 10 month old to her nap earlier, and used the extra time to have a really spirtual lesson with my wife and myself. Mrs. Midwest is in the Primary Presidency and said it was more difficult. While less time made it easier to deal with the kids, it was more difficult to teach the lessons. However, it's something she thinks they will get used to in time. Overall, I really enjoyed it and while I enjoyed the 3 hour block as well, this change was a real blessing for us.
  18. Clearly this is the most likely change. I'll start sharpening up my knife😉.
  19. Excellent points. It does seem to be part of the human condition to adopt slurs and make them your own, Christian being one of the more famous examples of course. I know this is still confusing for non members and I expect it will be for a while, especially until members like me get the new terms straight. Once we become consistent (it'll be some time still I'm sure) there will be less examples of the confusion you saw I believe.
  20. Interestingly the term Christian was given to early Saints by non believers. It was originally given to them by the powers that be in Antioch (Acts 11:26). However, unlike Mormon or Quaker the term Christian immediately idientifies a person as a disciple of Christ. It's going to take me a little while to stop using the wrong term entirely due to accidental slips of the tongue, but I don't have a problem changing myself. President Nelson was clear that the Lord was displeased with the nickname and that is enough for me to keep trying until the new ways of refering to Christ's church and his disciples are second nature to me. I may not change the way the outside world is refering to us, but the Lord will be pleased with my own efforts to follow his commandments.
  21. Have we suddenly become so perfect that we have no need of guidance from Heaven? Why did our ancestors receive direct and personal guidance from God while we don't? Does God love us less than them? Just a couple of questions that occur to me when I'm asked about this subject. My personal favorite biblical scripture arguing in favor of modern prophets and apostles is Acts 1:12-26 where the Apsotles replace Judas. Why would God have them replace Judas as an Apostle if that office was not supposed to continue? Of course, my testimony of modern day prophets comes from the Holy Ghost, but scriptures like this one help.
  22. Sounds good to me, I could use all the suggestions I can get, especially from someone who knows what he/she is talking about.
  23. I completely get it and feel for you. I have always been a stress eater, so I do great for 2-6 months and then something stressful happens (because this is mortality😁) and I'm back off the wagon again. I'm trying to end that habit.
  24. I'd be up for that. Accountability and competition always improve my success with a goal like this.
  25. For me I'm sick of yoyoing up and down in weight. I agree just saying "lose weight" is to vague which is why I am setting a specific goal. I want to be at 200 pounds by December 31 this year. It's time to get that part of my life under control.