Climate Change Threatens Our World


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hahahah wow im shocked, this is nuts

Yes, yes it is.

My support of so-called "green" initiatives isn't based on some imagined catastrophic destruction of our planet, but more because it's simply the right thing to do - not only because, like others have said, we should be good stewards, but because we're eventually going to run out of fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) and we'll be pretty sorry if we don't have alternatives.

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Isaiah said, "For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the Earth and made it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited..." (Isa 45:18)

So I guess the earth's purpose it to be inhabited, and since we don't know exactly how long it is going to be serving that purpose until the second coming, it would make sense that we not leave for our children a world that is inhabitable, if there are things we can do. Certainly there is debate over if the current state of the environment is man's fault or nature's course, and also whether or not man's efforts can alter the changes. Also, there is some debate over IF there are actually changes. We know that when God created man, part of his charge over the earth was to "keep" it. "And the Gods took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it." (Abr 5:11) I'm not sure exactly what that entails, but it sounds like taking care of the earth, if I'm not mistaken. The Lord also said in D&C 42:41, "And let all things be done in cleanliness before me." If there are different ways of doing things that keep the earth in more cleanliness before God, then I am interested in learning about them, trying new things that fit with my beliefs about the earth's and my own purpose.

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If there are different ways of doing things that keep the earth in more cleanliness before God, then I am interested in learning about them, trying new things that fit with my beliefs about the earth's and my own purpose.

Agreed; provided that such steps are not economically ruinous or a façade to facilitate social engineering.

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Also, what is the REAL agenda of those who so vehemently disavow the notion of global warming?


I don't think the agenda is hidden. I suspect the agenda is merely a carry over from warning members that fluoride in the drinking water leads to world wide communism. It has been updated for the 2000's.

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I think being careful of our impact (to some extent) on the environment is wise. By to some extent, I mean I'm not gonna go live in a grass hut and eat rocks because I feel guilty about my carbon impact. I think it is wise not to pollute the earth. However I think there is a widespread abuse of this in government by those who would seek to gain power.

I think this is a great video on global warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I find the entire way global warming is presented to be very alarming, not in favor of it but against it.

For one, it IS far too politically biased, (more so between political ideologies than between political parties) those who claim it is not are either in denial or are lying. For another, the we must act IMMEDIATELY scare tactic when the "evidence" is so easily disputed and debateable sends up so many red flags, I become far more nervous about those promoting such ideas than any global warming.

If there is any one reason the world will end, it will be due to our ripeness for destruction and the meltdown of the family unit. "Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." from The Family: A Proclamation to the World

My personal belief is that the end of the world is an important enough issue, that the calamities foretold in the scriptures will be due to disobedience to the principles and teachings found in the very same scriptures, not a random politically biased science theory.

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Not to cause any additional debate...but climate change has been a constant since the time the planet even had a climate. Earth's weather patterns cycle from hot to cold, wet to dry, cloudy to sunny, all the time. It's just that these changes usually happen over longer periods of time.

Sooooo...what might this mean? Well, probably that our weather is going to change some, whether we want it to or not. I guess that we'll just have to adapt to these changing conditions.


Okay, I'm better now since the pills started working.


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I have just been reading some articles on climate change. The consensus of the scientists agree that the threat is very real, however it should be mentioned also that the world is not warming up at all and that Global Warming is a myth.

Assuming that Global Warming is a genuine issue that threatens the world as we know it - How do you guysw feel about it? Does your faith influence your feelings on it? Are you worried about it and do you do your part in looking after the environment?

I would like to hear people's general feelings on the subject

Having been proven wrong - are you going to admit your mistake and apologize?

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