Midwest LDS

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  1. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeedleinA in Apocryphal Prophecies   
    When I see things like this creep up, which they do from time to time,  the two impressions that come to my mind are: 
    1. "Follow the prophet"
    2. "Hold to the iron rod"
  2. Haha
    Midwest LDS reacted to Grunt in Sacrament Talk   
    You should be wishing THEM luck.  They've unleashed the beast.
  3. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in Biden Corruption Emails   
    So, the coded language in Hunter's emails has been confirmed by individuals in the email chain to refer to Joe Biden.
    OK, maybe the left should be ok with this.  The earliest the investigation can possibly indict Joe would be after the election.  So, I can see this playing out in the following ways.
    1. Joe wins.  Once he's inaugurated, he calls the FBI off.  He reinstates the swamp to its former glory.  And everyone is happy that Trump is gone.  Then a month or so later, Kamala invokes the 25th amendment.
    2. Joe wins. And some excuse is used for the Left to turn on him to the point where Kamala has to "reluctantly" take the reins and ask all the electors who were for Biden to vote for Kamala.
    3. Trump wins. The investigation turns into a trial for Biden and eventually Obama.  Lawyers argue forever and there is no conviction.  They either get off scott free or they  are given a slap on the wrist.
    4. Trump wins. He drops the investigation because "it doesn't matter anymore.  Sleepy Joe is harmless now."
  4. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in Netflix’s upcoming underage twerking movie - “Cuties”   
    From that article: first paragraph.
    Self-contradictory.  That is nudity.
  5. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in Planet Discovered Around Barnard's Star   
    Wolf 359???  That is probably the most famous location in all of Star Trek (apart from sector 001).
    Wolf 359 was where the Borg war was first fought - and lost.
  6. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Still_Small_Voice in Planet Discovered Around Barnard's Star   
    I know this is old news, but I just read about it recently.
    November 23rd 2018
    Astronomers have found that Barnard’s star — a very close, fast-moving, and long studied red dwarf — has a super-Earth sized planet orbiting just beyond its habitable zone.
    The discovery relied on data collected over many years using the tried-and-true radial velocity method, which searches for wobbles in the movement of the host star.
    But this detection was something big for radial velocity astronomers because Barnard-b was among the smallest planet ever found using the technique, and it was the furthest out from its host star as well — orbiting its star every 233 days.
    For more than a century, astronomers have studied Barnard’s star as the most likely place to find an extrasolar planet.
    Ultimately, said Ignasi Rablis of Spain’s Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia, lead author of the paper in journal Nature, the discovery was the result of 771 observations, an extremely high number.
    And now, he said, “after a very careful analysis, we are over 99 percent confident the planet is there.”
  7. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in For this reason alone, I could vote for this Democrat   
    There's always the danger that this is the confession before the accusation approach at innocence. But I'll wager to guess this is on the up and up because of one thing:
    To denigrate her homeland (old country) because this was more commonplace says that she was indeed the kind of immigrant we want more of.  Not that they have to denigrate their homeland.  But she recognizes that the US is supposed to be better.  Americans are supposed to be better.  And we can't do in America what we did in the old country.
  8. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in For this reason alone, I could vote for this Democrat   
    A Minnesota Democrat is blowing the whistle on a vote-buying scam that is working to help her campaign.  She exposed it and denounced it.  She warned all others to stay away from it.  And she herself was stopping her door-to-door campaign so that she would not even "have the appearance" of being involved in that evil.
    I don't know what her poltiical positions are (other than she's a Democrat).  But that level of honesty and integrity that may serve to hurt her politically is worth my vote.
  9. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to estradling75 in Biden Corruption Emails   
    I am also one who did not vote for Trump last time who is considering it this time (although I still wish I had better options)
    I am not so sure it is that easy.  Hilary won the popular vote, Trump won the electoral vote (the one that matters)  Some of those votes were narrowly in Trumps favor... a targeted "get out the vote" to "swing" areas might just swing them the other way.
    I all know for certain is that "Everyone" was saying that Hilary would win in 2016... and they were wrong.  And now "Everyone"  is saying that Biden will win... yet they can not make any claim that Trump is some how weaker this time around. I see no reason to believe what "Everyone" is saying because I see no signs that there predictive abilities have improved.
  10. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to estradling75 in Biden Corruption Emails   
    I disagree... Trump won the last election... and it was very polarized back then too.  Trump has been exactly the president that his followers expected.  So I really doubt he has lost any votes that he already had.
    For Biden to win he has to pull most the non Trump voters from 2016.  While there are many polarized anti Trumpers out there... can Biden get all the polarized anti-Trumper and undecideds from 2016?  That remains to be seen.  Stuff like this hurts him.  If it did not, and no one thought it would... there would be no Social Media suppression of the story.
  11. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in Biden Corruption Emails   
    On the contrary, there are many undecided voters out there. 
    The thing is that there's nothing more they can say about Trump that people haven't already heard.  So, any new dirt won't change anyone's opinion on Trump.
     But this is something previously unknown about Biden that could push some undecided voters to one side or the other. But who knows which direction they will go in light of this new knowledge.
    Up until now, it has mainly been a question of Trump's... being Trump vs. Biden's incompetence and mental degradation.  But this is a question of corruption that was brought up before, but without sufficient evidence to be clear and convincing to many.  This new evidence is "more" than we had before.  It may be enough to push some over the line of "clear and convincing."
  12. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeuroTypical in Biden Corruption Emails   
    Of course this is timed.  Like the release of Trump's taxes was timed.  Like the rest of the headlines-grabbing "October Surprises" will be timed.  Both sides vie for control of the news cycles, because for every dozen decided voters, there are a couple voters with no long term memory, who will just vote based off of how they feel about this or that candidate, and their feelings will be informed by what they listened to on the radio on the drive to the voting place.
    This is how campaigns are run.  Seems a stretch to call it "election interference".
    2020 is a rare thing, because we're thinking and talking about two totally untimed things: Trump's Covid, and RBG's replacement.
  13. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in Biden Corruption Emails   
    I read a little more into this.  Apparently, there is actual reason to believe this is election interference on the part of Trump.
    I'm not saying this is made up.  It is absolutely true. And it was brought to the attention of the Trump administration by an innocent third party who is now afriad that he's going to be shot during a morning jog.
    What I'm saying is that the timing is interesting.  They had this information last year.  The time that Trump had his infamous phone call with Ukraine seems to say that he was in the process of investigating it before it was brought to light.  So, he really was just doing his job -- investigating possible corrupt politician practices.  But this could have been brought up earlier than this month.
    Was it really just a matter of performing a thorough investigation and getting all their ducks in a row?  Or was it timed perfectly to do maximum damage to Biden?  You have to admit that if there were a perfect time, two to three weeks before the election would be that perfect time.
    Either way, it was certainly justice to expose Biden.  It just seems that the timing was just too perfect.
  14. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeuroTypical in Biden Corruption Emails   
    Heh.  They impeached Trump over this.  And now here it is.

  15. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Carborendum in Biden Corruption Emails   
    Why has no one posted anything about the Smoking Gun on Biden's involvement with Burisma?
    And China.
    Facebook and Twitter both censored the article.
  16. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeuroTypical in Netflix’s upcoming underage twerking movie - “Cuties”   
    Update: Netflix has been indicted by grand jury in Texas.  Not sure how the legal system works here, but Yay!

    Pro tip: If you're gonna run a streaming service, try not to stream "visual material which depcits the lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of clothed or partially clothed children".
  17. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to prisonchaplain in So my longtime friend thinks Pope Francis is the Antichrist   
    It's this mutual thing...I show respect, occasional 'holy envy,' and then I get to ask questions and explain my faith and traditions. This is a special place--one that is far too rare in American conversations today.
    As for the rapture and conspiracy theories, yes I believe Jesus will return without notice and "catch away" his people prior to a 7-year period of tribulation and judgment. That said, date-setting is heresy, and guesses at who the anti-Christ is are wrong-headed. When the anti-Christ is revealed the identification will be obvious, and most with ally with him intentionally--out of defiance against the one true God. Already we see a good number of people saying, "Even if your God is true, I don't like Him, and I refuse to worship Him." They prefer the altar of self-gratification--especially in relation to sex.
  18. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeuroTypical in Confirming an New Supreme Court Judge   
    Yes, neither side is innocent of such nonsense.  
    I find politically-motivated tinkering with our founding documents to be in the same camp of a rowdy teenager trying to get around mom's "no tattoos" rule.  Push hard enough, for long enough, and you end up with a tattoo.  Either because mom is worn out, or you've semantically invalidated any reasonable meaning of the word. 
    So I fight against tinkering with the supreme court seats, out of a desire to preserve the republic.  Because I think it's the best form we humans have available to us.  And it scares the bejeezus out of me to think of the great American experiment as just another in a long line of empires, following similar paths regarding lifespan and inevitable decline.
  19. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeuroTypical in Trump COVID19 positive   
    I'm grateful for the presidential and VP debates.  Because although one was a playground brawl, and the other a better-behaved brawl, it gives us all clarity on something that should be kept in the spotlight:  Both VP Biden and Senator Harris have, every single time they've been given the opportunity, absolutely, openly, transparently, flat out REFUSED to say they won't seek to pack the court if elected.  There can only be one reason for this repetitive, consistent behavior:
    A Biden/Harris presidency will seek to work with a democrat-held congress to increase the number of Supreme Court justices, in order to forward their political ends.
    It seems to me at this stage of the game, such a thing would be a deal-breaker for someone not wanting to find new ways to play politics with the Supreme Court.   If you care about this enough, it seems like you'd have to abandon the Biden/Harris ticket on principle.  I know something about this, having jumped ship and refused to vote for Trump in the last election, on the principle that Trump was a loudmouth divisive bully of low character.  I believe many principled lefties (and of course they exist) will not vote Biden/Harris over this issue.
  20. Haha
    Midwest LDS reacted to Vort in Halloween is in the eye of the beholder   
    And don't forget anime.

  21. Haha
    Midwest LDS reacted to Vort in Halloween is in the eye of the beholder   
  22. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to Vort in Heavenly Parents   
    How is this obvious? I assume my spiritual parents begat me in spirit exactly as my physical parents begat me in the flesh.
    How do you know this? Why would we assume that the "bodily mechanics" of a resurrected couple must be fundamentally different from that of a mortal couple?
  23. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeuroTypical in Conference October 3-4, 2020   
    Oh, just to clarify, I'm absolutely certain racism exists.  Both the kind to which Vort was referring, and the kind we automatically think about.  I'm buddies with a black cop who shares a zillion stories about both kinds he's experienced.  I've seen it in crappy youtube comment sections and on twitter.  And I'm sure it has happened around me, and I've been oblivious.
    Again - personally witnessed?  Perhaps 3 or 4 times in my life.
  24. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeedleinA in What happened to MormonGator?   
    I don't know anyone here who has a political leaning one way or another. Definitely not this guy, Wink. 😉

    I'll do my part to tone it down and go back to the good ol' hay days.
    I've seen conservative and liberal talk from many participants but excluding myself I don't think I've actually heard anyone else say I'm for (Trump or Biden).
    We have an election upon us... perhaps a time when the subject is more relevant.
    Christ does come first though.
  25. Like
    Midwest LDS reacted to NeuroTypical in What happened to MormonGator?   
    I got to meet him in person a few months ago when he drove through Colorado.   He continues to be a heck of a guy, and is doing well.