What parts of Mormanism make peaple think.That its a Cult?

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Allott of Religions&Sects from the 18th&19th Century seem very Cult Like...I typed in Morman in Yahoo.And allott of peaple diss Mormans.Labeling you'll a Cult...I'm interested in Mormanism.But i want to get past this Cultish thing 1rst...


Yeah, if you look up 'cult' in the dictionary, it applies basically to all Churches, not just ours. But I know you didn't mean that...

1) We claim we are led by living, breathing prophets of God.

2) We use the Bible, but also have the Book of Mormon as scripture.

3) The Book of Mormon came from an angel giving golden 'plates' to a boy prophet, and he translated the book into English through the power and gift of God.

4) We don't drink alcohol or use tobacco.

5) lots of other stuff. Read the threads--- should prove interesting.


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There isn't really a good reason we are labeled as a cult. We believe we are the only true church of Christ on the earth, and that we are actually the church He established restored. This doesn't sit well with others.

Generally we are happy. If that seems cult like, then label us as a cult. We are just happy because we have recieved great blessings from our lord and savior.

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Well, I don't know, frankly what it is about us that makes people think we are a cult in the sensational/extreme/scary sorts of definitions. I mean, this is a world wide church that transcends color and culture. We aren't forced to live in isolation.( Although, I will say that earlier in our history we probably did look that way. The saints gathered together into their own towns for lots of reasons and then after such unbearable persecution, left the US all together and came to settle what is now Utah and surrounding areas.) We aren't taken away from family and friends and mainstream society. Our people obey the laws of the land. Our people work and socialize and serve in political office and almost win singing competitions on the Fox channel.

Our doctrine tends to make other Christian sects stop in their tracks. Some are offended by it and others so threatened by it that they waste out their lives trying to discredit us. Something you are seeing on the internet. They take a word like "cult" and love to use it because it makes everyone see the devil and a pitchfork in their minds. And then they weave in their lies and twist our truth into something scary. It is fear driven and frankly so off base that it is sometimes comical.

I think the best way to find out if we are a cult or not is to really get to know the church just like you would a new neighbor. Visit a church service. Read the story of Joseph Smith. Read our 13 articles of faith. I guarantee none of them requires one to drink punch and die to live in the afterlife. ;)

Perhaps you could read a passage or two in the Book of Mormon. The intro is especially helpful. Or watch some of our General Conference. You can view some thru this site. Hear our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson speak, and decide how scary you think he is. Come to a church activity even. Our churches have basketball courts in them. Sports and the arts and scouting are all part of our activity/social arm of the church. We go boating and skiing and have kids and dogs and mow our lawns just the same as other people.

Get to know us. You may not agree with our doctrine. But I guarantee we are not an evil scary cult led by power hungry soul who thinks he is Jesus himself!!! That I can comfortably promise. And stay away from the anti-mormon literature. It is like going to the National Inquirer for your news!

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Yeah, if you look up 'cult' in the dictionary, it applies basically to all Churches, not just ours. But I know you didn't mean that...

1) We claim we are led by living, breathing prophets of God.

2) We use the Bible, but also have the Book of Mormon as scripture.

3) The Book of Mormon came from an angel giving golden 'plates' to a boy prophet, and he translated the book into English through the power and gift of God.

4) We don't drink alcohol or use tobacco.

5) lots of other stuff. Read the threads--- should prove interesting.


Lot's of Christians don't drink booze or smoke--it's your abstinence from coffee that gets you the dreaded "C" label! :D

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Yeah, if you look up 'cult' in the dictionary, it applies basically to all Churches, not just ours. But I know you didn't mean that...

1) We claim we are led by living, breathing prophets of God.

2) We use the Bible, but also have the Book of Mormon as scripture.

3) The Book of Mormon came from an angel giving golden 'plates' to a boy prophet, and he translated the book into English through the power and gift of God.

4) We don't drink alcohol or use tobacco.

5) lots of other stuff. Read the threads--- should prove interesting.


Lot's of Christians don't drink booze or smoke--it's your abstinence from coffee that gets you the dreaded "C" label! :D

In all seriousness, I believe these are the answers, but let me restate them in evangelical terms.

1. The claim to have a living prophet means his words can define Scripture. It also gets to the whole "one true church" issue, since no other church claims this (though the Catholic church comes close, when the Pope speaks ex cathedra (and is for that speech considered infallible).

2. Having added Scriptures that, in practice, define the Bible is very troubling to many Christians.

3. Joseph Smith's story is incredible. It cannot be verified completely, and so requires faith. For other Christians, it not only requires faith that Joseph was a true prophet, but that the rest of Christianity fell into apostasy, and has remained their for nearly 2000 years.

4. Okay, it's humorous, but for non-LDS, the question, "Why coffee???" is a deflector.

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Lot's of Christians don't drink booze or smoke--it's your abstinence from coffee that gets you the dreaded "C" label! :D

In all seriousness, I believe these are the answers, but let me restate them in evangelical terms.

1. The claim to have a living prophet means his words can define Scripture. It also gets to the whole "one true church" issue, since no other church claims this (though the Catholic church comes close, when the Pope speaks ex cathedra (and is for that speech considered infallible).

2. Having added Scriptures that, in practice, define the Bible is very troubling to many Christians.

3. Joseph Smith's story is incredible. It cannot be verified completely, and so requires faith. For other Christians, it not only requires faith that Joseph was a true prophet, but that the rest of Christianity fell into apostasy, and has remained their for nearly 2000 years.

4. Okay, it's humorous, but for non-LDS, the question, "Why coffee???" is a deflector.

These are all great points and absolutely genuine concerns about our doctrine. I could make a like list about yours. But none of them...... qualify the LDS church as a "cult". (and I mean the sensational defn of the word.)

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I'm not sure if I (as a non-Mormon Christian) would call Mormonism a cult ... I'm not entirely sure I would call it Christian either, because of the different way that the LDS understand God and Jesus to be compared to other Christian denominations. Edit: I'd actually rather define it as a different, but related religion.

But I agree with PrisonChaplain, I think the greatest problem people have with LDS are the additional texts besides the Bible and the doctrines that come from them.

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These are all great points and absolutely genuine concerns about our doctrine. I could make a like list about yours. But none of them...... qualify the LDS church as a "cult". (and I mean the sensational defn of the word.)

Definitions help.

1. Cult, as defined by popular society, "religious fanatics on a compound, abusing kids, zombie-like, preparing for mass suicide or Armageddon."

2. Cult, as defined by evangelicals, "Group that labels itself Christians, but departs from "historic orthodox teachings."

The problem is that many LDS, and most non-religious people think of the first one, and most of the "Anti Mormon" sites mean the 2nd one.

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A couple of examples of why i think people label us a cult:

Temple ceremony.

Then the accusations of brainwashing or mind control etc.

I can verify from personal experience that there is no mind control. In fact, every single person who comes to investigate our faith is told to educated themselves and then to go to God himself in prayer to verify the truth of our claims. The principles of agency are prized above all others in this faith. I have been in this church all of my life and have never experienced mind control. We invite people everywhere to come unto Christ of their own free will and choice!

The temple concern is more difficult because it is harder to explain and harder to understand completely. But, I feel that if you can look at it in comparison to diverse religions and their various rituals thru out the world it may help. The church does give out pamphlets with pictures of the insides of the temples and there are very simple explanations of what goes on inside in terms of ceremony and rituals. I can tell you a few of them right here. Baptisms are performed for the dead. We call them proxy baptisms. Marriages are performed. We call them sealings because couples are sealed together for this life and for the eternities.

I hope that helps.

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Definitions help.

1. Cult, as defined by popular society, "religious fanatics on a compound, abusing kids, zombie-like, preparing for mass suicide or Armageddon."

2. Cult, as defined by evangelicals, "Group that labels itself Christians, but departs from "historic orthodox teachings."

The problem is that many LDS, and most non-religious people think of the first one, and most of the "Anti Mormon" sites mean the 2nd one.

Thank you. But I must admit you haven't convinced me that the publishers of the anti don't completely count on people misconstruing the word. Using this word is a cheap shot. Sorry to be so direct.

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Not exactly the Answer.I was looking for...

Welcome to the forum:

I guess going to the official Church's website at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be a priority. Browse around and gather information at the source. I am sure that after that ou will have some questions and we'll be happy to provide some answers or point you in the right direction.

BTW, what interested you about the church?

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'The Godhead' vs. 'The Trinity' is a biggie in the departure from 'historic orthodox' teachings. That the Father is a 'Exalted Being' possessing a spirit and having a tangible body of bone and substance rather than spirit alone.

That Christ is a seperate 'Exalted Being' seperate from the Father. That Joseph Smith had a heavenly vision of two seperate beings.

That man may become Exalted is up there on the list as well as 'sealings' for time and eternity in The Temple.

Baptisms for the dead.

Three different degrees of glory or heavens as oppossed just heaven or hell.

These are perhaps, some of the reasons why the world deem the 'Mormons' to be 'cultish'.

It can be a frustrating journey seeking ones spirituality but also can be joyful and rewarding.

Seek and let the chips fall where they may for you as an individual would be my advice.

Edited by FlaviusHambonius
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I'm interested in Truth...

Personally i'm suprised,God would bring another Prophet in the Mid 18th Century...And give him all this lost information.On a "Lost Civalization"...

But i'm naturally a "Open-Minded" type...You only get 1 chance in Life.To get it right...So that's what brought me here!

Yes, that was on my list and I forgot to put it down, i.e. that the LDS faith do of course believe in additional scripture to the Bible.

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