I'm In Tears -- Help!


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It really hurts my heart to read so many posts that end in arguments. :(

Does God really want us all to belong to one church? I'm serious.

For me the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the right church for me. I believe the things I'm being taught. I know that this church is being led by a true prophet of God and that is the church that I want to be a part of. I know that others don't think we respect the Bible as much as they do (maybe I'm saying that wrong, but that's how it comes across to me). One of the reasons that I stopped attending church all together was because I couldn't find anyone who agreed with what the right interpretation of the Bible was. Even pastors in the same denominations seem to disagree at times. I've always been one to see both sides of an argument and I think that is what has me so upset now. When I hear someone else explain their view on passages in the Bible -- I understand what they're saying. When I hear our church leaders explain a passage, I also understand what they mean. How can veiws be so different?

I know God wants me to be a part of this church -- I've had a wonderful, sacred experience that led me to this church. I know I was baptized by one having authority. I feel the Spirit in my life like I've never felt before. My father died believing that he was a man of God and a devout Baptist, yet had no problem asking for a Priesthood blessing from his son-in-law and grandson. And he felt comforted by that Priesthood blessing.

Oh :( I can't stop crying! I don't like my faith being tested like this! I can accept the things being said about Joseph Smith and knowing that not all LDS people are perfect in professing to be Christian -- but reading the disputes over the Bible is hurting! Institute classes start next week and we will be studying the NT. Most of my personal study lately has been the NT -- maybe I will get answers to my agonizing prayers about this.

I would love ALL comments to my dillema.

Edited by candyprpl
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Dry your tears sis! Why the opinions on the Bible differ so much?? I think they do that because we all are different, we have different past and we are interested in different things. I dont think any of us see the Bible excactly the same way. I dont think we are able to comprehend the bible or explain how we really feel or what we really believe in, the words are not enough to explain. But we have a feeling , a feeling that makes us think we know even more and then it is difficult to expalin as we also are each on our own step on teh ladder of knowledge of God. Our compriation and our knowledge is not complete ... yet leaving us stumbling in questions.

Some people I am sorry to say are very atacking with their opinions and a netsite like this does feel atractive to soem who just want to argue. We LDS should NOT argue, as you dont get forward when arguing. But unfortunately sometimes you cant or dont even want to avoid it.... you kind of HAVE HAD IT! An IF we dont allow any arguing on the netside... especially those not LDS will find an other netside and tell everyone that we dont allow even a bit different opinions, so we ahve to allow some argueing here... sorry.... hop over them, it is NOT your foult if someone else is acting more or less stupid, just dont pay attention. Send a prayer up to calm down the discusition. They are just your siters and brothers that are having a word fight.

Why do we have these differences of opinion?? We ahve differences of opinion in may otehr thigs too. Some 40 years ago it was ok to spank a child, just not too much but enough, today if you hit a child you go to jail! Some peopel just are not up to the same level.

Many have learned quite a bit about the bible, but the basics are very different. Often those unfamiliar to LDS want to study in their own way, but there are things that you need to know first. You can not start to devide before you can your numbers or even your tables, or pretty soon you make a wrong move. That is waht happens with many they are too eager to learn one thing that interests them to take it slow and learn the basics first!

I think you also can think, that there is a bigger possibility that there is something wrong in the Bible than in the Book of Mormon. But this is something many do not approve. The Bible was gathered from the books the men doing it tought were the best books according to their knowledge of truth. This happened a few hundred years AFTER Jesus had ressaurected. The Bible was copued by hand many times and some may ahve changed a word or two or forgotten out some things.... Then they burned all those books they tought were wrong or did not suit them. The Book of Mormon was written by the person, who it was given to in line and then burried in the ground, no one translated it, no one alteredanything in it. Then it was given to JS who translateed it.

We have different opinions as we stand on different steps. Mostly we should let accusitions go, as we know better, but sometimes you just have to stand up for your ground, especially if you are chalenged.

I am sorry you feel so bad about the arguments:(. I do to sometimes too. As I get a bad feeling in a a discusition I go read something else... luckily I can myself decide what I can read. This is a very nice netsite but we have to allow a bit rough talk too.

You are welcome to pm me if you want any time. My grandfathers BOTH were very good men and preasts of teh lutheran church. Even a leading dean in Theology in the university...:)

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I don't know all of the answers Candy, but I know that God is over all of it. There is much truth... sometimes better understood by our non member friends and truth that we understand as modern revelation.

I hate the arguing as well. It isn't pretty to see egos come to blows and for mutual respect to fly out the window. And I am sorry for all of that. I am sure that it will continue no matter what Christian group we align ourselves with.

My comfort comes from the BofM and always has. It lays to rest questions of the bible and when my doubts start whirling, it is my anchor.

Don't be sad, my friend! All is fine. And maybe someday there will be a consensus between all the factions. Until then, we walk by faith!

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Hey there candyrprpl Cheer up, you do great work here, i love to read your posts, may not always agree with some of your stuff but most of it i do agree with, and i know i am not the only one, but your faith and love for the church certainly comes through in your posts, you are an inspiration to many here so CHEER UP lol.

Yes you are correct when you say about the threads/discussions turn into arguments, I mainly read the threads now because i found that my threads sometimes caused bad feeling in themselves.

I am sure that the arguments dont happen between members, its normally guys/girls that come here looking for a fight, and no matter how kind and loving they are received they just do not feel the good spirit, just the spirit of contention.

Yourself and others here are in fact doing missionary work when trying to get through to these people and the stress and frustration must be very hard for all of you.

So i say to all of you guys that try so very very hard God bless you and carry on, i wish i had the words like you lot have. But until then i will just read your posts, and i know i will learn a lot from them.

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Thanks guys!

The Book of Mormon does give me comfort. I think that is why I was led to this particular church.

But it still brings up the question for me (and maybe I'm being a bad member) why do we proclaim to be the one true church. I know why it's the one true church for me, but how can I know for sure that it is the one true church for all? I understand the degrees of glory. So we need not go there. But maybe what other faiths believe is enough for them. Why try and convert them to our way of believing?

I really do love this site and being able to participate -- but I feel like such an infant!

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I don't think it is so much about converting them or changing them or winning numbers.......I think it is inviting them to learn more....to embrace more light and more truth or more understanding of truth and to open themselves to the voice and will of God in these latter times. I think for some that involves conversion...but that is always a personal thing between an individual and the Lord and the Holy Spirit.

So, are we the ONLY true church? Yes but such a statement needs perspective. Are we the only good road? Are we the only place to find truth, light, or good people? My answer is no. There is much in the way of truth in this wide world and wonderful paths of goodness that bless the lives of many. It is clear that a house that is divided cannot stand. The Lord has come and given his kingdom to the earth in multiple dispensations in hopes that the groups would accept the gospel in its truest form. But.......humans tend to run their own direction. And here we are again, in the final dispensation, when again the Lord wants to gather his people and Israel and for those who will listen, He will give them the fulness! One heart! One baptism! "How oft I would have gathered you....and you would not!"

So we live and believe and let others do the same and we invite and we strengthen our own testimonies and we learn from all our interactions and we obey our God to the best of our understanding. And we let God figure out the complexities and we ask him to give us his mind and his spirit and his nature. And then we love our fellow man and we forgive each other and we work towards peace.

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Hi Candy - carefully read Moroni 10:3-5, they are powerful passages in the Book of Mormon.

Any Web forum such as this will elicit various opinions, sine none of us are perfect but we should all striving to be. We offer no apologies when we claim to be the only true church - the Lord instructed young Joseph not to join any of the other religions since they were not correct - He wanted to make sure His church would be restored to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith, and I have a testimony of this as fact.

Hope this helps.

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Candy I'm so sorry! If I have caused any heartache for you I'm so so sorry.

I really have enjoyed reading all of your posts and think that you really do have a sweet spirit and understand the love of Christ...something we should all strive for!

All the posts here sum it up for me too...very nice to read this thread.

I find it really hard to avoid reading the threads when they turn heated(even though I know I'm not going to feel in any way uplifted at the end of it). To me, it's kinda like driving by a bad car wreck and trying not to look.

When it really comes down to it, none of it really matters...as far as I can tell, most of it is beyond the basic/essential beliefs.

So why do people even bother having these discussions? Probably because many people have a passion for what they believe, they want to discuss the details, get into the "deep doctrine"...which is probably why some of the conversations get into some really bazzar stuff. But it really all is just speculation and sharing different interpretations.

My father in law told me a story about when he was a child, he remembered his grandfather and three of his grandpa's friends sitting in the living room (what were later to be three general authorities) discussing and debating their interpretations of different scriptures and prophet's ideas, etc. And much like the information here, the disagreements are over trivial information...not the essentials.

I personally don't feel the spirit when I delve into the "deep doctrine". I find it interesting, like when I study for a class at school...but I don't really find it uplifting or spiritual. When I read some of the threads I feel confusion and contention, most the information is designed to appeal to the intellect...not the heart. So I try to receive it with a grain of salt, as opinions...because when I don't do this it really gets me confused and draws me further away from the spirit.

But I have seen some threads here that are so uplifting, full of inspiring stories and people responding to other's questions in kindness and respect. That's why I personally got hooked to this forum and hope to see more of this type of interaction. :)

I really do hope that you continue posting because you really are a ray of sunshine!

God bless.

Edited by funkymonkey
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Guest HEthePrimate

Hi Candyprpl,

Actually, one of the things I like about the Church is having a certain amount of latitude as to what people can believe. I think one of the reasons we meet together every Sunday is so that we can share our perspectives with each other, discuss things, and learn from each other. My own perspective is limited, and it can help a lot to hear what other people have to say, and I hope that what I say can be of help to them.

Like you, I do not like arguments. It's good to avoid contention, which means to me avoiding getting angry about differences of opinion and making things too personal. It is much nicer to "disagree agreeably" as they say, and stay friends.



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The rock that this church was built on is revelation. In light of latterday revelation and the Book of Mormon and other scriptures.....like the Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and the Joseph Smith translation of the Bible we have a much clearer picture of the plan of salvation. Real in depth answers to questions like, where did we come from, why we are here and where we are going. Volumes of doctrinal commentary written by men set apart as Prophets, Seers and Revelators. Others have and use the light they have thus far received and because we have recieved so much more light we see things that they can't see yet.
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Thanks guys!

how can I know for sure that it is the one true church for all? I understand the degrees of glory. So we need not go there. But maybe what other faiths believe is enough for them. Why try and convert them to our way of believing?

If what your church teaches is true, then you should care enough to help as many as will, to reach the highest levels of glory. I want my light to shine bright enough that those who are hellbound might pause, and consider the hope of Christ. Some people are sincerely wrong. So, don't be afraid to be strong, to be confident, and to proclaim the truth you have...and then allow others the same courtesy.

IMHO, those who have to argue, get angry, get frustrated, are often those who are not well versed or grounded in their own faith, and so mask their defensiveness and uncertainty with aggressiveness and bluster.

Candy, you, btw, seem just fine.

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Candy, it took me a very long time to get used to a message board. I have been here now 5 years and I have learned that there are just some threads I don't care to read and that's ok.:D

If you feel really upset take a break, and read less contensious threads. I personally come here for fun and friendships but that is just me.:)

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Feeling upset with how the bible can be misinterpreted so many ways by so many different people is what led Joseph Smith to the grove to ask of God. That's powerful to me because I went through the same thing.

I studied the bible extensively but using mainstream doctrines, I was left confused. After reading the Book of Mormon, everything became very clear. I've learned that the confusion comes from Satan and he wants us to be confused about the real meaning. Thankfully, we have prophets today who can help us know what the Lord meant.

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The day will come when God will bring all of us into the unity of the faith. Unfortunately, many people see Christianity as an "us versus them" type belief system. It isn't. For LDS, multiple levels of heaven means I can respect other religions as doing and teaching good that can help lift a person to a higher level of light and truth. And I can invite others to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him, as I share the restored gospel's truths.

Not all will accept it. And there are some vocal voices out there that insist on being heard, even if they are being offensive. Our job is to pray for them. Bless those that curse us, pray for those who speak ill of us. Perhaps the Lord will someday soften their hearts, even as Alma the Younger or Paul of Tarsus were changed. In the meantime, we need to stand firm in our testimonies of Christ, and share those testimonies in love with others.

I appreciate testimonies of Christ regardless of where they come from. To hear Prison Chaplain's witness of Christ is inspiring and uplifting. And I hope he gains much from the LDS testimonies shared here, as well.

Focus on the positive threads. Pray for those who tend to instigate negative and destructive threads.

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Thanks everyone. I'm doing better. I have taken a break from some of the threads and that has helped. I've always been a person with a tender heart and in my youth it was not a fun thing. But it is a weakness that has been made strong. It helps me be a better mediator because I can understand both sides. However, it also gets me into trouble at times.

I do love the Book of Mormon -- it has helped me understand the Bible and I'm grateful for that. I just get so upset when others can't or won't accept the wonderfulness of it all. I do have a strong testimony! It's just uncomfortable for me to say that I know that this is the only true church. Not because I don't believe, because I do, but because of how it makes others (not of our faith) feel when we say it. When I hear our Prophet or the Apostles say it, it doesn't come across as arrogance. You know what I mean? I want to be more like Christ and accept others just the way they are and also be treated with the same respect. I know deep down, that is what everyone wants. Oh dear, I'm rambling.

I want to participate on these threads. Even the ones who bring only contentious remarks help me develop a stronger testimony. They don't concern me as much as those wonderful people who remind me of my parents, who are loving Christians and I would love to talk to them anytime. They are the ones who bring the question "does God really want us all to belong to the same church? Then I get stumped:confused: and don't know what to say. I do hold to true to our 11th Article of Faith. How do you know when to leave it at that and when to keep talking and sharing the fulness of the gospel? I know I'm not asking this question very well. I let you all respond and see if something clicks.

Thank you all again -- I hope this conversation is helping others as well. I'm a shy person and I really don't like being the center of attention.:P

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Candy you will grow stronger... but you do not need to do it overnight! Some of teh stuff here is really pretty hard, some wordings can really hurt someone as tender as you... isnt there something about those tender in heart in the Bible?? Keep strong ETTE you can make it!

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The perfect answer is to encourage those sincere individuals to ponder and pray about it. When the Lord is ready, he will tell them where they need to be, whether it is in the LDS Church or not.

That's just it -- we have so many on these threads telling us that the LDS is not true for them. Some have left the Church because they didn't receive witness of Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon, etc. and others of different faiths say they have prayed and received answers that the LDS is not the church for them. I can respect that.

In your post you say that He will tell them where they need to be -- if that's true, do you think the answers they are getting are not coming from the Lord or that it's okay for them to belong to another church and worship as they see fit?

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Alma 29:8 tells us that God gives to each nation and individual the amount of truth and light the person is prepared to receive. Not everyone is ready, and perhaps never will be ready, for the fullness of the gospel. In this instance, why would God give a person a testimony of Joseph Smith, if the person isn't ready and willing to embrace it?

Better for him to give them what they need now, hoping they will someday be ready to receive more.

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candyprpl. I would counsel you to keep everything in perspective. The conditions you describe are nothing new. The scriptures is full stories whereby men of god journey amoung their fellowmen, preaching the gospel and repentance. However, these messegers were received not with love and appreciation but stoning, rebuke, death, etc.. They however still continued with beleiving and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In fact, Amulek comes to mind. As you will recall, he was very popular, sacrificed his riches, his social status, etc. in order to embrace the gospel. He was rejected by those who were once his friends as well as his father and family.

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The LDS proclamation that it is the one, true, restored Christian church, with authority, and the fullness of the gospel is difficult for non-members, like myself, in that my prayers and study have led me, I believe by the witness of the Spirit, to believe that my church is A true church.

There's no sense arguing about it, though. Wisdom is to discuss those things we believe, and to present the best Christian example we can, in word, spirit, and deed.

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It really hurts my heart to read so many posts that end in arguments. :(

Does God really want us all to belong to one church? I'm serious.

For me the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the right church for me. I believe the things I'm being taught. I know that this church is being led by a true prophet of God and that is the church that I want to be a part of. I know that others don't think we respect the Bible as much as they do (maybe I'm saying that wrong, but that's how it comes across to me). One of the reasons that I stopped attending church all together was because I couldn't find anyone who agreed with what the right interpretation of the Bible was. Even pastors in the same denominations seem to disagree at times. I've always been one to see both sides of an argument and I think that is what has me so upset now. When I hear someone else explain their view on passages in the Bible -- I understand what they're saying. When I hear our church leaders explain a passage, I also understand what they mean. How can veiws be so different?

I know God wants me to be a part of this church -- I've had a wonderful, sacred experience that led me to this church. I know I was baptized by one having authority. I feel the Spirit in my life like I've never felt before. My father died believing that he was a man of God and a devout Baptist, yet had no problem asking for a Priesthood blessing from his son-in-law and grandson. And he felt comforted by that Priesthood blessing.

Oh :( I can't stop crying! I don't like my faith being tested like this! I can accept the things being said about Joseph Smith and knowing that not all LDS people are perfect in professing to be Christian -- but reading the disputes over the Bible is hurting! Institute classes start next week and we will be studying the NT. Most of my personal study lately has been the NT -- maybe I will get answers to my agonizing prayers about this.

I would love ALL comments to my dillema.

I also find it very sad that many of the discussions that Jesus had within his religious community ended in arguments the came to a head with his death.

The Traveler

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The LDS proclamation that it is the one, true, restored Christian church, with authority, and the fullness of the gospel is difficult for non-members, like myself, in that my prayers and study have led me, I believe by the witness of the Spirit, to believe that my church is A true church.

There's no sense arguing about it, though. Wisdom is to discuss those things we believe, and to present the best Christian example we can, in word, spirit, and deed.

You are a good person to know PC, talk with and learn from. I know that you and I disagree about a lot of things but you have been a welcome guest on an LDS forum as far as I am conceerned. You have let your different oppinions known without creating an argument. For that I honor you as a Christian - not by your doctrine but by your manner - which I count as the only true way to determine someone that respects Christ.

The Traveler

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Alma 29:8 tells us that God gives to each nation and individual the amount of truth and light the person is prepared to receive. Not everyone is ready, and perhaps never will be ready, for the fullness of the gospel. In this instance, why would God give a person a testimony of Joseph Smith, if the person isn't ready and willing to embrace it?

Better for him to give them what they need now, hoping they will someday be ready to receive more.

Thank you for that perspective. I do not think I have looked at it that way before.

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