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Everything posted by NeuroTypical

  1. I'd love to see the biblical support for the Holy Spirit providing a negative. His job is to affirm truth - He nods his head yes, he doesn't shake his head no. Dark negative feelings of doom and foreboding are not given from the Holy Spirit. They come from other sources (like our own preconceptions and fears). I usually find a link for them to go read. It probably won't change their negative opinion, but then, nothing I say to them will either. Some critics are not interested in hearing explanations or corrections - they're interested in proving you wrong. Nothing else will suffice - they'll either succeed or fail with you, but changing their opinion isn't in the mix.Now, are you troubled by similarities between Masonic tradition and what goes on in the temple? I'd suggest you state why first - then look at what you just stated and see if it holds any water. So, why are you troubled? LM
  2. Why MOE! I'm surprised and edified to see someone so close to the action! I once applied for a project management job with the church's localization department - I still wish I had got that job. Since you're so close to TPTB, could you please let them know that LM would also like to pay tithing online, and if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to be able to use a credit card! LM (Trying my best to get an apostle to use a swear word...)
  3. N00BZ! the correct answers are: Yes, if you fail to dispose of the original first. If the original is dead, you're good to go. Only if she has a beard, or a robotic arm that shoots lasers or something. If alternate reality chick is just the evil version of your good chick, it's not cheating, because both people currently exist in her already - it's just about choice. No. But if the love child of that relationship turns out to grow up to be your mom or dad, you have bigger things to worry about than cheating. (Trust me - stuff like this happens all the time with time travel.) Assuming the robot is sufficiently advanced, same answer as #1. It takes more than memories though - you have to capture the entire soul.Hope this helps. All my answers are right, everyone else's are wrong. (Except for the serious answers - those probably have mine beat.) LM
  4. Interesting thing: Cinco de Mayo is about as noticed in Mexico, as Pearl Harbor day or V-E day is here in the states. Actually, Cinco de Mayo was about that interesting everywhere, until about 30 years ago. Beer importers were making lots of money - especially German beers. The Corona Beer company in Mexico wanted some of these profits. So they embarked on a big marketing campaign to make Cinco de Mayo a new "party and drink beer" day. It worked so amazingly well, that now have this dumb news story. (You can almost hear the announcer: ) "Cinco de Mayo - brought to you by ... Beer! Yes, cool, refreshing Beer! Because "Diez y Seis De Septeimbre" is just too hard to say!" What nonsense. LM p.s. - September 16th is Mexican independence day, in case you spoke spanish and were wondering.
  5. Progress marches on. Just got a letter (via the postal service, not an email) from my Stake Presidency about our upcoming Stake Conference:
  6. In this age of backwards understanding of rights, you have to do a little thinking. There is no right to healthcare. There is a right to refuse treatment. Forcing someone to accept medical treatment against their will is a violation of their agency. The shoulds and shouldn'ts depend on the unique situation. Now, taking action to end life that would continue just fine by itself, is a very different matter. LM
  7. I can't speak to the specifics - they're different for everyone. But I can say one thing: It sounds like you very much are on the right path.
  8. What caused my inactivity: Finally reaching the point that I could tell my mom I wasn't going any more, and she couldn't do anything about it. What caused my interest and going back: Wanting what my friends had. Searching for a reliable answer about whether the church was true or not. What caused my return to activity: Getting my answer!
  9. I'm all for the church using modern technology (in this case, technology widely available for a quarter century) to help forward the work of the kindom. Unfortunately, doing so often involves having to deal with people who feel technology is somehow an affront to the spirit, or even inspired by satan himself. Back in school astronomy class, they showed me a painting of Gallileo and his telescope, having an audience with church authorities. He was gesturing towards the telescope, inviting people to look through. The church authorities were dismayed, holding their hands up to fend off the danger this heretical device posed. Advances in technology isn't nearly as world-changing as the telescope was, but the reactions to such technology are still alive and well. As long as people fear change, and worry that information from unauthorized sources is a danger to them, then such common-sense ideas as using a conference call will meet resistance. LM (The Ward membership clerk has kept a close eye on me ever since I showed up with a shiny new lazer mouse with a wheel, and threw away the clerk computer's old trackball mouse.)
  10. Someone wise taught me something, I think it applies here. When people see something they don't understand, their brains will automatically try to explain it. Often, the explanation is wrong. So yeah, if a Southern-Baptist Christian started coming to RS enrichment, but declined invitations to come to church, a lot of brains could think up some pretty strange stories when trying to explain it. I've found that an ounce of truth is best. "Hi there - my hubby is really against me coming to services, but I talked him into Enrichment. Is that ok with you if I come here?" I can pretty much guarantee they'll be ok with it. After all, most of them probably have husbands to deal with also. LM
  11. Well, assuming we were able to defend it. That comes across pretty clearly in the book too - the dad has to kill someone breaking into his house, not to mention the town has to fend off the huge gang intent on killing everyone...
  12. This story was posted by a guy many years ago on another message board, arguing about violence in movies. I think he makes good points.
  13. Good deal RWB. In related news, my wife and I'll be traveling to Utah in the coming months to attend the parole hearing of the dood who molested our niece. He's done 3 years of his 5-life sentence. It'll be nice to see everyone again. From what I hear, the niece hasn't let her bad experience slow her down any either. LM
  14. Your friend wants to deny the reality of economic existence - caveat emptor. It's just as true in countries like Canada as it is in the US. LM (My 401k and IRA is up around 65% this year)
  15. I start with low expectations. When I was executive seceretary, making appointments for the Bishop, I would basically assume that whatever youth who had an appointment would not show. Anything I could personally do to raise the odds I'd do, but I simply would expect that 40-70% of them would just not appear. I'd make the appointment through the parents if possible, that would help. I'd remind them the day of the appointment, that would sometimes help. If I could spot them in the building the day of the appointment, I'd mention it to them, that would help. Seriously, if I had a gurney, I would have wheeled it in to their class, and have the teacher help me load them up on to it, and provide supplimental oxygen during the trip in case the youth needed someone to do their breathing for them as well. The calling was much easier to bear, when we rejoiced and sang praises to God every time someone would actually show up to an appointment they agreed to. Yeah, low expectations. That's the way to go. Call it "more realistic expectations" if that helps. And don't bother trying to figure out why they're not doing it. You'll go crazy with all the unrighteous judgements you'd have to make. LM
  16. Gnosticism is very interesting. Lots and lots of similarities with LDS faith. I hope to be able to have time to read up more on it some day. Welcome to the site! LM
  17. Turley points out the author's anti-religious bias, how he states untruths as fact, presents historical unknowns as if they were fact, holds a main hypothesis that he never manages to produce any evidence for, and creates patterns out of thin air and passes them off as fact. Foster thinks the book does violence to journalistic integrity. Krakauer once gave an interview to the Ghanian Chronicle in Nov 2003. I don't think he ever expected people back home to hear what he had to say: I have a hard time taking anything he says seriously after reading that. LM
  18. 1. This thread was started in 2008. 2. Colorado Springs had a bunch of tent cities, which are now gone, after enacting a 'no camping in public places' ordinance. LM
  19. A national registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens' identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest as illegal aliens. Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years' imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years' imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process The government can bar foreigners if they upset "the equilibrium of the national demographics." You cannot become a citizen if you do not enhance the country's "economic or national interests" or are "not found to be physically or mentally healthy," or if you show "contempt against national sovereignty or security." You may not purchase land without citizenship. Citizens have priority over foreigners under equality of circumstances for all classes of concessions and for all employment, positions, or commissions of the Government in which the status of citizenship is not indispensable. Non-citizens have no rights to welfare, schooling, or any other government funded program. There is no right to healthcare. Foreigners can serve in the military only during wartime. (Those are the immigration laws for Mexico - just for the sake of comparison.)
  20. We can tell them until we're blue in the face, but it won't change anything. A teacher's union, by definition, has the well-being of it's members as their top priority. That means 'quality education for children' is not their top priority. That means when the two are in conflict, they side with the teacher. By definition.Gentle persuasion and civil reasoning isn't how you handle unions. They must be treated as the enemy and dealt with accordingly. LM
  21. I've been snookered! (Although I'd love the OP to show up and tell us how his kid is dong these days. I was leaning toward "good kid just adjusting"...)
  22. Now that's a much less polarizingly extreme question. In my opinion, America is loosely following the same pride/fall cycle in the BoM. We came out of WWII humbled and good people. Got lazy and indifferent. Damaged the family unit with the free love of the '60's, damaged it further in the following decades with the slow drain of morality out of our public discourse, now we're in the 3rd or 4th generation of those fundamental shifts and reaping some difficult harvests.Most powerful countries have a growth and death cycle - we'll have to see if we buck the downward trend. As you say, things are different these days - much more connected with the rest of the planet. Yeah, and avoiding the personal insults seem to be a bit too much for you. We understand. LM
  23. The resisting arrest thing is a bit worrisome, but the other two don't necessarily mean anything at all. Well, it would be wise to understand that your kid goes off and does this stuff - this is the first you're hearing about it. But again, the 'stuff' sure could be a lot worse. No drugs, sex, gang violence, vandalism, assault, vehicular theft? And he's talking about missions? Yeah, time for a heart to heart, but in the big scheme of things, maybe not so bad (depending on the resisting arrest details).LM
  24. Hi Alexis! The nicest person on planet earth happens to be a little old Catholic lady named Mary who lives in Holladay, UT. I worked with her back in the '90's. No other person I've met even comes close to how just flat down drag out nice she was. We homeschool our two kids, and the Catholic neighbors homeschool their 6-7 (I've lost count). Every now and then, a huge wave of kids comes washing over from next door and drag our kids off with the undertow. It's a wonder to behold. LM
  25. Excellent. The only suggestion I can give, is that you put it in a more positive light:"Hi son! Glad to hear from you! We'd love to have you come over, but we need to remind you that we try hard to maintain a certain atmosphere in our home. You've heard the list before - please don't bring any of it into our home. Hope to see you soon! Love you!" You can also go meet him for lunch or whatever else is happening outside your home. Throwing melodramatic fits about how you've lost a son, are the actions of an immature child. And immature children usually miss their mommies. Stand strong - but be civil and police and nicey-nicey, and he'll probably come around. LM