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  1. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from person0 in New Handbook   
    It is important to note (and perhaps you already see the story this way) that Christ did not forgive the woman taken in least not right then. Christ has the power to forgive sins, but we are not forgiven unless we repent. We need to make the effort to change and improve. Just moments before this event she was caught in the very act of adultery...she literally had no time to repent of anything. Most likely she was just sorry that she got caught. What Christ did was save her life, and allow her the opportunity to change and repair what was done. He did not condemn her, but she was also not, at that point in time, forgiven.
  2. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Midwest LDS in New Handbook   
    It is important to note (and perhaps you already see the story this way) that Christ did not forgive the woman taken in least not right then. Christ has the power to forgive sins, but we are not forgiven unless we repent. We need to make the effort to change and improve. Just moments before this event she was caught in the very act of adultery...she literally had no time to repent of anything. Most likely she was just sorry that she got caught. What Christ did was save her life, and allow her the opportunity to change and repair what was done. He did not condemn her, but she was also not, at that point in time, forgiven.
  3. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Still_Small_Voice in New Handbook   
    It is important to note (and perhaps you already see the story this way) that Christ did not forgive the woman taken in least not right then. Christ has the power to forgive sins, but we are not forgiven unless we repent. We need to make the effort to change and improve. Just moments before this event she was caught in the very act of adultery...she literally had no time to repent of anything. Most likely she was just sorry that she got caught. What Christ did was save her life, and allow her the opportunity to change and repair what was done. He did not condemn her, but she was also not, at that point in time, forgiven.
  4. Like
    scottyg reacted to Vort in New Handbook   
    Indeed we can. But some people have been wont to learn the wrong lessons from that parable, namely, that God easily forgives sin merely for the asking—or in this case, not even for the asking. This false lesson is dangerous, because it leads people to a wrongful feeling of security, that their sinful nature doesn't really matter. The begin to believe that a merciful God will always forgive all things, even gravely serious matters such as adultery, just because he's a super nice guy.
    I think I was in my mid-30s before I realized that Christ didn't forgive the adulterous woman; he simply refused to condemn her. Apparently, this distinction was too subtle for my younger self to perceive. But as a firmly middle-aged guy, I don't find it at all subtle any more. I find it exactly the same as how God treats me: He doesn't condemn me (yet), but he does call me to repentance.
  5. Okay
    scottyg reacted to Vort in New Handbook   
    Indeed I do.
  6. Like
    scottyg reacted to Vort in New Handbook   
    For the Strength of Youth is written in a straightforward expository manner. I don't think any reasonable adult would read that passage mentioned above (and pasted below) and conclude, "Oh, look, masturbation is worse than anything else except for murder."
    In God’s sight, sexual sins are extremely serious. They defile the sacred power God has given us to create life. The prophet Alma taught that sexual sins are more serious than any other sins except murder or denying the Holy Ghost (see Alma 39:5).
    Never do anything that could lead to sexual transgression. Treat others with respect, not as objects used to satisfy lustful and selfish desires. Before marriage, do not participate in passionate kissing, lie on top of another person, or touch the private, sacred parts of another person’s body, with or without clothing. Do not do anything else that arouses sexual feelings. Do not arouse those emotions in your own body. Pay attention to the promptings of the Spirit so that you can be clean and virtuous. The Spirit of the Lord will withdraw from one who is in sexual transgression.
  7. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Vort in New Handbook   
    It is important to note (and perhaps you already see the story this way) that Christ did not forgive the woman taken in least not right then. Christ has the power to forgive sins, but we are not forgiven unless we repent. We need to make the effort to change and improve. Just moments before this event she was caught in the very act of adultery...she literally had no time to repent of anything. Most likely she was just sorry that she got caught. What Christ did was save her life, and allow her the opportunity to change and repair what was done. He did not condemn her, but she was also not, at that point in time, forgiven.
  8. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from NeedleinA in New Handbook   
    Masturbation isn't even mentioned in the pamphlet specifically, and after reading that page I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Do you feel that you have been taught in your life that if you masturbate you are evil and going to hell? That the only worse thing you could do is kill someone? That is simply not the case. Masturbation is a sexual sin yes, and is quite damaging because it drives away the spirit and can lead to worse/more sins, but it in and of itself is not the same thing as adultery. Adultery is the sin next to murder in terms of severity. With regards to page 36, and the verse referenced in Alma 39, Corianton was guilty of Fornication - a very serious sin. What's worse is that he was knowledgeable in the gospel, was at the time a missionary who held the priesthood, and drove people away from the gospel because of his actions. These factors compound the seriousness of his sin. It was much worse than masturbation, but still not quite as severe as adultery.
  9. Like
  10. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Midwest LDS in New Handbook   
    Masturbation isn't even mentioned in the pamphlet specifically, and after reading that page I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Do you feel that you have been taught in your life that if you masturbate you are evil and going to hell? That the only worse thing you could do is kill someone? That is simply not the case. Masturbation is a sexual sin yes, and is quite damaging because it drives away the spirit and can lead to worse/more sins, but it in and of itself is not the same thing as adultery. Adultery is the sin next to murder in terms of severity. With regards to page 36, and the verse referenced in Alma 39, Corianton was guilty of Fornication - a very serious sin. What's worse is that he was knowledgeable in the gospel, was at the time a missionary who held the priesthood, and drove people away from the gospel because of his actions. These factors compound the seriousness of his sin. It was much worse than masturbation, but still not quite as severe as adultery.
  11. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Anddenex in New Handbook   
    Masturbation isn't even mentioned in the pamphlet specifically, and after reading that page I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Do you feel that you have been taught in your life that if you masturbate you are evil and going to hell? That the only worse thing you could do is kill someone? That is simply not the case. Masturbation is a sexual sin yes, and is quite damaging because it drives away the spirit and can lead to worse/more sins, but it in and of itself is not the same thing as adultery. Adultery is the sin next to murder in terms of severity. With regards to page 36, and the verse referenced in Alma 39, Corianton was guilty of Fornication - a very serious sin. What's worse is that he was knowledgeable in the gospel, was at the time a missionary who held the priesthood, and drove people away from the gospel because of his actions. These factors compound the seriousness of his sin. It was much worse than masturbation, but still not quite as severe as adultery.
  12. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Vort in Politifact is Fake News   
    Also, rarely does anyone talk about how politifact cherry-picks what to fact check. Some democrats can say off the wall things that are a "pants on fire lie", but politifact simply wont fact-check it so they don't have to bring attention to the craziness of the person or party. Same thing goes for Trump...when he says something truthful they simply won't fact-check it which makes his overall truthfulness rating seem lower. Some people in my work office swear by politifact.
  13. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from SilentOne in New Handbook   
    Adultery is the sin next to murder. Adultery is sexual sin, but not all sexual sin is adultery. Masturbation for example is not a sin next to murder. Is it a big deal...yes, because it drives away the spirit and can progress to worse things. There is no one in the church teaching that youth (or anyone) who have a problem with it are akin to death row inmates.
    The same goes for fornication...a much more serious sin, but still not in the same league as adultery.
  14. Like
    scottyg reacted to Jane_Doe in New Handbook   
    The most serious sins being denying the Holy Ghost, then killing, then sexual sins are very BROAD categories.
    Denying the Holy Ghost is pretty straight forward.
    But not all killings are equal in their gruesomeness.  They're all very serious situations, but there's a huge difference between a serial killer whom does things for the thrill, versus somebody in a situation of war or unavoidable self defense.  
    LIkewise not all sexual sins are equal in their gruesomeness.  They're all serious situations, but there's a huge difference between a serial pedophile whom does things for the thrill, versus a stupid teenager alone in their bedroom.  They ARE serious and they ARE sins.  But they're not the same.
  15. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Anddenex in New Handbook   
    Adultery is the sin next to murder. Adultery is sexual sin, but not all sexual sin is adultery. Masturbation for example is not a sin next to murder. Is it a big deal...yes, because it drives away the spirit and can progress to worse things. There is no one in the church teaching that youth (or anyone) who have a problem with it are akin to death row inmates.
    The same goes for fornication...a much more serious sin, but still not in the same league as adultery.
  16. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Midwest LDS in New Handbook   
    Even if it is not "required", I have never known a Bishop to have discovered Adultery that did not convene a disciplinary council within the week. It is still considered a serious sin, places multiple families in jeopardy, and is a deliberate and major offense against the laws of God.
  17. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Anddenex in New Handbook   
    Even if it is not "required", I have never known a Bishop to have discovered Adultery that did not convene a disciplinary council within the week. It is still considered a serious sin, places multiple families in jeopardy, and is a deliberate and major offense against the laws of God.
  18. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Vort in New Handbook   
    Yep. One cannot abide a Celestial glory without being able to live Celestial laws.
  19. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from NeedleinA in New Handbook   
    Even if it is not "required", I have never known a Bishop to have discovered Adultery that did not convene a disciplinary council within the week. It is still considered a serious sin, places multiple families in jeopardy, and is a deliberate and major offense against the laws of God.
  20. Like
    scottyg reacted to Vort in New Handbook   
    Then to be frank, I think she's right. If the kingdom of God disallows practices that you absolutely must condone, then you don't belong in the kingdom of God. That's as true today as it will be at the final judgment.
  21. Like
    scottyg reacted to Vort in Official Church stance on origin of homosexuality?   
    This is not representative of what Elder Ballard said. He said,:
    Let us be clear: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that ‘the experience of same-sex attraction is a complex reality for many people. The attraction itself is not a sin but acting on it is. Even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them. With love and understanding, the Church reaches out to all God’s children, including [those with same-sex attraction]'
    In context, it's clear that Elder Ballard was not making a blanket statement that no one chooses to have such attractions. What he said was more along the lines that even those who do not choose such attractions can still choose how they respond to those attractions. This is a perhaps subtle but still important difference. I have met and known individuals who have indeed chosen to nurture, and thus to have, homosexual attractions. I bet most have met such people.
  22. Like
    scottyg reacted to CV75 in Nephi’s bow.   
    One idea of many: The bow is an ancient symbol of the covenant with God. If the those closest to Christ break their covenants, we have an apostasy. Then if they seek the Lord in faith, the covenant can be restored.
  23. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in Another "Church Culture Stinks" Article   
    What I really dislike about articles (and writers) such as these is the bubble they live under.  They have zero awareness that the Church extends beyond the streets of Utah.  Saying this is "Mormon Culture" is as ignorant as Bernie Sanders saying Native Americans represent environmentalism...
  24. Like
    scottyg reacted to Midwest LDS in Another "Church Culture Stinks" Article   
    I dislike articles like this because they come off as whiny. They always focus on the idea of "if only everyone changed to fit my own view of things then the church would be great". It's just silly. The Church of Jesus Christ in every dispensation has been filled with mortals. That means that since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden, toes have been stepped on, people have been cold when they should have been kind, people have been nosy when they shouldn't have been, and rock steady members have apostatized and made others question their testimony. While I think honest attempts to improve ourselves are important, by complaining about everyone church wide instead of working on yourself, you guarantee nothing will happen. You can't change "church culture". You can change yourself, and while there are always exceptions and always will be until Christ comes again, most members are genuinely decent people who are trying to do better, so maybe try cutting each other some slack instead of complaining that everyone isn't perfect. Just my two cents.
  25. Like
    scottyg reacted to Jane_Doe in My son returned home from his mission, but he hasn't been himself. Have you had this situation ?   
    This screams of a mental health issue. 
    If you have his mission president's or recent companions contact information you can talk to them.