irena sendler


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thoughts? Irena Sendler

Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project

There recently was a death of a 98 year old lady named Irena Sendler. During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw Ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. She had an ulterior motive...She KNEW what the Nazi's plans were for the Jews.

Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of a tool box she carried, and she carried in the back of her truck a burlap sack for larger kids. She also had a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in or out of the ghetto. The soldiers wanted nothing to do with the dog and its barking covered the children's noises.

During her time and course of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2,500 kids/infants. She was caught, and the Nazi's broke both her legs, and arms, and beat her severely.

Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out, and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard.

After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived it, and to reunite the family. Most, of course, had been

gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes, or adopted.

Last year Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize....She LOST....Al Gore won, for a slide show on Global Warming.

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Wow I am amazed, shocked, outraged that something of this magnitude would be out voted by a panel of judges. Perhaps I shouldn't be. Al Gore is more of a public figure, he has money, he had the means to put himself in the spotlight. This is an amazing story. One that I had not heard. I commend this lady on her bravery, her compassion.

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what bothers me is that it isn't being discussed, i don't think history will remember her at all.

i can't count how many times i've seen the vidieos of kids beating each other up or the girl that got kicked out of prom for a skanky dress, etc on the news. but this lady if ever covered was done so briefly it was missed. i would much rather hear about heroics over and over again every single night than punk kids that are in desperate need of decent parenting. not suggesting one can't cover punk kids, but they should not make it the focus. cover the important stuff.

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The nobel peace prize has been a joke for quite some time. The nobel folks finally lost their last shred of relevance in '94 when they awarded it to the terrorist Yassir Arafat. Or maybe it was '85, with the "International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War". Or wait - '78 with Anwar Sadat - the guy who siezed control of Egypt through a military coup, and launched the Yom Kippur War?

So although I hadn't heard this story before, it doesn't surprise me in the least.


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Guest HEthePrimate

While I certainly agree that Irena Sendler is deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize, so are many people, and everybody can't win it. Al Gore is a good man who's done good work, and there's no point in begrudging him the honor. Maybe people can petition for Irena Sendler to win the Nobel Peace Prize another year?


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While I certainly agree that Irena Sendler is deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize, so are many people, and everybody can't win it. Al Gore is a good man who's done good work, and there's no point in begrudging him the honor. Maybe people can petition for Irena Sendler to win the Nobel Peace Prize another year?


I gotta admit, I laughed out loud when I read that. Are you serious????

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Guest HEthePrimate

Although "worldly" acknowledgment is nice, the work/sacrifice of Irena Sendler is known by ONE of much more import. HF is a much better judge of ones works and worth than any other. She will not be overlooked.

Agreed. However, it is appropriate to acknowledge our fellow beings' acts of heroism and show our gratitude. I hope Irena Sendler gets the recognition she deserves.
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Guest HEthePrimate

I gotta admit, I laughed out loud when I read that. Are you serious????

Glad I could amuse you but yes, I'm serious. Some of us think global warming is a serious issue. I also think it's sad that people would use the story of a saintly woman like Irena Sendler for such a trivial purpose as attacking Al Gore. If you disagree with Al Gore that's fine, but I think it would be better to argue the merits of his case rather than resort to all the ad hominem stuff.


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Glad I could amuse you but yes, I'm serious. Some of us think global warming is a serious issue. I also think it's sad that people would use the story of a saintly woman like Irena Sendler for such a trivial purpose as attacking Al Gore. If you disagree with Al Gore that's fine, but I think it would be better to argue the merits of his case rather than resort to all the ad hominem stuff.


Here's the problem as I see it. Global warming, if it indeed is currently happening, (and it apparently has not been happening for the last 8+ years now, temps have stabilized lately) has not been proven to be man-caused. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Natural events dump much more 'harmful' gases into the atmosphere than cars do annually. Global warming has been going on for eons, long before man appeared here. And guess what? Global cooling has been going on for just as long as global warming!

If Al Gore actually believed all the drivel he keeps spewing, why doesn't he make any conscious effort to curb his own use of the earth's resources? last I heard he still flies around in a private jet, and his 'small home' has no landmark energy-saving devices installed in it. He doesn't even believe the garbage he tries to convince you of.

It's all a shell game about money. It's about separating you and the rest of us from our money. The sad part is, they're going to get it, either through taxing us into oblivion or guilting us into giving money to the corporations they have set up to take it. Carbon credits, anyone?

And the really sad part of it is, if you happen to disagree with the foregone conclusions, or want to see more actual evidence of human-caused global warming, then you must be really stupid for not seeing it or just a troublemaker. The thinking has been done for you, all you have to do now is pay up.

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I also think it's sad that people would use the story of a saintly woman like Irena Sendler for such a trivial purpose as attacking Al Gore.

Actually, I thought it was Al Gore that used the Nobel Peace Prize process to forward his socialist environmentalist agenda.

Evidence: You can't have a discussion of the Nobel Peace Prize without the conversation turning to global warming.


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Actually, I thought it was Al Gore that used the Nobel Peace Prize process to forward his socialist environmentalist agenda.

Evidence: You can't have a discussion of the Nobel Peace Prize without the conversation turning to global warming.


Al Gore is a hypocrite. His company, Generation Investment Management came up with the 21 century ponzy scheme of "carbon emission offset" credits that has taken in million of dollars in "offsets" allegedly designed to reduce the CO2 foot print of certain companies.

"Give me money and I will plant trees" with no verifiable mechanisms and a shady accounting, to say the least. All he does is blowing his own horn and lining his own pocket while singing the hymn of global warming. UK-based with accounts in Luxembourg. Right.

I'll drop it right here for now before my blood preasure goes up.

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I'm not a fan of Al Gore...however I'd like to think that kids will still be able to catch tadpoles in creeks for many years to come. I have no doubt someone will think we need to be taxed to pay for hybrid cars and green electricity....they will try anyway....however I don't think there will be a tremendous amount of support for increased taxes ; ). As for green electricity and carbon offsetting I think it will have to be competitive enough in the market a stressed economy some things will always come second before the family food budget. Doing things better means doing things better. Environmentally good and cheap! Otherwise it's being sustained by an environmental cost (money comes from using resources doh!).

I can see the point in having a nice environment. You don't have to be a global warming advocate or an Al Gore fan in order to support that. Reduced carbon is worth doing I would think. The debate is about *how* not whether we should do that correct?I don't care who gets the nobel peace prize...the value is in what they did not the gong.

Edited by WANDERER
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I can see the point in having a nice environment. You don't have to be a global warming advocate or an Al Gore fan in order to support that. Reduced carbon is worth doing I would think. The debate is about *how* not whether we should do that correct?I don't care who gets the nobel peace prize...the value is in what they did not the gong.

I agree with you on this last point.

It makes absolutely no sense, however, to push US-based business to the brink of bankruptcy with ever more stringent environmental laws when developing countries do absolutely nothing to curb pollution. That is why the US refused to sign the Kioto Protocol.

It does make sense to protect the environment but it has to be a worldwide effort. That level of support and required cooperation has never existed in the history of humanity, even when the world had been on the eve of extinction. I seriously doubt we'll come together over an issue as intangible and highly debated as global warming.

I hope to be proven wrong, though.

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Al Gore is a hypocrite.

Do we say this with the same spirit in which we would have effervescent praise for the Nobel Prize Committee had they chosen President Gordon Hinckley? Or do we say that in the spirit of Republicanism or the spirit in which belief in global warming is against some people's religion? ;)

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wow not exactly the turn i expeced with this. i just copied the email i was sent. i guess i was wrong as to why she won't be remembered. she won't be remembered because no one wants to, untill her plight is turned into a movie, then she might have a chance. there's nothing about her anyone can debate, or make it a left or right issue of. unless they want to be among the truely delusional and claim that the whole thing never happened to begin with (a few of those out there). maybe i should have forseen this and edited the email........but alas..... oh well.

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Al Gore winning for putting together a slide show *which he probably had a technical team do, I mean lets face it the guy may know how to use powerpoint but not really* on global warming, is a lot like somone winning for making an out of context slide show of the dangers of owing a kitchen knife. Filling the slide show with a lot of spin and photos of knife injuries. Everyone we must ban kitchen knives! We must switch to an alternitive cutting utensile!

Al Gore is such a looser. I think he snapped when he lost Florida.

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Good people can be misled. I believe that was the case for the Nobel Peace Prize. I saw no foundation for it. Gore advocated, very loudly, for a particular cause but there is no evidence that he actually pioneered technology, solutions or achieved any major benchmark in the field in question.

What really burns me up is that he promoted a "solution" that made him a multi-millionaire in the process. That was my point.

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