What movies/songs have made you cry?


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I'm not the kind of guy who takes pride in crying or likes to admit it but a movie that really touched me was Million Dollar Baby. The movie is so sad yet a must see movie. When I read the reviews on it some people complained that it was too depressing, too negative, and too "true".

I absolutely love it! It got 4 academy awards. I strongly recommend that others watch this movie.

YouTube - Million Dollar Baby Theatrical Trailer

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There was that terribly romantic scene at the end of the classic movie, Doc Savage. It's a beautiful jungle backdrop, complete with waterfall. The beautiful local girl has a skimpy two-piece on, and is looking longingly into Doc's eyes. He says, "You know we can't be together...the world's too dangerous, and I have to be ready to go at any time."

She just keeps looking at him, with such love and desire. He walks up to her. We are all waiting, with baited breath. We prepare ourselves for the ending kiss. . . .

Instead, he gives her a mock punch to the cheek, and says, "I knew you'd understand. You're a brick!" And he walks off.

I cried . . . because, after shouting "NO!!!!" and the scream, I laughed so hard I cried.

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I used to be TOUGH...but I am a big baby now...I think the list of movies that I have NOT cried while watching would be shorter...

Movies that make me cry:

Brave Heart

Steel Magnolias

Top Gun (Yes, I cry every time Goose dies)

Any movie about the Savior

...and many, many others...I have even cried while watching Disney movies. I should be Sissy Grits...huh????

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