Who are you REALLY?


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In another thread someone posted information about him/herself that turned out to not be true. So, it got me thinking.

Is anyone on the site who they say they are? I'm beginning to think we're all lazy slobs who lay in bed all day, log into lds.net, and pretend to be someone we're not.

Okay, that's me.

But seriously! I think we all have images of each other, and what we each "do" in our lives. I just wonder how far off, or close, our images are.

In fact, after one of our Utah get-togethers, one girl told me I was nothing like what she had expected. I asked her why. She said "let's just drop it."

I still have no idea what she was talking about. :P

Here's an example of what I mean: I notice a number of people are on the board for most of the day, and I sometimes wonder why. For me, it's because I'm disabled, and have nothing better to do. Plus, I obviously enjoy everyone immensely. . . even Pale. :P

Now I know most people are who they say they are, especially all of my friends. I know they look exactly like their pics, make exactly as much money as they tell me, have the perfect house, ex-spouse, and body, and really want to sweep me off my feet and marry me. Even the girls. Especially Siouxz. :P

But is Siouxz real?

Well, actually I've met Siouxz, so yes, I can vouch for her realness.

But what about the rest of you?


P.S. Nothing gross!

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ONLINE - Brad Paisley

I work down at the Pizza Pit

And I drive an old Hyundai

I still live with my mom and dad

I'm 5 foot 3 and overweight

I'm a scifi fanatic

A mild asthmatic

And I've never been to second base

But there's whole ‘nother me

That you need to see

Go checkout MySpace

'Cause online I'm out in Hollywood

I'm 6 foot 5 and I look damn good

I drive a Maserati

I'm a black-belt in karate

And I love a good glass of wine

It turns girls on that I’m mysterious

I tell them I don't want nothing serious

'Cause even on a slow day

I could have a three way

Chat with two women at one time

I’m so much cooler online

So much cooler online

When I get home I kiss my mom

And she fixes me a snack

And I head down to my basement bedroom

And fire up my mac

In real life the only time I’ve ever even been to L.A

Is when I got the chance with the marching band

To play tuba in the Rose Parade

Online I live in Malibu

I pose for Calvin Klein, I've been in GQ

I'm single and I'm rich

And I've got a set of six pack abs that would blow your mind

It turns girls on that I’m mysterious

I tell them I don't want nothing serious

'Cause even on a slow day

I could have a three way

Chat with two women at one time

I’m so much cooler online

Yeah, I'm cooler online

When you got my kind of stats

It’s hard to get a date

Let alone a real girlfriend

But I grow another foot and I lose a bunch of weight

Every time I login


I’m out in Hollywood

I’m 6 foot 5 and I look damn good

Even on a slow day

I could have a three way

Chat with two women at one time

I’m so much cooler online

Yeah, I’m cooler online

I’m so much cooler online

Yeah, I’m cooler online

Yeah, I’m cooler online

Yeah, I’ll see ya online

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I think it's important to maintain some level of privacy as you don't know who really is on the other end of a chat or forum. However, that's no excuse to deceive people.

And yes, I look exactly like my pic. :)

Aw, c'mon Joel. You had me convinced you were charming! :P


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ONLINE - Brad Paisley

I work down at the Pizza Pit

And I drive an old Hyundai

I still live with my mom and dad

I'm 5 foot 3 and overweight

I'm a scifi fanatic

A mild asthmatic

And I've never been to second base

But there's whole ‘nother me

That you need to see

Go checkout MySpace

That was hilarious! :animatedlol:

So, are you really 5'3"? :P


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I find it quite unnerving when I have believed someone online and it turns out they have invented a whole fake persona.

Not long ago someone I know and have as a friend on Facebook changed her name on there. Now this is not like a screenname on a forum. We are talking about real life name here. I thought she had maybe changed her real name by deed poll or reverted back to a previous name but then I noticed she was spelling her first name differently too. Then when I wanted to wish her happy birthday she told me she had put a false birthate on there. In fact she had totally recreated herself for Facebook - why would someone do that when your real life friends know you and know it isn't true? It just seemed so weird.

Edited by WillowTheWhisp
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I think the word is irk ( I hope it is an ok word... it is nicely onomatopoetic to this)...

It irks me that there are so many people that think it is somekind of fun to go around and act someone else or to think they are fooling people by their stories. I think it is sad that people are like that. Knowingly decieving.:ohnoyoudont:

An other thing are those that may have something in their past they rather not go spreading around, either false or truth, but who are themselves on the internett today.

Actually I been thinking of stating this kind of a thread a few times. Everybody HAS TO be very careful about others here. You may be in chat with someone you think is an ok guy and then without you even noticing this guy may have, in a way or an other, managed to shake your beliefs. :smokindevil:

It is unbelievable how people come in with new names over and over again to lead people here wrong and decieve. I suppose they get a kick about people beeing so "blue-eyed" that they believe everything they say. Even people with a couple of names happens. Watch out for stolen identities pictures ect. :eek:

I can assure you the mods here are doing a great job! :megaman:

We may sometimes feel a bit harsh to you, but we also have a life beside and many times we know more than we give out to know and sometimes we just keep an eye on things.

Without giving any names... be careful! Why not give names ... why should we, for more stories that some believe some dont? Believe me these guys are really clever in explaining, they have developed it to an art!

How to keep away from the hands of the modsquard? Bee good, friendly even in debate, sometimes apolagizing is on its place, avoid bigatory and anti AND unsuitable links, texst, dont pm them either! :trustme:

IF someone here writes, pms you wrong stuff, let the mods know about it. Help us to keep the site as safe as possible. And thanks to those who have contacted us.

Thank you to everybody for keeping this board such a good board! It is the members that make the board!

Oh and dont forget the :money: so youll be just fine! Do send them to me I take care of it.

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I can't wear my heels with him?

(Don't hit me. I'll swell and grow another inch.)


I never understood that. Women so "meek" they need the guy to be taller, or men so insecure that they must be taller then "their" women.

Disclaimer: I don't assume people who fit the tall guy shorter girl "mold" automatically fall into the above category.

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Guest Godless

The "real me" isn't even close to who I am here. I'm far less interesting in real life. :P

Seriously though, I do my best to represent myself accurately online. As some of you probably know, I'm not shy about my political orientation, my beer "hobby", or my stance on issues like abortion and gay rights. I have nothing to hide, and I believe that openness is a very necessary factor in having good discussions with others.

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I enjoy curling under my DHs arm... but when my youngest begins to give me hugs, where he puts my nose under his armpit.... :beammeup: I really wish for 10 inches more in height, so I could look at him in his eyes and tell him to : SIT!:mad:

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Well, I am really the wonderful, wise, beautiful, confident, successful, funny, articulate, spiritual, and compassionate person I am on this board. You may continue to worship me as before....

But I did lie--my tongue isn't as big as my avatar shows--it does have a lot of slobber on it, but just not as big.

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