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I have a question, the Word of Wisdom states that HOT drinks are not for the body or belly.

I know that even though that hot drinks has been clarified as coffee and tea, my question is, since it does say hot drinks, shouldn't ALL hot drinks be included, like hot chocolate, or any other hot drink?

Correct! Anything that is scolding hot or very cold is not good for the belly.

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I like soda, but my weight does not. I like diet soda, but I don't feel good when I drink too many of them. I mostly drink water, coffee (black) and Earl Grey Tea.

But, this is what I really need to talk to you about. I think it's time to get back (or in this case, visit for the first time) to the HIGH LIFE. When its time to relax....one beer stand clear. Beer after beer. ...and there is nothing like the taste of cold filtering with rocky mountain spring water. BEER...PROOF that GOD LOVES US!! ( I don't have the exact verse location for that, but I am looking for it....I am looking for it, it's got to be here somewhere) :lol::lol::lol:

OK, just a little fun here. Please don't read anything into it more than just some fun. I respect your ways. Now, I could sure use a cold one. Maybe a silver bullet. :lol:

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If I remember correctly I think I recall President Hinckley telling I think it was Larry King that as members we don't drink caffenated sodas (DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS!!!! I COULD BE WRONG!!)

I drink water, goat milk (fresh from the goat...Well chilled first), various juices (the tarter the better I'm with the plain grapefriut and cranberry guys), koolaide sweetened with stevia, hebal teas and coffee substitute, and an occassional caffiene free diet coke.

I hate hot chocolate with a purple passion!


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Correct! Anything that is scolding hot or very cold is not good for the belly.

The best drink of water i've ever had was some supercooled water while I was doing some winter backpacking.... I had left my water bottle out overnight, and when I woke up, it was still liquid, so I had a drink.... so refreshing.... I went for another drink, but nothing came out- the water had turned to ice.

If water could only be so cold...

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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"

--Benjamin Franklin

My friends quote that one often... they also quote the cornerstones of the brewish faith (it's a simpsons reference) such as "honor they lager", "thou shall not spill" etc. :)

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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"

--Benjamin Franklin

My friends quote that one often... they also quote the cornerstones of the brewish faith (it's a simpsons reference) such as "honor they lager", "thou shall not spill" etc. :)

NOW THIS IS FUNNY!!! It gives me a good reason to watch the Simpsons.

On a more serious note. What would happen if a member of LDS faith were to indulge in a cold beer or the like. What is the consequence? I have shared a pitcher or two with some who are in this boat. I will never divulge who!!

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If I remember correctly I think I recall President Hinckley telling I think it was Larry King that as members we don't drink caffenated sodas (DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS!!!! I COULD BE WRONG!!)

No, you're correct. That exchange did happen. However, it was on a national news show, which can hardly be considered a doctrinal setting.

The best drink of water i've ever had was some supercooled water while I was doing some winter backpacking.... I had left my water bottle out overnight, and when I woke up, it was still liquid, so I had a drink.... so refreshing.... I went for another drink, but nothing came out- the water had turned to ice.

If water could only be so cold...

I love super ice cold water. It's just so good.

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The best drink of water i've ever had was some supercooled water while I was doing some winter backpacking.... I had left my water bottle out overnight, and when I woke up, it was still liquid, so I had a drink.... so refreshing.... I went for another drink, but nothing came out- the water had turned to ice.

If water could only be so cold...

Growing up in Idaho we had a well that took water directly from the aquifer in the Snake River Valley. The water was cold all year, but in the winter it would get so cold that it would freeze in the pipes on its way up. I love the taste of Idaho well water so cold it ices directly from the tap!!!!

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On a more serious note. What would happen if a member of LDS faith were to indulge in a cold beer or the like. What is the consequence?

As a liar and covenant-breaker, that person would lose all rights to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the divine protection of his covenants. If his behavior were known to his Priesthood leaders, he would also stand to lose his rights to enter the temple, and in some situations might be released from his calling(s).

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I found this really good carbonated apple drink recently but I can't help feeling it's on the black list.

If it goes by the name of Apple Beer, then it probably is not allowed within Utah County. If it is surrepitiously brought in from Salt Lake County, then it will cost a huge speaking fee to bring Sean Hannity in to exorcize any lingering bad spirits. Best to go to Salt Lake to consume this non-alcoholic Apple Beer.


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I have a question, the Word of Wisdom states that HOT drinks are not for the body or belly.

This was a turn of the 19th Century health idea that has long since been disproved. Unfortunately it got written into the Word of Wisdom. Instead of morphing it into meaning coffee and tea, it should have been changed to exclude truly obnoxious substances like black licorice and liver.

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The best drink of water i've ever had was some supercooled water while I was doing some winter backpacking.... I had left my water bottle out overnight, and when I woke up, it was still liquid, so I had a drink.... so refreshing.... I went for another drink, but nothing came out- the water had turned to ice.

If water could only be so cold...

If you are part of the medical community and in the field of gastronomy, you may know how it alters the stomach lining in order to warm up or to cool down temperate drinks.
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If you are part of the medical community and in the field of gastronomy, you may know how it alters the stomach lining in order to warm up or to cool down temperate drinks.

Good thing i'm not- I worry about enough other things affecting my health- I don't need to add water temperature to the list. :)

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As a liar and covenant-breaker, that person would lose all rights to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the divine protection of his covenants. If his behavior were known to his Priesthood leaders, he would also stand to lose his rights to enter the temple, and in some situations might be released from his calling(s).

You are reading quite a bit into D&C 89 that is not there.

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As a liar and covenant-breaker, that person would lose all rights to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the divine protection of his covenants. If his behavior were known to his Priesthood leaders, he would also stand to lose his rights to enter the temple, and in some situations might be released from his calling(s).

WOW That is some kind of serious stuff. What if it was a lite beer?:lol::lol::lol:

I know I am having fun here, but I do like my beer, sorry, but it is true:lol::lol:

Man I like these smilies

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Instead of morphing it into meaning coffee and tea, it should have been changed to exclude truly obnoxious substances like black licorice and liver.

OHHHHH I Love black licorice!!! It is not at all obnoxious!! I get the good "real" stuff from the health food store. The stuff you buy in the grocery store is nothing but sugar and artificial flavor.

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If you are part of the medical community and in the field of gastronomy, you may know how it alters the stomach lining in order to warm up or to cool down temperate drinks.

That is why Jehovah's Witnesses do not eat ice cream.

What an unfortunate thing to be a JW child and never have ice cream =(

Edit: I actually mostly gave up coffee. Mostly because it was causing me acne =\ I'll still have the odd cup here and there. (Note, I'm not LDS.)

Most of the day I drink water. If I'm out at a restaurant, I'll ask for water with a lemon wedge for that little bit of zing. Try it, it's really refreshing!

I've started having more ice tea after being with my boyfriend, as he likes pop, but I've grown to like it less. At first I cut back because of all the sugar (not sure if canned iced tea is actually any better), but then it just fell out of my favour.

I will have a cooler (usually vodka) when I'm at a pub or if I'm feeling like I need some relaxing.

Edited by Heavenguard
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No, you're correct. That exchange did happen. However, it was on a national news show, which can hardly be considered a doctrinal setting.

Well I understand that but that said at the time he was the leader and prophet of the church. I'm not certain that non members would buy that as an excuse. A true prophet is a true prophet and when he says something where Thousands of people can here him say it then well doctrinal setting or no it might as well have been, Besides if the prophet said it then he truely believed it to be so and who would know the doctrine better than the prophet??


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As a liar and covenant-breaker, that person would lose all rights to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the divine protection of his covenants. If his behavior were known to his Priesthood leaders, he would also stand to lose his rights to enter the temple, and in some situations might be released from his calling(s).

Then again - there have been prophet, seers and revelators who liked their beer. Maybe you can dig up their corpses and chew them out.

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Then again - there have been prophet, seers and revelators who liked their beer. Maybe you can dig up their corpses and chew them out.

You think I ought to dig up and chew out corpses? That's a bit overly weird, even for you, Snow.

Or are you attempting to argue that intentionally violating the Word of Wisdom is not in fact a violation of covenant?

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You think I ought to dig up and chew out corpses? That's a bit overly weird, even for you, Snow.

Or are you attempting to argue that intentionally violating the Word of Wisdom is not in fact a violation of covenant?

I'm saying that your characterization is sanctimonious and over the top. It's not that I think drinking beer is alright - but if you had prophets and apostles doing it - how serious is it really... is someone who lives, mostly, by the spirit of the WoW and is fit and healthy and has an occasional beer as bad of as someone who religiously avoids alcohol but has a rotten diet, does not avoid excessive, is out of shape, a diabetic with clogged arteries, etc?

I say that the latter is worse... but I don't use the self-righteous language for either.

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