Hemidakota Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 Some LDS Prophets statements:Man is made an agent to himself before his God; he is organized for the express purpose that he may become like his Master.…The Lord created you and me for the purpose of becoming Gods like Himself; when we have been proved in our present capacity and have been faithful with all things He puts into our possession. We are created, we are born for the express purpose of growing up from the low estate of manhood, to become Gods like unto our Father in heaven. That is the truth about it, just as it is. The Lord has organized mankind for the express purpose of increasing in that intelligence and truth, which is with God, until he is capable of creating worlds on worlds, and becoming Gods, even the sons of God. -Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 3:93, August 8, 1852 ----"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God." (Philip. 2:5,6)------We are destined and foreordained to become like God, and unless we do become like Him we will never be permitted to dwell with Him. When we become like Him you will find that we will be presented before Him in the form in which we were created, male and female. -Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, p. 276, June 12, 1898-----The fact that we receive the Holy Ghost is proof that the Spirit in warring with the flesh has overcome, and by continuing in this state of victory over our sinful bodies we become the sons and daughters of God, Christ having made us free, and whoever the Son makes free is free indeed. Having fought the good fight we then shall be prepared to lay our bodies down to rest to await the morning of the resurrection when they will come forth and be reunited with the spirits, the faithful, as it is said, receiving crowns, glory, immortality and eternal lives, even a fullness with the Father, when Jesus shall present His work to the Father, saying, "Father, here is the work thou gavest me to do." Then will they become gods, even the sons of God; then will they become eternal fathers, eternal mothers, eternal sons and eternal daughters; being eternal in their organization, they go from glory to glory, from power to power; they will never cease to increase and to multiply, worlds without end. When they receive their crowns, their dominions, they then will be prepared to frame earths like unto ours and to people them in the same manner as we have been brought forth by our parents, by our Father and God.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 18:259, October 8, 1876-----As man now is, God once was-even the babe of Bethlehem, advancing to childhood-thence to boyhood, manhood, then to the Godhead. This, then, is the "mark of the prize of man s high calling in Christ Jesus."We are the offspring of God, begotten by Him in the spirit world, where we partook of His nature as children here partake of the likeness of their parents. Our trials and sufferings give us experience, and establish within us principles of godliness.-Lorenzo Snow, Journal of Discourses 26:368, January 10, 1886-----It is for the exaltation of man to a state of superior intelligence and Godhead that the mediation and atonement of Jesus Christ is instituted; and that noble being, man, made in the image of God, is rendered capable not only of being a son of man, but also a son of God, through adoption, and is rendered capable of becoming a God, possessing the power, the majesty, the exaltation and the position of a God.-John Taylor, The Mediation and the Atonement-John Taylor, p. 140-141, Published in 1892-----MEN ARE GODS IN EMBRYO!Man is the child of God, formed in the divine image and endowed with divine attributes, and even as the infant son of our earthly father and mother is capable in due time of becoming a man, so the undeveloped offspring of celestial parentage is capable, by experience through ages of aeons, of evolving into a God.-Joseph F. Smith, Improvement Era 13:81, November, 1909-----We are the offspring of God, born with the same faculties and powers as He possesses, capable of enlargement through the experience that we are now passing through in our second estate… He has begotten us in His own image. He has given us faculties and powers that are capable of enlargement until His fullness is reached which He has promised-until we shall sit upon thrones, governing and controlling our posterity from eternity to eternity, and increasing eternally.-Lorenzo Snow, Millennial Star 56;772, October 5, 1894-----If we take man, he is said to have been made in the image of God, for the simple reason that he is a son of God, and being His son, he is, of course, His offspring, an emanation from God, in whose likeness, we are told, he is made. He did not originate from a chaotic mass of matter, moving or inert, but came forth possessing, in an embryonic state, all the faculties and powers of a God. And when he shall be perfected, and have progressed to maturity, he will be like his Father-a Cod, being indeed His offspring. As the horse, the ox, the sheep, and every living creature, including man, propagates its own species and perpetuates its own kind, so does God perpetuate His.-John Taylor, The Mediation and the Atonement-John Taylor, p. 164-165, Published in 1892-----God, the Father, is like His Son … it would be inconsistent and impossible for a spirit to beget a man like Christ, and therefore the Father and the Son are the exact resemblance of each other.-Joseph F. Smith, Conference Reports, p. 5, October 6, 1911-----We were born in the image of God our Father; He begat us like unto Himself. There is the nature of Deity in the composition of our spiritual organization. In our spiritual birth, our Father transmitted to us the capabilities, powers and faculties which He possessed, as much so as the child on its mother's bosom possesses, although in an undeveloped state, the faculties, powers and susceptibilities of its parent.-Lorenzo Snow, Deseret Weekly News 20:597, January 14, 1872-----Let me read that prayer a little more: "Our Father, who art in heaven." What, is He indeed my Father? Yes. Is He our Father? Yes… we are the children of God; that is the relationship that we sustain to Him. Being born of the Spirit, we become the sons of God… And what else? The heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord. Is this the position we occupy? So say the Scriptures. And what is the difference between those who have been born of the water and the Spirit, and those who know not the gospel, and who possess none of the gifts thereof? Let us stop and inquire. You have sons, have you not? Yes. What win the boys be when they are grown up? They will be men, will they not? They are now the sons of men. If a man be inducted into the family of God, and becomes a son of God, what will he become when he gets his growth? You can figure that out yourselves.-John Taylor, Journal of Discourses 24:2-3, February 11, 1883-----This [Godhood of man] will not detract anything from the glory and might of our Heavenly Father, for He will still remain our Father, and we shall still be subject to Him, and as we progress in glory and power, the more it enhances the glory and power of our Heavenly Father. This principle holds good in either state, whether mortal or immortal.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 10:5, September 28, 1862-----ETERNAL INCREASE PROMISED TO THE FAITHFULThe Lord has blessed us with the ability to enjoy an eternal life with the Gods, and this is pronounced the greatest gift of God. The gift of eternal life, without a posterity, to become an angel, is one of the greatest gifts that can be bestowed; yet the Lord has bestowed on us the privilege of becoming father of lives. What is a father of lives as mentioned in the Scriptures? A man who has a posterity to an eternal continuance. That is the blessing Abraham received, and it perfectly satisfied his soul. He obtained the promise that he should be the father of lives.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 8:63, May 20, 1860-----We understand that we are to be made kings and priests unto God; now if I be made the king and lawgiver to my family, and if I have many sons, I shall become the father of ready fathers, for they will have sons, and their sons will have sons, and so on, from generation to generation, and, in this way, I may become the father of many fathers, or the king of ready kings. This will constitute every man a prince, king, lord, or whatever the Father sees fit to confer upon us.In this way we can become King of kings, the Lord of lords, or, Father of fathers, or Prince of princes, and this is the only course, for another man is not going to raise up a kingdom for you.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 8:265-266, July 14, 1855 -----So fax as the stages of eternal progression and attainment have been made known through divine revelation, we are to understand that only resurrected and glorified beings can be come parents of spirit offspring. Only such exalted souls have reached maturity in the appointed course of eternal life; and the spirits born to them in the eternal worlds will pass in due sequence through the several stages or estates by which the glorified parents have attained exaltation. -Joseph F. Smith, Improvement Era 19:942, June 30, 1916-----MEN, AS GODS, SHALL ORGANIZE NEW WORLDSI expect, if … faithful,… that we shah see the time … that we shall know how to prepare to organize an earth like this-know how to prepare that earth, how to redeem it, how to sanctify it, and how to glorify it, with those who live upon it who hearken to our counsels.The Father and the Son have attained to this point already; I am on the way, and so are you, and every faithful servant Of God …After men have got their exaltations and their crowns-have become Gods, even the sons of God-are made Kings of kings and Lords of lords, they have the power then of propagating their species in spirit; and that is the first of their operations with regard to organizing a world. Power is then given to them to organize the elements, and then commence the organization of tabernacles. How can they do it? Have they to go to that earth? Yes, an Adam will have to go there, and he cannot do without Eve; he must have Eve to commence the work of generation, and they will go into the garden, and continue to eat and drink of the fruits of the corporeal world, until this grosser matter is diffused sufficiently through their celestial bodies to enable them, according to the established laws, to produce mortal tabernacles for their spiritual children.This is the key for you. The faithful will become Gods, even the sons of God.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 6:274-275, August 28, 1852-----If men are faithful, the time will come when they will possess the power and the knowledge to obtain, organize, bring into existence, and own. "What, of themselves, independent of their Creator?" No. But they and their Creator win always be one, they will always be of one heart and of one mind, working and operating together; for whatsoever the Father doeth so doeth the son, and so they continue throughout all their operations to all eternity.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:304, June 3, 1855-----It [matter] is brought together, organized, and capacitated to receive knowledge and intelligence, to be enthroned in glory, to be made angels, Gods-beings who will hold control over the elements, and have power by their word to command the creation and redemption of worlds, or to extinguish suns by their breath and disorganize worlds, hurling them back into their chaotic state. This is what you and I are created for.-Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 3:356, June 15, 1856-----We shall go on from one step to another, reaching forth into the eternities until we become like the Gods, and shall be able to frame for ourselves, by the behest and command of the Almighty. All those who are counted worthy to be exalted and to become Gods, even the sons of God, will go forth and have earths and worlds like those who framed this and millions on millions of others.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 17:143, July 19, 1874-----DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANGELS AND GODSGods have an ascendency over the angels, who are ministering servants. In the resurrection, some are raised to be angels; others are raised to become Gods.-Joseph Smith, Jr., Documentary History of the Church 5:426-427, June 11, 1843-----Angels are those beings who have been on an earth like this and have passed through the same ordeals that we are now passing through. They have kept their first estate far enough to preserve themselves in the priesthood. They did not so violate the law of the priesthood and condemn themselves to the sin against the Holy .Ghost as to be finally lost. They are not crowned with the celestial ones. They are persons who have lived upon an earth, but did not magnify the priesthood in that high degree that many others have done who have become Gods, even the sons of God They are single, without families or kingdoms to reign over.-Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 9:102, January 5, 1816 -----The man who passes through this probation, and is faithful, being redeemed from sin by the blood of Christ, through the ordinances of the gospel, and attains to exaltation in the kingdom of God, is not less but greater than the angels And why? Because the resurrected, righteous man has progressed beyond the pre-existent or disembodied spirits, and has risen above them, having both spirit and body as Christ has, having gained the victory over death and the grave, and having power over sin and Satan, in fact, having passed from the condition of the angel to that of a God. He possesses keys of power, dominion and glory that the angel does not possess-and cannot possess without gaining them in the same way that he gained them, which will be by passing through the same ordeals and proving equally faithful Man in his pre-existent condition is not perfect, neither is he in the disembodied estate. There is no perfect estate but that of the risen Redeemer, which is God's estate, and no man can become perfect except he become like them [the Gods].-Joseph F. Smith, Journal of Discourses 23:172-173, June 18, 1882 ETERNAL PROGRESSION IS THE LAW OF HEAVEN-----If there was a point where man in his progression could not proceed any further, the very idea would throw a gloom over every intelligent and reflecting mind. God Himself is increasing and progressing in knowledge, power, and dominion, and will do so, worlds without end. It is just so with us.-Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses 6:120, December 6, 1857-----Man is a dual being, possessed of body and spirit, made in the image of God and connected with Him and with eternity. He is a God in embryo and will live and progress throughout the eternal ages, if obedient to the laws of the Godhead, as the Gods progress throughout the eternal ages.-John Taylor, Journal of Discourses 23:65, April 9, 1882-----We are immortal beings. That which dwells in this body of ours is immortal, and will always exist. Our individuality will always continue. Eternities may begin, eternities may end, and still we shall have our individuality. Our identity is insured. We will be ourselves, and nobody else. Whatever changes may arise, whatever worlds may be made or pass away, our identity will always remain the same; and we will continue on improving, advancing and increasing in wisdom, intelligence, power and dominion, worlds without end.-Lorenzo Snow, Conference Reports, p. 2, April, 1901-----I rejoice to know that whatever degree of intelligence we attain unto in this life shall rise with us in the life to come, and we shall have just that much the advantage of those who have not gained intelligence, because of their failure to study diligently.-Heber J. Grant, Conference Reports, p. 24, October, 1907-----If I improve upon what the Lord has given me, and continue to improve, I shall become like those who have gone before me; I shall be exalted in the celestial kingdom and be filled to overflowing with all the power I can wield; and all the keys of knowledge I can manage will be committed unto me. What do we want more? I shall be just like every other man-have all that I can, in my capacity, comprehend and manage.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 6:276, August 28, 1852-----You have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you, namely, by going from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one; from grace to grace, from exaltation to exaltation.-Joseph Smith, Jr., Times and Seasons August 15, 1844, Delivered April, 1844 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interested Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 Christianity has a similar belief. We would have equal authority with God... but not his righteousness or power, per se. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KristofferUmfrey Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 You can only use the JOD if I can use the JOD. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interested Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 Whats JOD? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bytor2112 Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 (edited) Christianity has a similar belief. We would have equal authority with God... but not his righteousness or power, per se.Perhaps you might want to say Orthodox Christianity....we LDS take offense to not being referred to as Christian......:) I have no problem offering you the same courtesy despite our differing beliefs. Edited November 19, 2008 by bytor2112 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interested Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 O.k... Orthodox Christianity, but I just get confused with Greek Orthodox when I hear that term used. Is Evangelical better? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnthonyB Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 (edited) Interested, Can I suggest Traditional Christian, (or TC's) as in those who follow the creeds of the church (ie Nicea and Chalcedon) which would include Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Evanglelical and Trinitarian Pentecostals. Or you might prefer Lewis like term of Mere Christians from "Mere Christianity" Edited November 19, 2008 by AnthonyB Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interested Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 Okie dokei Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a-train Posted November 19, 2008 Report Share Posted November 19, 2008 Why would an omnipotent god want other literal gods in his company?Why does God want a planet with human beings on it and everything from elephants to rats? Why does God want anything?I'll say a word on the matter. I hear constantly that God creates all these things so that he can be worshipped by them, served by them. What service can man do to God? NOTHING. Our worship, our righteousness is filthiness to Him. "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." (Isaiah 64:6)It is Satan that wants our worship. For he tempts saying: "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." (Matt 4:9) Tis all counterfeit.The LORD God needs nothing of us. In our worship of Him we do nothing but receive. He is not served by all, but He is the servant of all. "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." (Matt 20:28)Now if indeed the great work of God is not to be served, but to serve, what then does He do in His service? He came to give man immortality and eternal life.The Saviour prayed saying: "Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:2-3)How will Jesus glorify the Father? By giving eternal life to man.How then will we glorify the Father? By taking up eternal life and serving others. What will we do on our thrones? Why, the same thing God does: service to others.-a-train Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HoosierGuy Posted November 20, 2008 Report Share Posted November 20, 2008 (edited) We will become like HIM, being Omnipotent. That is HIS desire and not our will. Here's how I see it - Everyone on earth has a father and mother. Maybe that father or mother or both did not claim you or something, but everyone still has a dad and mom. In a perfect world little boys and girls want to grow up and be like their dad and mom. It's the same with Heavenly Father and all of us. I don't want to become a "god." I want to become like my Heavenly Father. It may not sound like a big difference to you but it's a big difference to me. God is not my Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father is my Father and God and I want to be like him because I love him, need him, want to be with him, and respect him. I also mean no disrespect to Heavenly Father when I say "God is not my Heavenly Father." Yes, He's God but He's more than that to me - He's my Father who I want to come closer to every day I'm on this earth. So, what's wrong with me wanting to be like my Heavenly Father if I want to be like him out of love and respect? Nothing. Edited November 21, 2008 by HoosierGuy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemidakota Posted November 20, 2008 Report Share Posted November 20, 2008 Good point....that is why it is so hard for me to live another day in mortality, for I await that precious day I can again embrace my Eternal Parents and my elder borther with many tears. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrNirom Posted November 20, 2008 Report Share Posted November 20, 2008 It makes me realize that because I left the Church for 20 years.. I am 20 years behind in this school of knowledge of God and scriptures. Thank goodness I don't have to spend the next 20 years reading and understanding the Old Testament to figure out what God wants me to know.. Joseph Smith brought us somewhat up to date. There are still some things that we don't fully understand that Joseph, Brigham, John Taylor and others spoke about but did not expound on... took with them to their graves that were not "passed" on. Many will bring up the JOD and some of the teachings there that we do not understand and because we don't.. we have "dismissed" the teachings due to lack of understanding on our part... not on theirs. Joseph once said that there were things that if he taught them... people would say they were blasphemy and heresy! That lets me know that some truths died with the Prophet. To know that we have the opportunity to become like our Heavenly Father.. is an awesome lesson to be taught. Why do people shrink from the thought that God can love us that much? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemidakota Posted November 21, 2008 Report Share Posted November 21, 2008 Twenty years ago I would hestitate to figure out what is the true form of intelligence and stick with the basics doctrine. Now, there is drive within to make the intitial search and study then come to that conclusion of "what was". It is amazing how over time our focus have shifted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrNirom Posted November 21, 2008 Report Share Posted November 21, 2008 Twenty years ago I would hestitate to figure out what is the true form of intelligence and stick with the basics doctrine. Now, there is drive within to make the intitial search and study then come to that conclusion of "what was". It is amazing how over time our focus have shifted.I agree.. and a more pressing question is.. Why now? What is the cause of our focus to be shifted? Tell me if I am wrong... but it does seem to be much more on an individual basis.. rather than everyone in the collective... coming from the top and being filtered downward.Those who thirst and hunger for new knowledge.. seem to get filled. NO? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemidakota Posted November 21, 2008 Share Posted November 21, 2008 · Hidden Hidden I do blame the Holy Ghost for that 'thirst' and focus shift for truth. We are never filled or our thirst is quench, once we are touched by that ‘hand’. Something I should also add, years ago, I would never question a General Authority position on a topic, but now, I will on occasion, when a topic comes up and I had witnessed it for myself that is not true, I would try to change it or correct the mistake. Though, it still doesn't mean they were misled and not love for their service rendered to the FATHER and His beloved Son. Link to comment
Hemidakota Posted November 21, 2008 Report Share Posted November 21, 2008 I do blame the Holy Ghost for that 'thirst' and focus shift for truth. We are never filled or our thirst is never quenched, once we are touched by that ‘hand’. Something I should also add, years ago, I would never question a General Authority position on a topic, but now, I will on occasion, when a topic comes up and I had witnessed it for myself that is not true, I would try to change it or correct the mistake. Though, it still doesn't mean they were misled and not love for their service rendered to the FATHER and His beloved Son. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrNirom Posted November 21, 2008 Report Share Posted November 21, 2008 We are never filled or our thirst is never quenched, once we are touched by that ‘hand’. Something I should also add, years ago, I would never question a General Authority position on a topic, but now, I will on occasion, when a topic comes up and I had witnessed it for myself that is not true, I would try to change it or correct the mistake. Though, it still doesn't mean they were misled and not love for their service rendered to the FATHER and His beloved Son.I guess my use of the word filled was used in the way one would "fill" up a gas tank. As you use it.. it must be "filled" again. But only if you intend on using it. If you don't use it.. then there is no need to "fill" it again.I feel that the General Authorities speak to the General Membership. And what the General Membership is ready to hear is not always the same as what some individuals are ready to hear. They are human too and can fall into the same traps as the rest of us. It only takes one beaver to make a dam and stop the flow of the water. Not as quick if more were helping out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinGirl87 Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 This belief is what led to my resignation. When I joined the LDS church six months ago, I was under the impression that the church members do not believe that men can become gods with their own planets and spirit children etc. I even asked this from the missionaries, but they couldn't really answer, or denied it. When I found out that they really do (atleast those in my country and church) I knew I couldn't be part of the church anymore. I do not believe that there can be other gods then God. I am no longer a member of the LDS church. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guitarwizard Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 This belief is what led to my resignation.When I joined the LDS church six months ago, I was under the impression that the church members do not believe that men can become gods with their own planets and spirit children etc. I even asked this from the missionaries, but they couldn't really answer, or denied it. When I found out that they really do (atleast those in my country and church) I knew I couldn't be part of the church anymore. I do not believe that there can be other gods then God. I am no longer a member of the LDS church.I don't see why it is such a hard doctrine to accept. It was taught by the most respected early Christian church fathers. It is taught today. Man will follow the grand example set by Jesus Christ and inherit all that the father has to offer. It is written in scripture that will be joint-heirs with Christ and share in His glory for eternity (1 Peter 10:5 & Romans 8:17.) That doctrine doesn't scare me, it makes me hopeful. And sometimes, it makes me realize the beauty of this plan and brings me to tears. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinGirl87 Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 Guitarwizard, I don't think I should explain here why it is so hard to accept, it might be considerd to be anti-mormon. But I have my reasons, and they are based in the bible. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guitarwizard Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 Guitarwizard, I don't think I should explain here why it is so hard to accept, it might be considerd to be anti-mormon. But I have my reasons, and they are based in the bible.This thread is another Biblical point against theosis. We are all pretty strong in our faith, and I hate to speak for others, but I personally enjoy when people pull out these scriptures that go against Church Doctrine. I am no moderator, but i would say that this would be the place to air your grievances. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john doe Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 Guitarwizard, I don't think I should explain here why it is so hard to accept, it might be considerd to be anti-mormon. But I have my reasons, and they are based in the bible. As long as you are not using anti-LDS sources and are not encouraging people to leave the church, you are probably okay. Trot it out, let's see what you've got. If it's inappropriate, we can always delete it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinGirl87 Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 Okay first I'd like to say, that I didn't read this from anti-mormon websites, I figured this out by myself. My statement is, that God doesn't want/intend man to be like god. Tree of the knowledge made man like god, genesis 3:5 it says : "for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." God says that man is not allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge. Genesis 2:16-17 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. Doesn't this mean, that God didn't want man to be "like god", knowing good and evil? If it doesn't, that means God's lying. It is a sin wanting to be like God, that's what Satan wanted in the first place, to be like God. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guitarwizard Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 Okay first I'd like to say, that I didn't read this from anti-mormon websites, I figured this out by myself.My statement is, that God doesn't want/intend man to be like god.Tree of the knowledge made man like god, genesis 3:5 it says : "for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."God says that man is not allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge. Genesis 2:16-1716 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it.Doesn't this mean, that God didn't want man to be "like god", knowing good and evil? If it doesn't, that means God's lying.It is a sin wanting to be like God, that's what Satan wanted in the first place, to be like God.This is really more of a problem with denying the plan of salvation than becoming like a god. How could Adam and Eve have multiplied and replenished the earth if they never partook of the fruit? The three pillars of eternity are the creation, the fall, and the atonement. We know that Jesus Christ was chosen as The Savior prior to the creation. If there was no fall, there would be no need for Christ. The fall was part of gods plan, from the beginning. It has even been put forth that God wanted Adam and Eve to partake of the fruit, but it had to be by their own decision. He couldn't tell them to eat the fruit, because if he did, he would be responsible for their fallen state. By giving them agency and making the consequences known to them, he was able to sit back and let His plan be brought into fruition. If you go a step farther and look at some apocryphal documents, the story of Adam and Eve gets even deeper. In the Armenian Apocrypha of Adam and Eve, Satan tells Adam and Eve that "God was a man like you. when he ate of the fruit of this tree he became god of all. because of that god said to you not to eat, lest you become an equal god, like himself." This is not really that big of a deal. It seems that God wanted man to partake of the fruit, why else would He provide Jesus Christ as a savior? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a-train Posted November 27, 2008 Report Share Posted November 27, 2008 The Bible teaches plainly that men are gods and children of the Most High. Claims that the LDS belief in such is unbiblical are simply ridiculous. I have worn myself out quoting the scriptures of the Bible that demonstrate plainly that the whole point of man's creation is to rise him to immortality and eternal life and to give to him a throne and a crown in heaven. If you don't believe it, you don't believe the Bible. -a-train Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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