Chastity Bono changing gender


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I've heard somewhere that if a candidate for baptism has had a sex change that he/she cannot be baptized, and if a member has this done, he/she will be excommunicated with no chance for rebaptism. Is that true?

Half right IIRC. I believe the church treats it like any other sin. Before baptism "o.k." but after it is an excommunicationable offense

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Half right IIRC. I believe the church treats it like any other sin. Before baptism "o.k." but after it is an excommunicationable offense

Err... I actually had someone in my ward who had a sex change come in, so surprisingly I actually have first hand knowledge of this(Not something I say lightly. ;) In fact, I think this is the first time I've said this).

They needed permission from the First Presidency to be baptized. At birth, she was born hermaphroditic and disagreed with the sex assigned to her at birth by the doctor. I assume that's why she was allowed, though I have no clue as I don't know the First Presidency's mind. :)

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I've heard somewhere that if a candidate for baptism has had a sex change that he/she cannot be baptized, and if a member has this done, he/she will be excommunicated with no chance for rebaptism. Is that true?

Individuals who have already undergone gender reassignment surgery may be baptized if the First Presidency gives approval. They may not, however, receive the priesthood, nor may they enter the temple. This appears to be a question of which gender applies—the biological gender or the chosen gender?

If a member elects to undergo gender reassignment surgery, it may be cause for disciplinary action. These members may be excommunicated, disfellowshipped, or have no action taken against them. If a person is seeking to have their membership reinstated by the Church, First Presidency approval is required.

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Half right IIRC. I believe the church treats it like any other sin. Before baptism "o.k." but after it is an excommunicationable offense

Any other sin is an excommunicationable offense? I guess I better start driving the speed limit, then.

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