Obama will try to stop AIG from using bailout money for $165 million in bonuses


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President Obama is trying to stop AIG from using the taxpayer's bailout money to stop the company from giving its executivres a total of $165 million in bonuses.

He said he is looking for a legal way to do so, and I think it's possible there is no legal way, though I hope there is.

YouTube - President Obama's Comments on AIG Bonuses


Well the government is now 85 percent dividend holder in this company because of the enourmous amounts of money we loaned them, SSOOO i would only beleive being 85 percent stock ownership {us taxpayers} we should be able to demand the "payees" of this 160 million of our tax dollars is not given to these greedy individuals as extra bonuses!????:huh:
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Mixed feelings on this. My understanding is the bonus were distributed between about 400 middle-managers.

Lots of these guys are probably the buffoons who got AIG where it is today, but they also (presumably) represent a lot of institutional knowledge and even (in rare cases) talent. Do we really want them to flee AIG en masse because AIG has not paid them what they were led to expect to be paid?

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Here's an argument from Instapundit. It's probably technically an et tu fallacy, but interesting nonetheless:

CONGRESSIONAL PORK APOLOGISTS TELL US THAT EARMARKS DON’T MATTER BECAUSE THEY’RE A TINY FRACTION OF THE BUDGET: So why all the excitement about those AIG bonuses that represent only a tiny fraction of the bailout money? It’s all taxpayer money, right?

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AIG had a contractual agreement to pay the bonus out of their money ... that is our money so it does not qualify. The only reason AIG got bailed out is because it is where alot of Congresses bennies are held. The radio station I listen to had a thing going the morning of the election ... they asked "If you were elected president what would be the first thing you would do?" One lady got my vote ... she said to put all of Congress, the senate and the pres and his buddies on minimum wage and see how fast they worked out the problems.

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The only reason AIG got bailed out is because it is where alot of Congresses bennies are held.

My understanding was that AIG basically was the "insurer's insurer"--it underwrote insurance policies on all the mortgage and other securities deals that went south. AIG might legitimately have been the one financial entity that really was "too big to fail".

But then, maybe I just believe that because the AIG bailout happened on Bush's watch. :D

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Mixed feelings on this. My understanding is the bonus were distributed between about 400 middle-managers.

Lots of these guys are probably the buffoons who got AIG where it is today, but they also (presumably) represent a lot of institutional knowledge and even (in rare cases) talent. Do we really want them to flee AIG en masse because AIG has not paid them what they were led to expect to be paid?

Where would they go?


Quick question I've wondered....isn't a bonus a reward for profit-making? I know I don't get a bonus unless my factory makes the goals. How can a company that has received billions of dollars and is still in trouble give out bonuses??? So it was in the contract....what makes AIG's contracts so much more special than the ones held by autoworkers for Ford and GM?

Edited by talisyn
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Do we really want them to flee AIG en masse because AIG has not paid them what they were led to expect to be paid?

Where would they go?


I yield.


Edit: More from Instapundit:

CHRIS DODD UPDATE: Amid AIG Furor, Dodd Tries To Undo Bonus Protections He Put In. “While the Senate was constructing the $787 billion stimulus last month, Dodd added an executive-compensation restriction to the bill. That amendment provides an ‘exception for contractually obligated bonuses agreed on before Feb. 11, 2009′ — which exempts the very AIG bonuses Dodd and others are now seeking to tax. . . . Separately, Sen. Dodd was AIG’s largest single recipient of campaign donations during the 2008 election cycle with $103,100, according to opensecrets.org.”

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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I agree, Pale. I was just talking to my Dad tonight about the Congress and their outrage over AIG bonuses--yet they are keeping their raise. If I don't perform well, I don't get a raise. Interesting....

and to think that Obama wants to base a Teachers salary off classroom results...but Congress still gets a raise...
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Trying to undo the performance bonuses could set a bad precedent. This is how foundational principles get eroded under the banner of "fairness."

A department/division manager that had a goal to reduce operational costs in his/her division by, say 10%, and had a contracted performance bonus that had nothing to do with overall company performance. He/she met the goal so it is only logical that the company honor its internal legal contracts/obligations.

Congress gave AIG a blank check for operational expenses. rent, utilities, salaries....compensation...get it? Yes, it does sound bad but it is the fault of congress for not attaching strings to the purse.

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It doesn't matter one lick whether the money went to bonuses at all. The real problem is that AIG is an entity that destroys wealth. It does NOT create it. It is a black hole and the more we throw into it, the more we lose. I don't care if they give it all to charity, every penny we give AIG is straight waste-100%.

We desperately need the assets controlled by AIG to be redistributed to entities that will produce wealth. "Bailing out" AIG is simply preventing this redistribution and expanding the economic damage being inflicted by AIG. Bankruptcy and liquidation is necessary to put resources into productive use.


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The more I hear about this mess, the more upset at Congress I'm becoming. They not only knew the bonuses would be paid....they put in a clause to allow it when the bailout money was given to them! Are you kidding me? I give you $$ to "save" your company from bankruptcy but you can then give it as bonuses????

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