Batman movie

Dr T

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I just came back from watching the newest Batman: The Dark Knight. I did not know what to expect and I did not like the batman movie that preceded this one at all so I did not have high hopes that this one would be worth watching. It was an interesting movie. It was very thought provoking for me and fun to watch. It was too dark for my wife's taste. I wsa wondering if anyone else has watched it and what you all thought.

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I loved it! I approached the film with very high expectations (I loved the Batman prior to this one), and they were exceeded in many ways.

I agree that it was very, very dark (definitely one of the darkest films I've seen). Certainly a thought-provoking film as well.

In the end I was literally exhausted from all that had gone on, but it was very rewarding through and through. The action's amazing, the actors are amazing (especially Ledger), everything about it is just...well, you get the idea.

Simply put: I can't wait to go see it again.

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My son just got home from seeing it. He said it was the best movie he has ever seen. Believe me he has seen alot of movies. Quite the dvd collector. He said Heath Ledger was amazing as the Joker. While I'm in no way a Batman fan..I have to admit my curiosity has me on this one.

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I am seeing it tomorrow night (Saturday night). I'm pretty excited for it! The first one was pretty good (Brought new life into the Batman movies).

Then a heard a review on the radio this morning talking about how dark it was. The Critic even was wondering if the WB put some pressure on the Rating board to get the PG-13. They were talking this is about as close to an R movie as you probably can get (with Violence). Sense I haven't seen the movie I don't know, but that does worry me a little I guess. From what I understand, you do see some probably R type violence, just not long enough to get it the R rating?

I have also heard its 2 1/2 hours long (or close to it) But with that all said, everybody I have talked to thought it was a really good movie.

Well see how it is!

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My son just got home from seeing it. He said it was the best movie he has ever seen. Believe me he has seen alot of movies. Quite the dvd collector. He said Heath Ledger was amazing as the Joker. While I'm in no way a Batman fan..I have to admit my curiosity has me on this one.

He's BEYOND amazing. He's absolutely perfect, stunning, and award-winning here.

The movie is intense, and very dark. A lot of "jump" moments for me. Several times my date and I were like "Oh my gosh, I can't believe that just happened."

It's my favorite movie, and probably the best I've seen. Although I'm not into cinematography, so my opinion on THAT is rather... limited. The rest? Loved it.

Also, Dr T, if you didn't like Batman Begins, then I think... I think you need psychiatric help. I'm sorry :(

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I see the previews and that Heath Ledger face just creeps me out! I loved the first one, but was still disturbed by the whole mask/magget thing. oooooo! shivers up my back!

I suppose I will have to go. The H must see it!!! But I wouldn't even think to take my kids even though, they of course want to see it. This and the new Hulk one.

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Also, Dr T, if you didn't like Batman Begins, then I think... I think you need psychiatric help. I'm sorry :(

hahahaha, I disagree with u on that one but I still thought that was funny!



I agree, not one for the kids.

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I'm not a big fan of Batman either. I didn't particularly like Batman Begins, but the moral commentary was simply fascinating. Hubby loves Batman, though, so i'm sure i'll get around to seeing the new one eventually.

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I went to the midnight showing of Batman on Thursday/Friday, so I'm one of the lucky nerds who got to try to spoil it for others (I came out of the movie at the end saying "Wow! I can't believe that The Joker was Bruce Wayne's Father!")

Anyways, I've seen a lot of movies, probably best if I don't comment on all of them but Ido have this to say. The Joker is quite possibly one of the most horrifying villains I have ever seen. I am putting him just above Hannibal Lector. Those of you who know about the Joker and Batman's chemistry will totally understand what is going on with the two, but those of you who aren't big Batman fans, the Joker may seriously disturb you.

The Joker is in love with Social Psychology, he's the kind of guy that will stand on a corner looking up at something that doesn't exist just to see if others will follow suit... of course he will do something with those people afterwards, but that's because he's a bad guy.

I think that most of us should treat Dark Knight as though it were a rated R movie. If you aren't kosher with seeing stuff that would be in an R Rating, you probably don't want to see Dark Knight. There are a lot of morally strong moments in the movie, but with the Heath's monstrous performance it may be a bit too intense for many viewers.

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Ohhhhh well then you are a brat. hahahaha That's what I was referring to when I mentioned you spoiling it. hahahaha Okay the joke is on me. *high five Daniel*

Edited by pam
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It better be a joke daniel, as Ive been waiting ages to see this film-It comes out on Friday here and we are going to see it for our wedding anniversary :) I LOVED batman begins I thought it was one of the best films Ive ever seen, so I am very excited to see this one. In fact, I will watch batman begins again tonight seeing as Ive been reminded of it!!! I looooove Christian Bale-he's a brit dontcha know?!!

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I was very impressed with the entire story. I loved the magic trick, too, lol. The first few minutes of seeing the Joker, I knew it was Heath, but thereafter I got lost in his character that I completely forgot it was him. All I saw was the Joker. No Heath. He did such an excellent job and now if we see the Joker return, who will fill in Heath's shoes? Someone will have to be that good!

Definitely two thumbs up.

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Jack Nicholson was a great bad guy, but Heath Ledger was a great monster. You really get the impression that he is the arch-nemesis of Batman in this movie where Jack was just an obstacle to overcome. I think the thing that really works well with Heath is that he really got into the character of Joker (which was why he was on the anti-depressants supposedly), all of the little quirks and nuances of the Joker were included in Heath's performance to the point that while I could see Heath from time to time I just couldn't put the guy on that screen with the guy in Knights Tale or 10 Things, it just wasn't the same person.

That said though, everyone knows that Caesar Romero is the best Joker ever.

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