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Megan: "Did you see Johnny Depp in his new movie? He is soooo cute!"

Susan: (Laughing) "Fail. Zac Efron is way cuter. And he sings and dances!"

Faith: "Fail. Brad Pitt, even in a commercial, beats them hands down!"

I can see the youth using it in a fun/friendly way. But among adults it comes across as curt/dismissive. To me, it is a rude (childish) put-down of another's opinion.

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Megan: "Did you see Johnny Depp in his new movie? He is soooo cute!"

Susan: (Laughing) "Fail. Zac Efron is way cuter. And he sings and dances!"

Faith: "Fail. Brad Pitt, even in a commercial, beats them hands down!"

I can see the youth using it in a fun/friendly way. But among adults it comes across as curt/dismissive. To me, it is a rude (childish) put-down of another's opinion.

Oh, so it's the new slang. And here I was just getting over words like "tight" and "sick."


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Different word, same motivation. Teen and pre-teen years are difficult and turbulent. You never know where you are in the scheme of things. You're putting together your worldview. You want to love and be loved. Absent those things, you settle for understanding what losing looks like, so you can take comfort in not being the person doing the losing.

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Guest SisterofJared

There are quite a few "fail" videos on youtube.... where something is attempted and fails miserably. Some of them are quite funny. A few qute sadi... such as when a guy decides to propose to a girl at a major sporting event, in front of 10,000 people, and she says no. Quite a few of those. Enough that I would think more men would decide not to throw out a public "Will you marry me?" Poor guys are really humiliated.

Lots of splendid falls, etc in the fail videos. I hope the word doesn't become too common as a retort. It sounds almost as rude as "whatever." And whatever is used way too frequently!


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So what's with the new use of this word popping up on this forum and the net? It seems like a jab to me and is hardly inspiring. I've seen it used a few times in somewhat contentious settings. I don't think I've seen it yet in any uplifting context. Maybe I'm just tired and sleepy.

I don't know if you have Teenagers at home or not....but if you did you would be in the know on this stuff....:D
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I don't know if you have Teenagers at home or not....but if you did you would be in the know on this stuff....:D

I have two boys, past their teens. They have a whole other set of slang terms. "Bad trash" and "jacked" or "jacked up" comes to mind. Of course, they've been in more fights than I can count.

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Epic fail is the term that was used in the gamer called World of Warcraft. It seems now, a new to add is ever popular as Epic Win.

A few more to add here that you may encounter from blogs, forums, and other communica

* epic fail

* ƒ41Ł

* fayel

* fhail

* fhayle

* Fayhill

* fhaile

* fhaiyle

* fahyll

* failz

* failzorz

* fhailskies

* fhaylezorz

* phail

* phail with a PhD

* ph4il

* ph41l

* phailzorz

* fhphaiiylle

* FAIL!!!1!!!!dgkn enagn aem,xcx,m xc,m xx m,ivbpBPN CEDlol!1!! (That's one for those new to the sport of trolling)



Reference: Main Page - Encyclopedia Dramatica

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