A field guide to conference protesters

Winnie G

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Every time I go to confidence I take my camera and yes I take their photographs.

Years ago (1st time) I thought I have to hang on to my hubby to save some protester from a pummeling but I found they upset me more then him.

So I took up taking their photo and scrap booking smart mouth remarks I thought of in my hart or yes said out load in the crushing crowds leaving conference. My husband tells me I have a way of decompressing stress in a crowd by being a smart mouth.

" Your blinding by your wealth"! (me) "Take my bills so I may see"!

MormonTimes - A field guide to conference protesters

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How funny. :)

Has this ever been tried?? ....I always wondered why there wasn't protesters to protest the protesters. Then the protesters will be preoccupied with the protesters protesting them, and will leave the conference goers alone. ;) I mean, there are a LOT more LDS people than there are protesters...why not a few of us just go to distract em? ;)

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So I took up taking their photo and scrap booking smart mouth remarks I thought of in my hart or yes said out load in the crushing crowds leaving conference. My husband tells me I have a way of decompressing stress in a crowd by being a smart mouth.

Perhaps you could even make a quilt based on these quotes and images. :D

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Guest SisterofJared

My mom took their literature and said,

"Why thank you. I'm all out of toilet paper."

It went in the nearest garbage can, of course.

Everyone should take the literature, throw it away. Get a copy for each member of the family and throw them all away. Less left for them to destroy people with.


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My mom took their literature and said,

"Why thank you. I'm all out of toilet paper."

It went in the nearest garbage can, of course.

Everyone should take the literature, throw it away. Get a copy for each member of the family and throw them all away. Less left for them to destroy people with.


The church should put out recycle bins then recycle all the paper thrown in them for use in making church materials.

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How funny. :)

Has this ever been tried?? ....I always wondered why there wasn't protesters to protest the protesters. Then the protesters will be preoccupied with the protesters protesting them, and will leave the conference goers alone. ;) I mean, there are a LOT more LDS people than there are protesters...why not a few of us just go to distract em? ;)

There is one.

There's a guy in a devil suit that stands right in between them and holds a sign that says. "Hi! I'm Satan and these street preachers are my missionaries!"

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Guest SisterofJared

I'm sorry, but if WE used sacred things from them they way they display and treat temple garments, it would be in the news with many angry people denouncing us. They are quite shameful.

I like the idea of a recycle bin with huge signs saying it will be recycled into missionary materials. They'd pass out a lot less of them.

Once at the Easter Pageant at the Mesa AZ temple they were passing out the anti stuff to my little children. THAT should be an arrestable offense. Targeting children is wrong!

Sister of Jared

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Guest ceeboo

Hi All,

Sorry to the OP for going a little off topic :)

I am, abviously, very ignorant as to this " conference protestor " thing.

Does this really happen ( often )?

How do these protestors protest ?

Who are the protestors ? ( other Christians ?:eek:)

What and where is the " conference "

Thanks and sorry again for swaying a little off topic:)

God bless,


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Guest GhostRider

I've never been to confrense..but hope to go one day. I would probably have to be duct taped though..i um...yeah sorta get really agravated with um...as we said in Texas..idgets. Sorry..we do live in a free country, they do have a right to protest. however. I dont think that you should protest in front of a church gathering with children near. I would ask the protester this simple question.."how would you feel if a group of ppl showed up in front of YOUR church and protest YOUR faith?"

Ive had to deal with protesters before..mostly in the rodeo circuit. geesh..PETA ppl coming in their leather interior MBZ, wearing leather shoes, belts and purses and wallets holding signs saying Cruelty to animals? um....lets just say everyone pretty much ignored them..they would shout and everything and just didnt understand why..one little girl told this lady in a southern drawl..."AInt yous a bit of a hippo Critic miss Ma'am (yes..called her miss Ma'am)? with yorn leather shoes and belt an' all?" they got embarrased and left. hmmm...wonder if the same would work on GC protesters? "Aint we all free to worship the way we chose? Aint ya being a hippo Critic?"

sorry for the tangent...lol

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There was a preacher that would show up in front of our LDS church and protest with a group a couple times a year. Our bishop asked us to just ignore him. I remember one guy trying to reason with him, it just made the guy yell louder and get more and more pushy.

A grandpa had to walk by them with his granddaughter (I think she was 6, so old enough to wonder what the heck was going on) and the preacher leaned down and called her a "devil child."

The grandpa decked him.

I really don't think that I have had as bad of a feeling as I did when we would have to walk by that guy, with him calling us names, and telling us we were bad bad people...people of satan. He wasn't offering to save us, he was just so angry he wanted to do everything he could to ruin our day. They really just end up looking really stupid, but they keep pushing the envelope more and more.

I dunno, there's something about it that kindof makes me feel like my freedom of religion is being violated...and my right to peacfully assemble. I think there's a time and a place to voice if you oppose things, but that is not really an appropriate time...nor is it very effective. It just stirs up anger.

You all remember the psychos going to funerals and yelling and screaming...now there are a whole bunch of states that have banned them from making any noise and they have to be like 200 feet away in other places...allowing these people their emotional rights for their deceased loved one.

I dunno. I just know that they make a lot of regulations for all sorts of protesters, don't see why it would be a big deal to do the same for religious protesters as well.

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I made the mistake of making eye contact with one once after leaving a session and YES I cracked a smile, he lost it ! he started screaming and pointing at me and the more he yelled the dumber he looked, I always wonder what they do between sessions around Salt Lake.

The pictograph of a monkey sucking on a fly swatter comes to mind.;)

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I am with A train. The only effective strategy is to walk on by.

I mean, when we do attend Conference (instead of watching at home) or attend something like the Manti Pageant, we just ignore them. I mean what good does it do to engage them anyway? Why should I open my ears to hear something that will disturb my peace, especially since it is peace and spirit I am seeking by attending? It is interesting to me that this happens year after year, and event after event. It saddens me to some degree if I think about it too much.

I must say though, that there is such a difference in Spirit as you walk by the protesters and then walk into the peace of Temple Square and the warmth of the Conference center.

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I agree --walk on by.

Generally-when people are persecuted in any way-their faith becomes stronger-such were the marks of the early church.

I watch BYU-TV and am a financial contributer to BYU-TV. I love hearing and watching the conference speakers.

Yes-Walk on by--and live your faith!


I am with A train. The only effective strategy is to walk on by.

I mean, when we do attend Conference (instead of watching at home) or attend something like the Manti Pageant, we just ignore them. I mean what good does it do to engage them anyway? Why should I open my ears to hear something that will disturb my peace, especially since it is peace and spirit I am seeking by attending? It is interesting to me that this happens year after year, and event after event. It saddens me to some degree if I think about it too much.

I must say though, that there is such a difference in Spirit as you walk by the protesters and then walk into the peace of Temple Square and the warmth of the Conference center.

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I like the idea of a recycle bin with huge signs saying it will be recycled into missionary materials. They'd pass out a lot less of them.

LOL I would totally condone this. Perhaps next Easter me and my Singles Ward friends should go there with giant trash bags for recyclable materials and just collect the brochures all night long. That's a peaceful protest :D

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Wow...this thread has had some awesome responses. Some were thoughtful and serious, and some made me laugh out loud!!!! :lol:

Seriously, what exactly is it that they are protesting?

Did y'all hear it announced in conference that there will be a temple built in Rome, Italy!!!!

Rome, can you believe it?

Did you hear the ripple of excitement/conversation that went through the conference center as it was announced?

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In response to taunting with garments .. 'Why are you holding your mothers underwear!?"

I've seen that on youtube. While I think it's wrong to shout back -- it made me chuckle. I'm personally fine with people sincerely trying to 'save us'.. but you can tell them at a moments glance. They're the polite ones.

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