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Everything posted by MichaelPAGuy

  1. How can a bishop, let alone any man judge a man's heart? How he feels? Only that person knows how sincere they are and how truly sorry they are. Please do not say it is because the bishop is called by god.
  2. Has Quinn ever tried to re-join the church?
  3. That quote is only 1/2 right. Many people leave the church because we come to the conclusion that the church and Joseph Smith are a fraud.
  4. That is a clear example of the church not staying out of politics. Next thing you know, they will be telling you to vote for *. Edited for violating rule #7 of the terms and conditions: 7. Do not post or upload any names of political candidates or posts that insinuate a particular candidate. Do not make post, messages, videos, or uploads in reference to political candidates. You may not use LDS.NET to endorse any candidate running for political office. You may not use LDS.Net to intervene directly or indirectly in the election process by endorsing a political candidate. Any post that speaks favorably about one candidate, even in a religious context, can be construed as indirect intervention in the election process.
  5. What exactly was stated in the letter? I had my name removed officially last November, at my request and I got my letter from Greg Dodge in Salt Lake.
  6. I'm not cheering anyone. I'm just somebody who supports equal rights for everyone.
  7. Since California allows same-sex marriage now, Is their society going to crumble?
  8. Maybe I just see things from a different perspective than everybody else here. I am for equal rights for homosexuals.
  9. Why shouldn't gays have the right to marry? Heterosexuals also mock marriage. Look at Brittney Spears. How long did her 1st marriage last? Some gay couples have been together longer than straight people. It doesn't bother me, and what they do with their lives, in my opinion , is their business. Equality for all.
  10. Hasn't parts of Canada and a few European countries allowed gay marriage? I don't see those socities crumbling. They are actually doing quite well for themselves. Gay marriage is in my opinion, not harmful to society.
  11. All I have to say is good luck in the future. As long as you are happy, that is all that matters.
  12. If you feel truly in your heart that things can't be worked out, maybe it is time then to end the marriage. Nobody, male or female should ever have to go through physical violence. Sometimes a leopard can change it's spots, then again, sometimes it can't. You should find somebody who truly cherishes you for who you are, 100%.
  13. I don't think that answers the question.
  14. I do apologize for what I have said.
  15. I was simply using marital issues as an example for what I was saying. I never accused anyone of cheating.
  16. I suppose I just see it the other way. I feel if it is a personal issue between a husband/wife, the church has no right to intervene in personal matters. That would be like the government trying to punish a husband for cheating on his wife. What gives the government the right to punish someone for that?
  17. I may be in the wrong here, but I feel if this is a personal matter between a husband and wife, the church has no business intervening here, it is just that, personal business that shold be handled by the husband and wife. How can you say it is for love, when you kick a member out when they are at their lowest?
  18. Thank you very much for all of your replies. This is definitely something to think about. If I want to marry her or not.
  19. Some people never get to meet that special someone. I have a question, men are suppose to replenish the earth. I love my girlfriend and even though she doesn't want anything to do with the church, someday I still hope to marry her, she is no longer able to have kids(she has 3 already), as she had her tubes tied. What are the church's views on marrying a non-member and marrying someone who is no longer able to have kids?
  20. I just received a copy of 8 Mighty Changes God Wants for You Before You Get To Heaven from one of the missionaries. Has anyone read this? Can they tell me if it is a good book or not? The author is D. Kelly Ogden.
  21. You could try and talking to your parents face to face and see what happens or possibly even take the missionaries with you when you talk to them. Could you meet with the missionaries at a neutral location to take lessons? Do as you said you wanted to, wait until you find your own place. Whatever you do, good luck and keep us up to date.
  22. Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement. We are all humans, thus as humans we make mistakes. This is one of the beautiful about this gospel and church, we can repent our sins and will be forgiven. I feel , yes we are human and as humans we all make mistakes. It is how and if we correct those mistakes is what counts.
  23. Yes I have been to the temple before. I had my endowments in the Mesa, AZ temple. What changed, I realized what a mistake I made when I resigned. I lost my testimony. After meeting with the missionaries and studying my scriptures and praying alot more I have re-gained my testimony again. I can't wait until this December when I can be baptized once again and re-join this wonderful church.