FEMA blue and red dots (from a POLICE OFFICER and FBI agent)


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This is officer Jack Mclamb, he talks about red, blue, and yellow (or pink dots) and thier categorical purposes, the others are on FEMA death camps, keep calling me paranoid just dont take down the post, there are many sites and videos on this topic that even show incenerators and biodegradable air tight coffins

Jack Mclamb

YouTube - Brave Cop talks about 9 11 and FEMAs Red and Blue Dots

FEMA concentration (death) camps

YouTube - FEMA Concentration camps in USA with Google Earth - Google REX - 84

YouTube - Google Earth FEMA Camps

FEMA's scope of power

YouTube - FEMA takeover it is in the works!!!!

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My cat has a chip (RFID). Is he a FEMA agent? He seems so much smarter than Brownie and Brownie's Boss.

Its a little (a lot) different, your RFID will have all your financial information, tracking chip/locator, personal information (religion, education...), medical records (thats why Obama is pushing centralized health care) and it will be used to control you if you survive that long

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I know where these theories can go as i use to be so into them and infowars.com but you know you ll begin at one point to say i ll just live my life and let what happens happens. I know that FEMA is not good. IT is run by the goverment which is corrupt. President is a puppet and congress is falling apart in honesty and virtue. The constitution has been breaking down since 2001 starting with the patriot act and so forth. You got the AMERO being made and that nafta highway,then you got the north american union being made. but alot of it is exaggerated too so just becareful what you post cause some if it is just created to get you wild up. DO this. Look at all the prophets revelation concerning second coming and you will put that all away.

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And what oath is that? the oath of defending the constitution? because its not anywhere in there, let me guess the Obama oath, I for one will not pledge my loyalties to a man

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

We didn't vote for him but he is the boss.

The problem with these conspiracy theories is there doesn't seem to be a specific target.

If history has taught us anything it is that when the government oversteps its bounds it does so against a specific group (normally a minority) I.E. Christians, Jews, Tutsies, ethnic Albanians etc.

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We didn't vote for him but he is the boss.

The problem with these conspiracy theories is there doesn't seem to be a specific target.

If history has taught us anything it is that when the government oversteps its bounds it does so against a specific group (normally a minority) I.E. Christians, Jews, Tutsies, ethnic Albanians etc.

Did you take an oath to the president or the constitution? Its an east question. He is not the boss. According to law in order to be president you have to be a natural born citizen, there are many military going to court to protest thier obligation to take orders from him. In addition the government and politicians are only in legitimate power as long as they operate within the scope of the constitution, they are exeedingly beyond that point.

And yes there are minorites that will be prosecuted, I wont go into that and get kicked off the site, eventhough Im sure Im already pretty close, admin give me a warning if I get to close to touchy subjects.

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Homeland Security will be in-charge for in-house chaos. FEMA is the agency who are building these tent cities or encampments.

This is not true, watch this video, in a national emergency, it shows recent laws put into effect that allow FEMA to control, radio, TV, food, gas, electricity, travel, farms, movement, hospitals, schools, and can force you to be a slave (labor forces to work without pay) look up the executive orders, you can see that they are verified, EXECUTIVE=PRESIDENT, once FEMA is the boss congress cannot even try to overturn it for 6 months making the president a virtual dictator that controls everything in the country

YouTube - FEMA takeover it is in the works!!!!

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