Noah's Ark Fact or Fiction?

Guest DeltaVortex

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Guest DeltaVortex

I went to a site that I believe is Noah's Ark. Do you believe that this could be it?

We confirmed a pattern of iron on this large boat shape.

Had to go there myself because there were opinions against the site and opinions for. The opinions against said there was no pattern of iron.


Edited by DeltaVortex
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I went to a site that I believe is Noah's Ark. Do you believe that this could be it?

We confirmed a pattern of iron on this large boat shaped.

Had to go there myself because there were opinions against the site and opinions for. The opinions against said there was no pattern of iron.


I believe that there was in reality a Noah's Ark. Exactly what the extent of understanding is concerning this scripture epoch is where I believe there is fiction. Without question there are things missing from the scripture account that many have added to this great message to distract from what the message may really have been in ancient times.

I find it interesting that the Book of Enoch tells us that two of the greatest sins being committed as the cause of the flood was:

1. The order of marriage was changed. (I wonder what was meant by that – what other orders are there?)

2. That children were conceived only for carnal purposes. (I wonder if this was a free choice issue?)

The Traveler

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I believe that there was in reality a Noah's Ark. Exactly what the extent of understanding is concerning this scripture epoch is where I believe there is fiction. Without question there are things missing from the scripture account that many have added to this great message to distract from what the message may really have been in ancient times.

I find it interesting that the Book of Enoch tells us that two of the greatest sins being committed as the cause of the flood was:

1. The order of marriage was changed. (I wonder what was meant by that – what other orders are there?)

2. That children were conceived only for carnal purposes. (I wonder if this was a free choice issue?)

The Traveler

There is a consideration among evangelicals that satan was trying to corrupt the human race and destroy the Adamic line JESUS was to be born through. This was happening through intermarriage of humanity with angels.

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I'm in a World Religions class, and Western Civilizations class in college (Just got to Lethbridge yall! Finally moved in! Woot!) and it's amazing to see the flood stories that originate from almost every civilization. Heres a few examples:

Noah's Ark - Not gonna summarize this one

Epic of Gilgammesh - The gods are angry with humanities sin and bloodshed, they tell a man to build a boat, save his family. This is a Mesopotamian legend

Atlantis - Advanced civilization destroyed by giant flood.

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Don't forget the ancient Hindu myth. According to legend,

Vishnu, the 'preserver of the Universe', manifested himself on the earth through 9 different avatars throughout history to preserve the world. One of those avatars, Matsya, saved the first man, Manu, from 'the [great] flood'. (Religions of the World: A Latter-day Saint View; page 20)

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I've thought some about Noah's ark and see some definite difficulties in the science of it. Like "How did Noah feel the Kuala bear when that kind of leaf was not indigenous to that region of the world for that animal to eat and the idea of the wood rotting after it had been exposed to the elements yet still believing it took so long to build without that happening. And I've come to believe that the only way it could be possible is if God actually intervened so those difficulties weren't difficult I guess or it didn't happen. I've put my belief in teh Bible and so I'd have to say, if God wanted it done then I guess He could have make it happen. It's not that it's an impossibility just looks like there are some things that made me think about it. :topsecret:

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I think it is an exaggeration. Every bible story pertains to a small race of people in a small area of the world. The wars and covenants they made only pertained to them.I think the flood was the same. Writing about a "world flood" with their limited knowledge would have been similar to Columbus thinking he could sail to India by going west.

Many other cultures have other flood stories but they are so drastically different, and all people build around water, that I don't see it as proof.

Actually it makes me wonder if those who have the most similar stories use the biblical story as proof of their religion.

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Maybe you meant something else. I think I know what u meant but "every bible story"? The Bible is for all people and not a small select few.

Pertain means "to belong as a part, member, accessory, or product." The bible stories are a product of a small race of people in a small part of the world.

But I do get what your saying about being for everyone.


pertain. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

Retrieved February 7, 2009, from pertain - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

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Ok Hordack .. I am curious please explain if you have the time

There are about 5 bible passages that talk about the world not moving or the sun moving Most people took this literally. It was their interpretation.

Galileo discovered that the sun is fixed and it is the world that moves around it. This idea was considered heresy. and he was put on trial. Now it is taught as fact.

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I still take it as literal. I see absolutely no reason that GOD could at any time bring the entire Universe to a standstill. Galileo never said the sun never stopped for Joshua. He said that the earth went around the sun. Narrow minded people who what to place GOD in a box could not see how this would be possible. With GOD anything good is possible.

Joshua 10:13 ... The sun stopped in the middle of the sky. Is the sun in the sky? On earth it appears in our sky. The reality is that the sun is in space. Joshua saw the sun appear to freeze in the sky. The Bible doesn't say exactly how GOD accomplished this feat; however, I do believe it happen just as it was recorded.

Can someone believe that they can be baptized for the dead and yet not believe that GOD could make the sun stand still or allow the entire earth to be flooded?

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I still take it as literal. I see absolutely no reason that GOD could at any time bring the entire Universe to a standstill. Galileo never said the sun never stopped for Joshua. He said that the earth went around the sun. Narrow minded people who what to place GOD in a box could not see how this would be possible. With GOD anything good is possible.

Joshua 10:13 ... The sun stopped in the middle of the sky. Is the sun in the sky? On earth it appears in our sky. The reality is that the sun is in space. Joshua saw the sun appear to freeze in the sky. The Bible doesn't say exactly how GOD accomplished this feat; however, I do believe it happen just as it was recorded.

Can someone believe that they can be baptized for the dead and yet not believe that GOD could make the sun stand still or allow the entire earth to be flooded?

Just because everything is possible with God doesn't mean everything possible is from God.

Sure he could have flooded the earth then destroyed the evidence to fool scientist. Or the bible could be a product of it's time and Noahs "world" consisted of a few hundred square miles. Similar to how Alexander the great concurred the "world" even though in reality it was only a small portion of 3 continents.

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Just because everything is possible with God doesn't mean everything possible is from God.

Sure he could have flooded the earth then destroyed the evidence to fool scientist. Or the bible could be a product of it's time and Noahs "world" consisted of a few hundred square miles. Similar to how Alexander the great concurred the "world" even though in reality it was only a small portion of 3 continents.

It is rather difficult to cover the "high hills" without covering all the lower lands first...

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I went to a site that I believe is Noah's Ark. Do you believe that this could be it?

We confirmed a pattern of iron on this large boat shape.

Had to go there myself because there were opinions against the site and opinions for. The opinions against said there was no pattern of iron.


This comes by prayer and the answer received will be a rude awakening of the soul. ;)
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