Testimony question


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I was asked about my testimony the other day so just said i believe/I know in Christ and his teachings and try to obey them

my simple testimony was questioned by some friends as to why i didn't include the BOM and the Prophet (maybe they might think i don't have a testimony of these things of which I DO very much )

I was a bit taken back by those comments which was strange coming from them or anyone for that matter should I

1/ bear my testimony as i feel about Jesus

2/ testify more abut the BOM and Prophet

3/do both

I know this is wierd question to ask but i just need to get it of my chest as what should i include next time I am a man of few words when i talk i am not much of a chatter but i prefer to listen more:)

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Hi Avrham good to talk with you, Your Testimony is given to YOU by our father in heaven through the power of the Holy Ghost, the Holy ghost cannot be turned on an off at will.

You were just taken by surprise, put on the spot so to speak, you bare your testimony when you want to tell it and i guarantee the Holy spirit will fill you with so much enthusiasm you won't be able to stop.

There cannot be any rules as to what to say, you go ahead and say it as it is, when you are ready, the holy ghost will guide you in your words.

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Boy, i know how you feel. I've always been a woman of few words verbally, i find it easier to write my feelings and thoughts down (which is probably why i like this site so much).

Once i bore my testimony and mentioned everything but Christ. Big No-no in my opinion as i consider Christ the center of a testimony. I think it's great that you mentioned only Him. If you have to pick and chose and keep it short, He is the thing to mention. For something longer you start with Christ and move on from there--prophets, scripture, tithing, whatever. This is strictly my opinion. Going by the spirit is definitely a better idea as Jimuk pointed out.

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1/ bear my testimony as i feel about Jesus

The main part of anybodies testimony should be about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! They are the way to salvation! They are the reasons why you have the joy and I guess understanding in your life. This should always be the key (I guess Cornerstone) of anybodies Testimony.

2/ testify more abut the BOM and Prophet

But how did your Testimony of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father come to be! Being in a restored church with added understanding (coming from the book of Mormon and prophets) we realize that the truth of our knowledge of Jesus Christ comes not just because of the bible. But because of what the restoration did! Because of what Joseph Smith did (both in the first vision, and in the book of mormon).

The key your friends were looking for is what supports your testimony in Jesus Christ! Knowing (and that is the right word) we see Christ more clearly. With out the book of mormon and prophets, we wouldn’t have a full understand of Christ and his part in the plan of salvation (Really we wouldn’t understand that there was even a plan for us).

3/do both

So if there is such a thing as a “good” testimony. Then it probably would include both. Some people feel stronger to “share” things about the book of mormon. Some more about Christ. It should be focus on Christ, but we should realize how we got that testimony of Christ in the first place. Let the spirit guide!

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As i have said, it is your testimony, and when you are ready the spirit will guide you, if not there is the chance that it may come over as preaching and have an adverse affect on those listening, with the guidance of the spirit it will come across as your love for the things you are talking about.

There is NO rules, anything goes, if you feel that by meeting the missionaries brought forth the spirit which overwhelmed you then this is a testimony to the work that these guys were doing.

As said "Anything goes" as to why you know that the church is true.

It is "Your" testimony. Do not feel pressured into it.

God bless you and do not worry about it.

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Sounds like your friends failed to listen to what you "did" say. When I bear my testimony, it is rarely more than a peek into or a slice of the whole.

I say you have nothing to apologize for and that if they want to hear your testimony on those other subjects, perhaps they should stay tuned for the next episode or maybe look for that testimony in the way you live your life!!!!! (snap! snap! snap!)

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IMHO ... It wa a great testimony!

When we are asked to bear our testimony God helps us and sometimes He helps us that we say only what those in audience can endure....

Sometimes we do get startled about the sudden question of os giving a testimony and we may feel that our words get tangled up inour throats or that we cant find a thing to say. But if we put our trust in God He WILL help us and our testimony will be just like He would want it to be that day in that place. So no matter how short the testimony is if you do not feel inspired to say more ... dont.

It is good to remember Jesus Christ in the testimony... after all He is what it all is about anyway!

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You should be ashamed for not mentioning the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. Indeed, your friends are correct--you failed to bare an honest and true testimony if you missed these elements. I'm also guessing you failed to follow the Church-wide accepted protocol of proper testimony baring. These protocol are:

1) Thou shalt begin your testimony with "I would like to bare my testimony that I know the Church is true"

2) Thou shalt state in unambiguous terms that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God

3) Thou shalt state that the Book of Mormon is the word of God

4) If any fewer than two Articles of Faith are quoted, it is not considered a testimony

5) If no tears are shed, your words will be considered "comments" instead of a "testimony"

6) At least 1 mention to family must be given, preferably with regard to how many quilts your mother made.

If you failing to meet these requirements for your testimony, I also will assume that your prayers are inadequate. For this reason, I recommend you practice reciting the following prayer:

Holy, holy God; we believe that thou art God, and we believe that thou art holy, and that thou wast a spirit, and that thou art a spirit, and that thou wilt be a spirit forever.

Holy God, we believe that thou hast separated us from our brethren; and we do not believe in the tradition of our brethren, which was handed down to them by the childishness of their fathers; but we believe that thou hast elected us to be thy holy children; and also thou hast made it known unto us that there shall be no Christ.

But thou art the same yesterday, today, and forever; and thou hast elected us that we shall be saved, whilst all around us are elected to be cast by thy wrath down to hell; for the which holiness, O God, we thank thee; and we also thank thee that thou hast elected us, that we may not be led away after the foolish traditions of our brethren, which doth bind them down to a belief of Christ, which doth lead their hearts to wander far from thee, our God.

And again we thank thee, O God, that we are a chosen and a holy people. Amen.

Please check back and update us on your progress toward an appropriate testimony.

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You should be ashamed for not mentioning the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. Indeed, your friends are correct--you failed to bare an honest and true testimony if you missed these elements. I'm also guessing you failed to follow the Church-wide accepted protocol of proper testimony baring. These protocol are:

1) Thou shalt begin your testimony with "I would like to bare my testimony that I know the Church is true"

2) Thou shalt state in unambiguous terms that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God

3) Thou shalt state that the Book of Mormon is the word of God

4) If any fewer than two Articles of Faith are quoted, it is not considered a testimony

5) If no tears are shed, your words will be considered "comments" instead of a "testimony"

6) At least 1 mention to family must be given, preferably with regard to how many quilts your mother made.

If you failing to meet these requirements for your testimony, I also will assume that your prayers are inadequate. For this reason, I recommend you practice reciting the following prayer:

Please check back and update us on your progress toward an appropriate testimony.

thanks for the protocal thing didn't realise their was one for a testimony as for the prayer well can you sum it up in less than 10 words :) as for my prayers being inadequate they are always answer :):)I must be doing something right
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  • 2 years later...

You should be ashamed for not mentioning the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. Indeed, your friends are correct--you failed to bare an honest and true testimony if you missed these elements. I'm also guessing you failed to follow the Church-wide accepted protocol of proper testimony baring. These protocol are:

1) Thou shalt begin your testimony with "I would like to bare my testimony that I know the Church is true"

2) Thou shalt state in unambiguous terms that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God

3) Thou shalt state that the Book of Mormon is the word of God

4) If any fewer than two Articles of Faith are quoted, it is not considered a testimony

5) If no tears are shed, your words will be considered "comments" instead of a "testimony"

6) At least 1 mention to family must be given, preferably with regard to how many quilts your mother made.

If you failing to meet these requirements for your testimony, I also will assume that your prayers are inadequate. For this reason, I recommend you practice reciting the following prayer:

Please check back and update us on your progress toward an appropriate testimony.

Are you pulling our leg? Or is there actual protocol? Because I've never heard of such a thing. I guess all of them make sense except the last one about the quilts.

A testimony should be from the heart, guided by the Spirit. If you ask the Spirit to guide you, you can give an effective talk. You can do it with just a short simple little prayer.

O Holy Spirit, Comforter and Guide. Please help me as I bear my testimony!

That's all I have to say on the subject.

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Are you pulling our leg? Or is there actual protocol? Because I've never heard of such a thing. I guess all of them make sense except the last one about the quilts.

A testimony should be from the heart, guided by the Spirit. If you ask the Spirit to guide you, you can give an effective talk. You can do it with just a short simple little prayer.

That's all I have to say on the subject.

I don't even think the first five make sense. I posed all of those as a mockery of some of the social custom that has grown into our public bearing of testimony.

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Avrham: I will answer differently. Friends know and like you better than most of us forum types – They often may have some points you should consider. But do not feel badly about their suggestions – if indeed they really are your friends.

To be honest, whenever I give my testimony the spirit prompts me after words with “things” I should have included. Even to the point that I desire that I would like to try again. But when you think about it – we should try again. We should offer our testimonies often and every time we do; that the spirit or our friends should urge us to do more should not surprise or offend us.

The Traveler

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When I asked about "what is supposed to happen when someone bears a real testimony", I was pointed to this talk by Russell M. Ballard. He says, in part:

"We often hear some members, and especially children, bear their testimonies, listing things for which they are thankful: their love of family, the Church, their teachers, their friends. For them, the gospel is something that they are grateful for because it makes them feel happy and secure. This is a good beginning, but testimonies need to be much more.

"Our testimony meetings need to be more centered on the Savior, the doctrines of the gospel, the blessings of the Restoration, and the teachings of the scriptures. We need to replace stories, travelogues, and lectures with pure testimonies. Those who are entrusted to speak and teach in our meetings need to do so with doctrinal power that will be both heard and felt, lifting the spirits and edifying our people.

"Again, please keep in mind that we are talking about sharing real testimony, not just speaking generally about the things we are thankful for. While it is always good to express love and gratitude, such expressions do not constitute the kind of testimony that will ignite a fire of belief in the lives of others. To bear testimony is “to bear witness by the power of the Holy Ghost; to make a solemn declaration of truth based on personal knowledge or belief” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Testify,” 241). [...] Although we can have testimonies of many things as members of the Church, there are basic truths we need to constantly teach one another and share with those not of our faith. Testify God is our Father and Jesus is the Christ. The plan of salvation is centered on the Savior’s Atonement. Joseph Smith restored the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Book of Mormon is evidence that our testimony is true."

I hope this helps; it really helped me understand what a testimony is, and why what I've witnessed at my first couple Fast Sunday meetings have been, frankly, pretty underwhelming.

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hello its been a while but actually to give a answer what my testimony is just realised in the last year it all rest with giving thanks and praising God and his Son and for the church pretty much in that order and always thanking him and his servants the prophets basically just being thankfull for everything:) and everyone including this forum so heaps of thanks and gratitude

so cheers

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There has been some great advice offered so far. Of course every situation is different, so you just have to follow your heart. A few years ago, I was teaching a French class and one of the students, who knew I was Mormon asked me out of the blue what Mormons believe.

It was a little awkward, because the classroom isn't the place for proselyting. I tried to defer the question and get back to the lesson material, but the students saw the opportunity to get the teacher side-tracked and not have to do their work. :)

I figured I had just a few seconds to toss out an answer that would leave the door open to further investigation later. I searched my heart very quickly for what to say and I felt prompted to tell them that we believe the same things that first century Christians did and that we reject the changes that took place later in the 3rd and 4th centuries. That wasn't a "testimony" per se, but it's what the Spirit prompted me to say. That satisfied the class and we went back to our lesson.

Ideally a testimony that you'd give in a testimony meeting would bear witness of the principles that would save a person if he heard them, believed them, and acted upon them. Those points include the reality of God, the divine Sonship of Jesus Christ, the principle of modern revelation to prophets beginning with Joseph Smith, and the veracity of the Book of Mormon.

In "real life" outside the Church, you may find yourself in a situation where you only have a minute or two to plant the seed of faith. In that case, just open up your mouth and say what comes into your heart. If you have the courage to do that, the Spirit will use you as an instrument of truth.

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