I prayed about it and......???

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I hear this quite alot. Someone prays to Heavenly Father with a question or problem and He gives them an answer through the spirit.

Ive done this and it works. My question is: How do you know when its the spirit and when its just you?

I know a person that will use this little sentence alot and for some reason, Heavenly Father ALWAYS seems to agrees with her. :P

Im not so lucky. Sometimes when i want him to agree with me, he doesnt. Sometimes he does though. Sometimes however, im suspicious that im the one answering the question and not really listening for His answer. Mostly when i REALLY want him to agree with me and know in my heart that He wont.

I guess what im asking is. How do you tell the differance?


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the short answer, how do i know? the nausia goes away.

the longer answer...lol i'm a worrier. even when i know the right answer and i'm doing it i still worry about it. there is this feeling i get, not quite nausia but i don't know how else to describe it, that i get when i don't have an answer, when i'm doing nothing. it goes away, even when i don't like the answer but i know i have my answer. if i'm not following what i'm supposed to be doing that feeling persists even though i think i have my answer......well this is only true for "big" things. otherwise i'm kinda on my own.

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My answer to this one is lots of practice!!!

Some of it is trial and error. Some of it is faith.....well, a lot of it is faith!

I think somewhere in all of this praying and getting answers is a gap of latitude that our HF gives us to determine truth or direction about our lives for ourselves. He lets us choose and learn to trust our own wisdom and then of course he fills in the blanks. Perhaps there are times when we just simply feel good about something and there is no real need for 'the big answer'. Perhaps Father say's "just go with that and see how you do. I'll be here on the other side."

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The wonderful thing is that we have the ability to know inherently in us, as long as we don't reject it. It is the light of Christ. Mormon explains the way to judge if something is from God or not.

For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God. (Moroni 7:16)

Every time that I have experienced the influence of the Holy Ghost, I have been inspired to change my life for the better, and to come unto Christ. That is how you will know that what you are feeling, reading, or hearing is from God. It will persuade you to be good, and to believe in Christ. Mormon says, "...ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God."

President Eyring taught that, "It is the Holy Ghost who testifies that Jesus Christ is the Beloved Son of a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants us to have eternal life with Him in families." (LDS.org - Liahona Article - O Remember, Remember). The Preach My Gospel manual has an excellent quote by President Boyd K. Packer:

“It is important for a . . . missionary . . . to know that the Holy Ghost can work through the Light of Christ. A teacher of gospel truths is not planting something foreign or even new into an adult or a child. Rather, the missionary or teacher is making contact with the Spirit of Christ already there. The gospel will have a familiar ‘ring’ to them” (“The Light of Christ,” address delivered at the seminar for new mission presidents, 22 June 2004, 2, see http://broadcast.lds.org/Missionary/PreachMyGospel___11_04_RecognizeTheSpirit__36617_eng_011.pdf).

Anyway those are some of my thoughts on the matter.



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Although all answers already given, have a similar vain. I also noticed that we all have differances to in how we recognise the Spirit. I like the quote above by Mormon, in Moroni 7:16. I think that is the scripture im going to ponder tonight. Thank you Vanhin for posting it.

With that said. I wasnt really looking for scriptures. Im really interested in peoples personal feelings. For example, you could tell me a story of how you had a question answered or just knew it was HF talking to you. Here's one from me to help you understand what i mean.

Although i was eager to be baptized into the church, i still had some niggling doubts. I arrived at the church that night. My ward didnt have a building yet so we all went to the one in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire. I got ready for my baptizm and after a little while, was sent for to "get wet" I followed Elder Harris's instructions and got dunked. Still those niggles wouldnt go away.

After i got changed we all walked round to the little room next door so that i could recieve the Holy Spirit. I sat there infront of everyone. The Bishop, Elder Harris and Elder Griffith put there hands on my head and started to speak. I didnt hear a word. I was praying with all my heart to my Heavenly Father, I really was scared i had made a mistake. I called to him inside my head and begged him to tell me, if i was really doing what he wanted. I got my answer. As soon as i asked, it felt as though a hole had opened over my heart and warm water was being pored in. It started at my heart and spread out into my chest, down my arms and legs and eventually my whole body was filled with this feeling and i finally felt at piece. I knew i had done the right thing.

Hope that helped.

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After i got changed we all walked round to the little room next door so that i could recieve the Holy Spirit. I sat there infront of everyone. The Bishop, Elder Harris and Elder Griffith put there hands on my head and started to speak. I didnt hear a word. I was praying with all my heart to my Heavenly Father, I really was scared i had made a mistake. I called to him inside my head and begged him to tell me, if i was really doing what he wanted. I got my answer. As soon as i asked, it felt as though a hole had opened over my heart and warm water was being pored in. It started at my heart and spread out into my chest, down my arms and legs and eventually my whole body was filled with this feeling and i finally felt at piece. I knew i had done the right thing.

Hope that helped.

This is called a "rare initiation", by those who study such things. You experienced both the exoteric rite, and the esoteric fullfillment of that rite, simultaneously. What a blessing!

When Wilford Woodruff was baptised, he did NOT experience this, until hours later. Still, pretty close, since I think most LDS don't experience the 'fire' for many years after baptism.

I, too had this experience, though for me it was a fire, a burning, tingling fire that spread from the crown of my head down through my entire body. Isn't it wonderful?


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my sis always complained about not ever getting a firm answer, almost everything was "make a choice". i on the other hand have very frequently gotten very very specific answers; to the point of "hearing a voice". i've received "object lessons" for lack of a better explaination. the first time i got a compleatly "make a choice and i will support you in it" answer i thought i would go crazy. one of the hardest decisions for me. lol i got an answer that was to the effect of "if you must you can. haven't you learned to trust me yet?" i'm probably being punished for it but my answer was "i must, nothing personal" i've always considered myself to have a unique relationship with my father, i'm sure it could stand to be improved.

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my sis always complained about not ever getting a firm answer, almost everything was "make a choice".

That's my thing, too. Once in a blue moon Heavenly Father will whack me upside the head with something really big, but mostly He leaves me to make my own call.

Last year I lost a considerable sum of money on a business venture (considerable for me, anyway). I kept begging for direction and assistance in what to do. I didn't really see any kind of an answer, and as things progressed, I lost the investment, partly due to a diagnosis of, and subsequent surgery on, cancer.

I turned to anguished prayer, and it was as though I was asked "do you have sufficient for your needs?" I had to admit, that though I would like more, I do indeed have sufficient for my needs, and Father provides it all. Could be worse.


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Boy! It is tough to narrow down. How do you explain an experience that is so dynamic?

I have had such range in my experience with the Spirit of God and God himself inside of that Spirit. Sometimes I have experienced a voice. Other times answers have come unsolicited. So many have come thru scriptures and hymns. I have even had the rare dream here and there. Very rarely do I pray and get an answer in the same moment. It seems for me the answers unfold as I walk into the darkness of unknown experience in faith.

So many of my answers are contradictory at times......and have confused me! Until I realized God was trying to get me to choose and trust myself. Sometimes it has been a jolting, yet loving rebuke. And sometimes, it has felt like there were no answers coming at all.

Prayer is not like getting your fortune read. It is not linear -- like ask a question, get an answer. It is a Father, a perfect one, trying to teach and raise a child who must learn to use agency and faith at the same time. A situation much like pinning down a cloud! Sometimes it isn't about getting an answer. It is about doing it anyway in the absence of such comforts.

So much of the success of it happens on the insides of our hearts and minds and desires as we move towards the light.....or the hint of a light in some cases. More spirit and experience will come, and more clarity about who is speaking when, as we become more sanctified and obedient.

Sometimes I hear others complain that they haven't felt answers. One of those voices has been my own! But it is always because I lack something. Perhaps sin is barring the way or a faithless pocket somewhere in me, or the bantering of the selfish and impatient child I know is in there somewhere! Father is merciful and just and patient and Oh so kind! But he is not indulgent. His requirements are absolutely gestures of love. They guide us as we follow them....even into the darkness. And the light always comes for the faithful.

What is that old song by Michael McClain? Hold on....Hold on.....the light will come! And sometimes, the light was on the whole time. We just fail to see.

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I do feel a "burning in my bosom" whenever I feel the influence of the Holy Ghost, but what I remember more than anything is what happens in my mind and in my heart. I feel inspired to pray more, or to really study my scriptures. I receive revelation and knowledge of gospel truths. I want to repent and retain a remission of my sins. I want to be like the Savior and serve my family and neighbors. That's how I feel when I feel the Holy Ghost. That's how I know the difference between the Spirit or some other thing. The Spirit inspires me to believe in Christ.

The influence of the Holy Ghost can also be felt in a special way when we receive a saving ordinance by proper priesthood authority. The scriptures refer to this as the Holy Spirit of Promise. The Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit of Promise, and He will confirm to us and witness to the Father that an ordinance was performed properly and that covenants have been kept. When we have received all the saving ordinances, and have been true and faithful to the covenants we have made, we will be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise and will inherit eternal life (D&C 76:51-60).



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I generally have a clearing of confusion. Which way to go, which decision do I make. I think it out what the conclusion could be with each one. The direction that makes me feel less confused, less jittery is generally the one that Father wants me to take.

In decisions that require both my husband and I to work out are a bit more tricky. Because there are two of us working on it.

He is apt to let things slide and wait for the "Thunder bolt". I just don't work that way.

I make myself slow down, so that he has plenty of opportunity to ponder and pray and recieve his own revelation. But when I get real antsy and nervous about the decision, then I step up to the bat and tell him my feelings.

We then talk it out - pray about it. Quite often I will then push him for a decision, stating why I feel it needs to be made Right Now! What happens is he is hurried up just a bit, I am slowed down just a bit, we both are working on the decision and *POW* Father let's us both know when the time is right.

Both of us have a "Do it now" feeling. We both have the "Clearing of Confusion" feeling. A Clarity of thought, so to speak.

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How does anyone know that anything is true? Should anything be different? As a scientist and engineer - I may start on a path for many different reasons but I know I am on a journey of truth when I begin to sense that I am engaged in something special. But it is not over in a moment. Each step opens wide to new and more understanding. Pieces of confused reality begin to fit and function.

For me it is not a moment of enlightenment from a time of seeking and finely finding the answer. It is a journey of enlightenment and finding more answers years later to questions I was never wise enough to ask. The more I use the principles of truth the more offers and leads are given me to paths and new things of greater joy and understanding.

I do not believe truth is a destination – I believe truth is an endless journey. I am indeed grateful for those that convinced me to take the first steps. If you do not discover something every day that changes you for the better (better being better toward others) – you are not on the path of truth but are in the process of being lead to paths of counterfeit truths.

The Traveler

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This is called a "rare initiation", by those who study such things. You experienced both the exoteric rite, and the esoteric fullfillment of that rite, simultaneously. What a blessing!

When Wilford Woodruff was baptised, he did NOT experience this, until hours later. Still, pretty close, since I think most LDS don't experience the 'fire' for many years after baptism.

I, too had this experience, though for me it was a fire, a burning, tingling fire that spread from the crown of my head down through my entire body. Isn't it wonderful?


Isnt that interesting? I didnt realise it was rare. I did feel very blessed and while writing about the experience here, i remembered that feeling and how amazing it was.

How does anyone know that anything is true? Should anything be different? As a scientist and engineer - I may start on a path for many different reasons but I know I am on a journey of truth when I begin to sense that I am engaged in something special. But it is not over in a moment. Each step opens wide to new and more understanding. Pieces of confused reality begin to fit and function.

For me it is not a moment of enlightenment from a time of seeking and finely finding the answer. It is a journey of enlightenment and finding more answers years later to questions I was never wise enough to ask. The more I use the principles of truth the more offers and leads are given me to paths and new things of greater joy and understanding.

I do not believe truth is a destination – I believe truth is an endless journey. I am indeed grateful for those that convinced me to take the first steps. If you do not discover something every day that changes you for the better (better being better toward others) – you are not on the path of truth but are in the process of being lead to paths of counterfeit truths.

The Traveler

I really like your way of thinking and have a similar outlook in life.
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Hi Traveler-I enjoyed your post-and that Truth is an endless journey. Hopefully as we go through life and on our journey of faith- and life-we will come closer to those ultimate truths. Thanks for your post.

How does anyone know that anything is true? Should anything be different? As a scientist and engineer - I may start on a path for many different reasons but I know I am on a journey of truth when I begin to sense that I am engaged in something special. But it is not over in a moment. Each step opens wide to new and more understanding. Pieces of confused reality begin to fit and function.

For me it is not a moment of enlightenment from a time of seeking and finely finding the answer. It is a journey of enlightenment and finding more answers years later to questions I was never wise enough to ask. The more I use the principles of truth the more offers and leads are given me to paths and new things of greater joy and understanding.

I do not believe truth is a destination – I believe truth is an endless journey. I am indeed grateful for those that convinced me to take the first steps. If you do not discover something every day that changes you for the better (better being better toward others) – you are not on the path of truth but are in the process of being lead to paths of counterfeit truths.

The Traveler

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a little different with everyone, but the feelings are generally the same. I definitely recognize stupors of thought. When the process becomes confusing, it generally means I need a new approach. Sometimes the answer to very important questions, especially where matters of stewardship, testimony or blessings are concerned it's burning of bosom. Sometimes it's a very clear and distinct impression that simply drives away all other thoughts. The answers vary as much as the situation.

Burning in the bosom usually comes when a confirmation is needed. For example, I've been in leadership positions where I have needed to make important decisions. After I have thoughtfully and prayerfully come to a conclusion the answer comes with that burning. If it doesn't, then I continue until I receive that confirmation. Another example was when I prayed about the choice I made about marrying my wife. I still remember that night 18 years ago. The spirit was so powerfully strong and it lasted for several minutes. I stood up from my bed and walked around my room and it was like the whole room was on fire. I knew that Father in Heaven approved and today I realize that the powerful answer served to reinforce my decision because of the really bumpy roads that my wife and I endured in later years.

Other times when I pray about something, my mind just seems to remain fixed on the answer as if none of the other options seem right. It's that 'I feel it with every fiber of my being' feeling. I've often prayed whether or not to continue in my line of work, which is very seasonal and not always dependable. But each time that I pray, nothing else seems right, even after studying it out in my mind as the Lord often councils.

Then there are the times when I just need a little wisdom and the answers come as thoughts. I have learned to tune in to the Spirit and one thing about me is I'm really a very weird ADD kind of guy. My mind is always going a million miles an hour, I tend to jumble my thoughts all the time because I usually think in terms of images rather than words or sentences. I even have a hard time "pronouncing" words in my mind because I think too fast. This is probably why my family thinks I'm crazy sometimes. My point is there are those quiet times when an answer comes to my mind in such a clear and articulated thought that I just know it didn't come from me. It is such a distinct whisper/thought that seems to instantly push out all the "noise." That's the best way I can explain it.

The common denominator with all of these experiences is continually pondering my solutions, studying them out in my mind and considering the best choice or choices. Afterwards, comes the fervent prayers alone in my room or my closet. I've spent many hours in my closet and have even fallen asleep in it before after spending so much time in there. We really need to have faith and not doubt God's power. Fasting is also an important tool in seeking the Lord's council. Consider Enos' prayer in the BoM, also Alma's. He prayed and fasted for many days (Alma 5) before finally getting his answer. Cornelius the Centurian and Gentile had such faith. He fasted and prayed for four days (Acts 10) before Peter was sent by the Lord to teach and baptize him. The Lord will always answer us, but it is always in His time, not ours and the answer isn't always what we think is best but what the Lord knows is best.

Ask and receive, not doubting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

the short answer, how do i know? the nausia goes away.

the longer answer...lol i'm a worrier. even when i know the right answer and i'm doing it i still worry about it. there is this feeling i get, not quite nausia but i don't know how else to describe it, that i get when i don't have an answer, when i'm doing nothing. it goes away, even when i don't like the answer but i know i have my answer. if i'm not following what i'm supposed to be doing that feeling persists even though i think i have my answer......well this is only true for "big" things. otherwise i'm kinda on my own.

:lol: I get nauseated when it's the wrong answer too, which was really frustrating when we were looking for a new place to live because it was months of everything feeling wrong until we got the perfect place. We were living with my parents at the time, so I felt pressure to settle for something. Once the paperwork was in front of me and I was about to sign it, I couldn't do it. Some people have a "stupor of thought". I say I have a stupor in my stomach.

As far as telling what are my own thoughts and what is the Spirit, I learned that the Spirit will address me, "You need to do this." And when I find myself disagreeing with the message I'm hearing, I pay attention. For example, when I was about 13, my parents were on a date and came home much later than planned (turned out my mom went to the ER with severe ear pain) and while I was playing with my dog, the still small voice said, "Go play downstairs." I thought, "I don't want to play downstairs." It repeated, "Go play downstairs." I thought, "Ok ..." So I did. I continued playing with my dog and it said, "Go look out the window." I thought, "I'm playing with my dog. I don't want to look out the window." It said, "You need to look out the window." So I did, but it was dark and I had to cup my hands around my eyes to see into the darkness. That's when I saw a man dressed in black crawling in our backyard. I couldn't believe my eyes. Literally, I couldn't believe it. Then it said, "Your brother's window is open! Go close it!" I ran quickly into his room and sure enough, it was open, so I slammed it shut. I was on ground level, so it would've been really easy for the guy to get in. It just seemed too weird to be true, so I went upstairs and didn't tell my sister because I didn't want to alarm her and I didn't want to call the police because it just didn't seem real. I kept my sister away from the windows and felt like we would be OK.

The next morning my mom asked, "Who got their muddy handprint on my window???" It was the little window above the kitchen sink and the only way to touch that window is to stand on the stair railing attached to the porch. The print was smeared as if someone tried to open it. I looked horrified and my mom said, "What? What's wrong?" I told her what had happened and that I should've called the police, but I kept thinking, "What if I was wrong and it was just a big black dog and they chewed me out for making a false report." Of course, a dog wouldn't be able to get over our fence. :lol:

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Although all answers already given, have a similar vain. I also noticed that we all have differances to in how we recognise the Spirit. I like the quote above by Mormon, in Moroni 7:16. I think that is the scripture im going to ponder tonight. Thank you Vanhin for posting it.

With that said. I wasnt really looking for scriptures. Im really interested in peoples personal feelings. For example, you could tell me a story of how you had a question answered or just knew it was HF talking to you. Here's one from me to help you understand what i mean.

Although i was eager to be baptized into the church, i still had some niggling doubts. I arrived at the church that night. My ward didnt have a building yet so we all went to the one in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire. I got ready for my baptizm and after a little while, was sent for to "get wet" I followed Elder Harris's instructions and got dunked. Still those niggles wouldnt go away.

After i got changed we all walked round to the little room next door so that i could recieve the Holy Spirit. I sat there infront of everyone. The Bishop, Elder Harris and Elder Griffith put there hands on my head and started to speak. I didnt hear a word. I was praying with all my heart to my Heavenly Father, I really was scared i had made a mistake. I called to him inside my head and begged him to tell me, if i was really doing what he wanted. I got my answer. As soon as i asked, it felt as though a hole had opened over my heart and warm water was being pored in. It started at my heart and spread out into my chest, down my arms and legs and eventually my whole body was filled with this feeling and i finally felt at piece. I knew i had done the right thing.

Hope that helped.

Phew, what a great testimony to Baptism and the gift of the Holy ghost, dont you ever forget that beautiful feeling, whenever bad temptations are laid before you just remember the gift you were given at your baptism.

You needed to know if what you were doing was right, and heavenly father was sure not going to let you get away lol. He let you know with the most powerful gift he could give to any of his children, and boy did he sock it to you.

Thanks for a great post and Testimony as to our father in heaven.

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One thing I might add to what has already been said is in my case when I expirence the spirit, I often times feel warm and I expierence a very loving feeling in my heart not only for my Father In Heaven, but increased desires to try harder, do more, be more grateful for my blessings.

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I hear this quite alot. Someone prays to Heavenly Father with a question or problem and He gives them an answer through the spirit.

Ive done this and it works. My question is: How do you know when its the spirit and when its just you?

I know a person that will use this little sentence alot and for some reason, Heavenly Father ALWAYS seems to agrees with her. :P

Im not so lucky. Sometimes when i want him to agree with me, he doesnt. Sometimes he does though. Sometimes however, im suspicious that im the one answering the question and not really listening for His answer. Mostly when i REALLY want him to agree with me and know in my heart that He wont.

I guess what im asking is. How do you tell the differance?


I've had some wonderful experiences with hearing the voice of the Lord and knowing for sure it's Him.

About a month ago I bought the book by Gerald N. Lund called, "Hearing the Voice of the Lord" Principles and Patterns of Personal Revelation.

I can't say enough good things about this book!!! It's absolutely wonderful!! I learned so much and gained a better understanding about personal revelations. In Section IV -- Is There False Revelation? How Do We Recognize It? Are There Counterfeit Forms of Revelation? How Can We Tell the Difference Between True and Counterfeit Forms of Revelation?

In the flap of the book -- In Hearing the Voice of he Lord, Elder Gerald N. Lund provides reassuring and practical answers to these and many other questions. He discusses:

*ways in which revelation comes

*key principles that help us know how to "hear" and understand personal revelation

*what we can do to avoid being misled as we seek heavenly guidance

*how we can increase our sensitivity to the promptings of the Holy Ghost

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:computer:I got so excited by all your posts that I decided I wanted to tell some of my experiences.

In my profile (right now it's under comments, I need to move it) is my most sacred experience and I don't share it often.

When I was getting ready for baptism I still had the question of why I needed to be baptized again. I had been baptized when I was 14 and still didn't understand the 'by proper authority' part. However, I had a confirmation already that this was the true Church of Christ and I wanted to do what Jesus had told me to do. So, I exercised my faith that this was the right thing to do. I was very nervous the night of my baptism. I remember being so afraid that the change I was expecting would not come. As I entered the waters I couldn't take my eyes off Elder Hansen for fear that he would disappear and this would end right then. When I came up out of the water I looked at the wonderful caring eyes of Elder Hansen. I wanted to hug him so bad! When I started up the steps I suddenly felt the need to look back at him. It was the most amazing experience! My thought at that moment was, he could just as well be John the Baptist. I knew that he had the authority to perform this sacred ordinance. The rest of the evening is kind of a blurr. I felt so peaceful and loved. A side-note on this one -- Elder Hansen finished his mission about 6 months after I was baptized and returned to Utah. My sister lives in SLC and when I went to see her he met me at 10th Ward and we went to church together and I got to give him that hug!!!! LOL!

Another experience -- this one was just hearing that still small voice, more than a feeling. I don't have very good health and in a time of huge money problems my granddaughters were in a situation that wasn't very good. Long story short. They were dropped off at my apartment with no one else to help them or me. I was so upset. I had very little food in the house, barely enough to feed myself. I looked at these two little girls with such worried faces sitting on my couch who were looking at me with such trust. I knelt down before them and told them that everything was going to be alright. I excused myself and went into my room, shut the door, got down on my knees and begged Heavenly Father for some help. As I knelt there a very strong, peaceful thought came to me. I remembered what I had heard President Hinckley say, that when he was faced with something hard and didn't guite know what to do, he would get down on his knees, pray and then get up and go to work. I said, okay -- let's go to work. I went out to where the girls were and it was like I was just being led. Pick up the phone and call the RS president. I did and then she went to work. She called my visiting teachers and the Bishop and they went to work. All of Heavenly Father's 'earthly angels' went to work. We were taken care of!

And so often when teaching my Valient 11 I hear that still small voice. It often surprises me in that situation:rolleyes:, but I know it, I recognize it immediately and I always get that warm fuzzy feeling when I follow it.

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I hope you don't mind if i tell you of what i think was a miracle which happened to my wife and i one christmas it wont take long, it concerns two young missionaries.

Well i was out of work with 2 young children and i had nothing and i mean nothing, i dident burden the church with these problems but i was at rock bottom.

What i did have was my testimony and my family. Anyway it was about a week before christmas day and i heard of these two elders who would be on their own (i dont even remember names)

on christmas day, so before even thinking about where the food was going to come from to feed these extra two guys i had invited them to Christmas dinner, we dident even have enough for ourselves lol, but how could i leave these two young men sitting in their room on what should be a joyous day. The celebration of Jesus Christ's birth. anyway i must admit we was more than a little worried as to where our celebration dinner was coming from, but we were determined not to let the two guys down, two days before christmas i prayed and it was a much needed talk to/with my father, well i dident feel a thing, but was not unduly concerned about it as i had lots on my mind. (feeding my family and the elders)

That evening i for some reason went outside and low and behold, on my doorstep was a small food hamper, to this day i dont know how it got there (or do i) There was a small turkey and it was small lol, and some vegetables and other small bits and pieces, i couldent believe it.

Well to cut a long story short, We now had to make this meal go between Six people the kids included in the count, when the elders arrived on christmas day, they were so so pleased to be there it was so very heart warming.

This brings me to the miracle part, in the kitchen my wife had done the best she could with what she had to work with but i must admit things were not looking to promissing lol.

The thing is, the food went round with more to spare there was more of it than there could have been, our plates were full, and there was still turkey and vegatables in the centre of the table, everyone had second helpings.

No we dident see food appearing from mid air as if by magic, it just seemed to be much more than enough (bit like the loaves and the fishes i guess) it is very hard for me to explain, our father in heaven had provided and this was indeed a miracle. in our time.

I am sure there are lots of accounts of this kind of thing happening which we hear nothing about in the church today.

Thank you father in heaven for being so kind and being there for us.

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