You need to vote!!!!


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I just watched a short MSN video "Leo wants you to vote". It has some bad words kind of bleeped out so I won't post the link here.

Sometimes we put off doing something we know we should do because it isn't convenient. I have some kids who still need to register and so I thought I would share this Google link to find the information where you live. It just took a couple of clicks to get me the information I need to print it off and get it postmarked 30 days before the election. Every state has different requirements so put your address in the box and pull up the information you need.

This post should not be against the rules because I am not saying WHO to vote for just TO VOTE!

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May I just offer the caveat that just because everyone has a right to vote doesn't mean they should go to the polls uninformed. I have several friends who don't vote, and I respect them for not voting. The reason they don't vote is that they don't follow any of what's happening and they do their best not to know anything about the candidates. They are genuinely uninformed of what is happening in the election and therefore feel that it would be wrong for them to exercise their right to vote. I happen to agree with them. If you're not going to be an informed voter, then don't vote.

That being said, my friends also admit they have no right to complain about the results of elections because they aren't participating. I also respect them for that.

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May I just offer the caveat that just because everyone has a right to vote doesn't mean they should go to the polls uninformed. I have several friends who don't vote, and I respect them for not voting. The reason they don't vote is that they don't follow any of what's happening and they do their best not to know anything about the candidates. They are genuinely uninformed of what is happening in the election and therefore feel that it would be wrong for them to exercise their right to vote. I happen to agree with them. If you're not going to be an informed voter, then don't vote.

That being said, my friends also admit they have no right to complain about the results of elections because they aren't participating. I also respect them for that.

You respect them for NOT being a responsible citizen?

Is it really responsible to not vote just because you didn't take the time to educate yourselves? I mean not even educate yourself and vote with party platforms? In my opinion, such behavior is a weak and undesirable attitude and example of what being an American is all about.

I kinda feel like I have the right to complain about the results and the deadbeat voter, because if more American's did get off the duff and vote, we just might get better results.

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You respect them for NOT being a responsible citizen?

Is it really responsible to not vote just because you didn't take the time to educate yourselves? I mean not even educate yourself and vote with party platforms? In my opinion, such behavior is a weak and undesirable attitude and example of what being an American is all about.

I kinda feel like I have the right to complain about the results and the deadbeat voter, because if more American's did get off the duff and vote, we just might get better results.

Okay, you got me on a few things. Yes I would prefer it if they voted. Mostly because I know them well enough to know that they'd vote for all the things that I want. But while I would like them to vote, I would much prefer they cast an informed vote than an uninformed vote. But I do believe an uninformed vote is more dangerous than no vote at all.

So, I'm not going to tell my friends to go vote until they take the time to look at what's on the table.

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What we have done with our dearest friends over the years, keep in mind that we think pretty much alike in the political arena, is assign the propositions to study from a pro/con position and then at a gathering we each describe what we have discovered from our research. We do that for candidates as well. We don't ask anyone how they are going to vote but we can share, ask questions and discuss. That way we vote as informed individuals.

I would say that today versus years past is the easiest time to make an informed decision. Do some research. Check voting records, etc.

Then get out and vote.

Ben Raines

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Direction from the First Presidency:

...we urge you to register to vote, to study the issues and candidates carefully and prayerfully, and then to vote for and actively support those you believe will most nearly carry out your ideas of good government.

What are we to do?

1. register to vote

2. study the issues and candidates carefully and prayerfully

3. vote for and actively support those you believe will most nearly carry out your ideas of good government.

Failure to fulfill any single step will result in a neglect of this counsel.


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The Shaw was a friend, even though they had some human right issues. Now when opposition came up in Iran, instead of sending our troops to support the Shaw, Carter and his administration supported the Ayatollah Khomeni who turned out to be ten times worst in the human rights area not to mention the planting the seeds of the terrorism movement. If we might have supported Iran better in the 70's, maybe we wouldn't have lost 4117 men in the war on terror in the 21st century, and even millions if Iran perfects the bomb.

Two words: Operation Ajax


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my brother suggested to me one time (when i told him i didn't vote because there's nobody i REALLY agree with) that i do a write-in vote for myself. because who can represent me better i dunno. i thought it was a valid point. of course, i live in canada, and he lives in the states, and i don't know if you can do write in votes here (i'll find out next week for our election).

i've also used the "i'm too uninformed to vote" excuse, and now that i've promised a friend that i will inform myself and vote, it angers me to hear friends say it.

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