Extraterrestrials, visits, and UFO phenomena


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So I've been watching a documentary on the Phoenix Lights and I don't think I can draw a conclusion either way. On the one hand, they have a lot of compelling eyewitness testimony, but on the other hand this isn't a very objective film.

What do you guys think of this sort of thing? If there really is something to it, how would it fit with your understanding of the Gospel? I know the Pearl of Great Price describes other worlds created by God, but does that mean they could be visiting us, or is this just a lot of collective imagination?

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I would like to know why UFOs are only seen by guys in the south who have been out drinking all night. Never hear of any sightings over a football stadium full of people or out at the fairgrounds. Only some guy who is out drinking late at night and then swears he saw something and they took him away and did strange things to him. All said tongue in cheek.

Ben Raines

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My thing is, this particular event was seen by something like 10,000 people... But despite being absolutely convinced that this was an alien spacecraft, the film fails to address any questions like:

1)For the spacecraft to appear over a major city, the aliens must want to make their presence known. Why at night? A daytime appearance would be much more effective.

2)The spacecraft followed a course that, while taking it over one major city, was mostly over empty desert. Wouldn't an appearance over the greater New York City area be more logical? Surely most of that flight wasn't for the benefit of desert jackrabbits...

3)If 10,000 people saw it, why are there only a handful of videos and photos?

4)They claim the spacecraft flew directly over an airport. Were the schedules and flight plans of any commercial aircraft affected? They say it was only moving at 30 miles per hour. That would make it a flight hazard to any planes in the area for a significant amount of time. Why wasn't the airport shut down? It was visible near the airport at around 8PM. The airport was open and operating.

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I've been looking at the night sky for more than 40 years. I've done it while "ufo flaps" (local sightings) were going on, and in places reputed to be where ufos hang out. Shucks, I've even lived in New Mexico (twice).

I've never seen anything up there that I couldn't identify...and none of them were alien flying saucers.

As for the Phoenix lights, they're very obviously flare shells used by the military during an exercise that was going on at that time and in that location. They look and act just like the ones I encountered when I was in the service.

On the other hand, I do believe that there are other creatures in the universe, and there are scriptures that seem to support this.

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Think of it this way. If there is as many stars "Sun's" in the universe that is equal in number to all the grains of sand on planet earth. The alians must have cracked the phisics code to build a hyper engine totransport them across the universe to visit us. I also have lived in new mexico. Lived lots of places. Could explain everything in the sky except one thing.

But in general I believe in them. Just yet to see a stange UFO some day :)

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Think of it this way. If there is as many stars "Sun's" in the universe that is equal in number to all the grains of sand on planet earth. The alians must have cracked the phisics code to build a hyper engine totransport them across the universe to visit us. I also have lived in new mexico. Lived lots of places. Could explain everything in the sky except one thing.

But in general I believe in them. Just yet to see a stange UFO some day :)

Not to be nitpicky.. but they probably wouldn't be 'transporting across the universe'. It's more like poking a hole between '2 points' of space-time. :P (sci-fi nerd, sorry!)

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That's one of the comforts I find in the LDS Church... When we see sci fi movies or read sci fi books they always talk about one of the ramifications of discovering alien beings being massive social and religious upheaval in the world. Most religions aren't equipped to deal with this.

If an alien spacecraft landed on the White House lawn tomorrow, I think most Mormons would, from a spiritual point of view, simply shrug their shoulders and get on with life. There's nothing really in our religion that I know of that would be threatened or directly contradicted by such an event.

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That's one of the comforts I find in the LDS Church... When we see sci fi movies or read sci fi books they always talk about one of the ramifications of discovering alien beings being massive social and religious upheaval in the world. Most religions aren't equipped to deal with this.

If an alien spacecraft landed on the White House lawn tomorrow, I think most Mormons would, from a spiritual point of view, simply shrug their shoulders and get on with life. There's nothing really in our religion that I know of that would be threatened or directly contradicted by such an event.

I think that most people are only mildly religious to begin with. A few fundamentalists would probably freak out, but I doubt it would be a major religious upheaval. Most religions would probably just evolve to incorporate an explaination for it, the same thing that happens every time something challenges commonly held religious beliefs.

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So I've been watching a documentary on the Phoenix Lights and I don't think I can draw a conclusion either way. On the one hand, they have a lot of compelling eyewitness testimony, but on the other hand this isn't a very objective film.

What do you guys think of this sort of thing? If there really is something to it, how would it fit with your understanding of the Gospel? I know the Pearl of Great Price describes other worlds created by God, but does that mean they could be visiting us, or is this just a lot of collective imagination?

Only people who can visits this earth are those who are formerly from here [hence - People of Enoch or City of Salem] or as someone already stated a probable government experimental craft.

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I know that our heavenly Father created many other worlds. I believe that it is possible that beings can be visiting us ..... y dont they make direct contact? who knows, maybe they aren't allowed to. After all Faith is believing in something that you cannot see. If they were to establish contact and then they were to tell us God does exist.... what would happen to our free will? what would happen to our Faith?

Why are they making themselves seen then? Well...if i were on of HFs creations from another world...and I had the opportunity to just visit the world where Christ were born...I would take it! I mean out of all the worlds he was born here...we were the lucky ones...All other worlds really believe because of faith... but us....we had him here (and some people still dont believe)

maybe they've seen our world, They've seen how blessed we are, our potential as a race...but they've also seen the way we've givin ourselves to sin , they've seen how we are destroying ourselves. Maybe they just show themselves so that we can think...wait, if there are other beings not of this world, then there has to be a God and maybe we will think things twice and reject the evil influence of Satan.

There are many things that we dont understand yet. There are many things that the Old testament tell us about "beings from another planet" but we are not ready for that (i guess not all of us are)

There are many revelations that were given to the prophet Joseph smith that we are not ready to receive yet..

The Ninth Article of Faith says, "We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God."

Another scripture:

Doctrine and Covenants 101:32-35:

32 Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things-

33 Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof-

34 Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven.

Gotta go I'll chat some more later :)

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Only people who can visits this earth are those who are formerly from here [hence - People of Enoch or City of Salem] or as someone already stated a probable government experimental craft.

Could you elaborate on that a little? Why would only people formerly from this Earth be able to visit?

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Could you elaborate on that a little? Why would only people formerly from this Earth be able to visit?

It follows the same guidelines as written in both D&C 129 and 130. There is no outside intervention or allowable visitations. Who are these angels? The Lord has revealed that “there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.” (D&C 130:5.) Such personages may be spirits—who have not yet been born into mortality or have lived on the earth but who have not yet been resurrected—or beings with tangible bodies who have been either resurrected or translated. (D&C 129:1–9 gives one of the meanings of the term angels as “resurrected personages” and distinguishes between them and “spirits,” acknowledging that either may appear. Many additional scriptures illustrate that the term angels may refer both to spirits and to resurrected or translated beings.)

President Joseph F. Smith gave us some insight about angels who minister to those on the earth:

“When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants. The ancient prophets who died were those who came to visit their fellow creatures upon the earth. They came to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; it was such beings—holy beings if you please—who waited upon the Savior and administered to him on the Mount. The angel that visited John, when an exile, and unfolded to his vision future events in the history of man upon the earth, was one who had been here, who had toiled and suffered in common with the people of God. … In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh.” (Gospel Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1970, pp. 435–36.)

Is this doctrine? Pray over what is given for your own answer. :D

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thats a good reference...hemidakota...thanks......but it seems to me that with all the sightings from around the world.....many of which are made by pilots, both military and commercial....and the fact that many sightings ARE in very rural areas, and that no actual direct contact (landing in a stadium filled with people or the white house lawn, for instance) has been made with, or by, them, that they (who or whatever they are) are not ministering to us. personally, i believe that it is VERY improbable that EVERY sighting is some kind of hoax. i do believe in them...UFO's....do i have a clue about who, what,why or how?....absolutely not......as for those phoenix lights?.....i was living in tuscon at the time and the report was all over the news for some days....one theory even consisdered them (the lights) as a secret military experiment in holography...who knows.....and to those that scoff at the idea of UFO's....well.....people once scoffed at the notion that the world was round.....and that Jesus was who He said he was......personally, i believe that there is too much evidence that they exist....not only in the sky's but in the ocean as well.....yes...in the ocean.....there was an incident in nova scotia maybe 30 years back that baffled the canadian navy....and yes...with eye witnesses....as well as others......including some sightings off catalina island in california.....i think it is too bad that people who have done NO real research into these sightings are so quick to say that they are just so much crap.

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If it is not Enoch or Melchizdeck people, whom I suspect have the latest technology, then it is more likely be government experimental crafts. The government is in the process of declassifying four the latest crafts [JANE] that will most likely shock today's average person. It ranges from gravity type propulsion to cloaking type vehicles. Believe me, our government is way head of hidden technology that most people will not even believe exists.

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oh..yes...ABSOLUTELY, I agree....and some theorize that they..the government..is getting it from reverse engineering the crashed roswell UFO.....like i said...i dont KNOW...and i would love to KNOW...but i probably never will in this life.....but i keep an open mind....there is more to heaven and earth than we can imagine....dang,,,wish i could remember the exact quote from shakespear...rats....lol

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There are some very ancient petroglyps in south america depicting alien vistits. I think back then aliens did not feel as threatened by society and probebly visited them often. Today they think mankind are bunch of madmen that would shoot there ships out of the sky. I have always been a big Sci-Fi fan long before the word religion was introduced into my life. Loved the repeates of robi the robot. Movies such as "The day the earth stood still" "Forbiden planet" "lost in space" those were some of the movies that really facinated me.

BTW saw some REALLY strange things while serving at Kirtland AFB new mexico in the 80s. It is half a millitary base half a DOD defence R&D star wars base.

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I have always been a big Sci-Fi fan long before the word religion was introduced into my life. Loved the repeates of robi the robot. Movies such as "The day the earth stood still" "Forbiden planet" "lost in space" those were some of the movies that really facinated me.

I love good Sci-Fi movies too. :)

Last I heard though, Robbie the Robot had fallen on hard times. After IBM outsourced him, he ended up selling women's shoes at the mall.

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I would like to know why UFOs are only seen by guys in the south who have been out drinking all night. Never hear of any sightings over a football stadium full of people or out at the fairgrounds. Only some guy who is out drinking late at night and then swears he saw something and they took him away and did strange things to him. All said tongue in cheek.

Ben Raines

Jeff Foxworthy brings that up in a skit of his. Quite eloquently acctually, "Have you ever noticed Rednecks are attracted to things that are shiney: fishing lures, beer cans and UFOs."

Space, the final frontier is massive, beyond our comprehension. The technology and life span it would take to transport a being through space is incredible. To store whatever it is these "beings" would use for energy and liquid replacement, etc.

I know some people suggest "worm holes" and Relativity can make it possible, but where is the evidence? Plus I like the "They are hear studying us!" theory. Why study us? If you have the technology to traverse the solar system, galaxy, or even galaxy to galaxy, then why study? just use your technology, come down, and kick us in the fanny. Take the place.

Although one of my favorite all time works of fiction is Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard.


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Hey! I wondered when someone was going to start this thread! I was gonna, but hadn't gotten around to it.

I have also seen the documentation films and eyewitness testimonies of people in Arizona. Pretty compelling stuff! Just recently a very large number of people also saw UFO's in Texas. I saw a program of the eye witness testimonies by them also.

Okay, now get this one,............ I have also had my experiences with them. The last time my husband was with me and his teeth about dropped out! THis last one was really super cool because it happened during the day.

I have been told that Heavenly Father wouldn't allow people from other planets to bother us. But I don't think it said they didn't exist. Gonna do some checking on this one.

Also.........remember the scripture that says we will see wonders in the heavens before the second coming. And we do all agree that time is drawing nigh..... so who knows? I am certainly not going to say it couldn't be. God can do anything he wants !

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