Who narrated the BOM?

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Mormon (and Moroni) are the Editors of the BOM. In multiple instances you can see them inserting their words into the main text.

Words of Mormon

Helaman 2:12-14

3 Nephi 5:8-26

Ether 3:17 - actually till the end of the Book of Mormon.

Moroni was much more comfortable adding his own commentary while he was editing the Book of Mormon.

Its another great example that the Book of Mormon is true.

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Why is this? By the time Mormon got hold of it 95% of it was written anyway so it cant have been to save space. Was it to make it easier to read or what?

I'm not sure I agree with your starting premise there, aside from the plates of Nephi the Book of Mormon as we know it didn't necessarily exist, it wasn't like Mormon was just copying and pasting from The Book of Mormon - Editors Edition, he was taking from what records he had and putting them together in an effort to teach doctrine and history (though writing to do so, not like he was unbinding and rebinding a book). So I look at it like somebody who decided to make a History Textbook, while everything is out there and documented the book isn't practically written already if that makes sense? Of course none of us know exactly how much space he saved doing his abridgment compared to all the available information he had concerning the various ministries of the prophets written about in the Book of Mormon.

Also, while he may have been interested in saving space he probably wasn't under the same constraint as Moroni, at least I imagine earlier on he probably could have scrounged up some metal and a smith (or who knows, maybe he could smith) to get some extra 'pages', Moroni turning up at Plates'R'Us would have been killed.

I think though that yes, the main point of his editorializing is to help us understand and to maybe clarify, for instance you see prophecies that are made and he pipes up, "And we can see that this happened!". It's kinda like if you listen to some Missionaries (good ones at any rate) read the book of Mormon with an investigator, lots of taking time to explain whats going on and expounding on themes and doctrines (though one can always argue on just how effective). He also explains the monetary system in Alma 11 which on first glance seems to be the largest waste of space in the entire book but I think he was setting up just how much Amulek was being bribed and how the Lawyers didn't need to stir people up to not be forced to beg for food to stay alive, but I think most of that was lost in translation.

Edited by Dravin
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I think somewhere in the preface of the book it says it is an abridgment of the records that were kept by the Nephites. I don't know the source so it is rumored, until someone brings the quote, that the records kept by the Nephites would fill a large room and from that the records were abridged.

Ben Raines

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It is an abridgement of many writings by many authors, put together mainly by Mormon, thus the name Book of Mormon. I read somewhere that Brigham Young (I think it was, but could have been Sidney Rigdon or Oliver Cowdery) saw in vision stacks of plates and scrolls, records that Mormon took extracts from to write the record coherently. From what I gathered, this person figured it would take multiple horse-drawn wagons to transport.

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Here is something I found on lds.org that I thought was interesting and might also help answer a question or two here.

4. Mormon adds the small plates of Nephi to his abridgment of the large plates.

Read and discuss selected verses from the Words of Mormon. Point out that from 1 Nephi through Omni, the Book of Mormon contains a straight chronological account. The Words of Mormon, however, were written more than 500 years after Amaleki completed the book of Omni. If you are using the picture of Mormon abridging the plates, display it now.

  • • When did Mormon write the Words of Mormon, and why? (See Words of Mormon 1:1–5.)

    • Explain that after Mormon abridged the large plates of Nephi, he found the small plates of Nephi and included them in his record (Words of Mormon 1:3–5). The first six books of the Book of Mormon, from 1 Nephi through Omni, are a translation of these small plates. The book titled Words of Mormon is Mormon’s explanation of why he included the small plates. It serves as a transition between the records from the small plates and the records from the large plates.
  • • What were Mormon’s impressions of the small plates? (See Words of Mormon 1:4, 6.) Why did he decide to include the small plates in his record? (See Words of Mormon 1:7.) What was the “wise purpose” to which Mormon referred?

    • Display the chart showing the records that Mormon and Moroni abridged and compiled (see “Preparation,” item 4). Note that the books that are not listed on the chart (Words of Mormon, Mormon, and Moroni) were written by Mormon and Moroni.
    • Explain that the small plates of Nephi covered approximately the same time period (600 to 200 b.c.) as the first records in the large plates. There was no apparent need for Mormon to include both in his abridgment. But the Lord knew that the translation of the first records from the large plates would be lost centuries later, when Martin Harris took 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript to show to his family members and friends. After these 116 pages of the translation were lost, the Lord instructed Joseph Smith not to retranslate the same records (D&C 10:8–14). These records are not found in the Book of Mormon today. Instead, the same time period is described through the account from the small plates.
  • • What did Mormon say was the purpose of the entire sacred record he was abridging? (See Words of Mormon 1:2, 8; see also the title page of the Book of Mormon.) Why is it important that we read the Book of Mormon with this purpose in mind?
The entire link reference can be found here:

LDS.org - Sunday School Chapter Detail - “For a Wise Purpose”

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I think somewhere in the preface of the book it says it is an abridgment of the records that were kept by the Nephites. I don't know the source so it is rumored, until someone brings the quote, that the records kept by the Nephites would fill a large room and from that the records were abridged.

Ben Raines

But doesn't Nephi say at one point he is limited in space? Plus they had to cart them around with them so I doubt the whole ' room or a cart' theory. Thats why I asked about the abridgement thing, I thought they were aware of the space, so why abridge it of they kept it down anyway?

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Here are a few points that might help.

What appears in the Book of Mormon today as 1 Nephi through Omni is NOT an abridgement.

Mormon made an abridgement from the Large Plates of Nephi. But, after he finished abridging the Large Plates of Nephi he found the Small Plates of Nephi. The Small Plates covered the time from 1 Nephi up to before King Benjamin. The Small Plates, unabridged, were inserted between Lehi and King Benjamin. (My guess is he had to remove his abridgement of Nephi through Omni from the Large Plates)

Lehi was lost (116 pages of lost manuscript).

So, to answer your question:

1 Nephi - Omni is NOT narrated. There is no commentary within the Book of Mormon.

Mosiah - 4 Nephi was abridged by Mormon. Mormon added some commentary.

Mormon 1 - 7 was written by Mormon. Mormon 8 and 9 was written by Moroni.

Ether was abridged by Moroni. Moroni added some commentary.

Moroni was written by Moroni (with some epistles by Mormon, 7-9)

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But doesn't Nephi say at one point he is limited in space? Plus they had to cart them around with them so I doubt the whole ' room or a cart' theory. Thats why I asked about the abridgement thing, I thought they were aware of the space, so why abridge it of they kept it down anyway?

What was limited in space was the Small Plates of Nephi.

How do we know this?

Because the books 1 Nephi through Omni as they are in the Book of Mormon is a translation of the Small Plates. There was never an abridgement made of the Small Plates.

Look carefully through those books (1 Nephi thru Omni) and you will see people speaking for themselves. For instance, "I, Nephi..." Also, you will not see commentary from an abridger. Now, look through the books after Omni (Mosiah thru 4 Nephi), and you will see it is more of a commentary with some quotes, and with some commentary.

Edited by Justice
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Personally, I think James Earl Jones should narrate the BoM. Actually, can you imagine him narrating the PoGP where Satan cries to Moses:

19 And now, when Moses had said these words, Satan cried with a loud voice, and ranted upon the earth, and commanded, saying: I am the Only Begotten, worship me.

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1 Nephi - Omni were taken from the small plates of Nephi. These were of limited space because it was a small collection reserved for things of a spiritual nature. Nephi also kept a history on the "Large plates of Nephi." The Large plates were a more comprehensive history that, if I remember correctly, were passed down through kings and prophets until they cam into Mormon's possession.

Words of Mormon through Mormon chapter 9 (I think) are an abridgement of the Large Plates of Nephi. It may also include elements of other records that Mormon thought were relevant to the history. In Alma, you'll find a couple of sections in which Alma speaks in the first person. These were segments that were quoted verbatim by Mormon, sort of like including a part of Alma's journal.

There's a brief explanation of the different plates and records that comprise the Book of Mormon in the introduction.

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But doesn't Nephi say at one point he is limited in space? Plus they had to cart them around with them so I doubt the whole ' room or a cart' theory. Thats why I asked about the abridgement thing, I thought they were aware of the space, so why abridge it of they kept it down anyway?

Brigham Young quoted Oliver Cowdery as having related an instance where he and Joseph Smith twice, in vision, saw the Hill Cumorah open up and reveal a large cavern full of "many wagon loads" of records, as well as the Sword of Laban. See the Wikipedia article on the Hill Cumorah (do a search on "Laban"), which cites the Journal of Discourses.

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Personally, I think James Earl Jones should narrate the BoM. Actually, can you imagine him narrating the PoGP where Satan cries to Moses:

19 And now, when Moses had said these words, Satan cried with a loud voice, and ranted upon the earth, and commanded, saying: I am the Only Begotten, worship me.

You can get him narrating the KJV of the Bible.

Edit: Looks like just the NT from a quick look around. To bad, Genesis would be awesome.

Edited by Dravin
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Personally, I think James Earl Jones should narrate the BoM. Actually, can you imagine him narrating the PoGP where Satan cries to Moses:

19 And now, when Moses had said these words, Satan cried with a loud voice, and ranted upon the earth, and commanded, saying: I am the Only Begotten, worship me.

I love this idea. I could listen to that man read the phone book.

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I think somewhere in the preface of the book it says it is an abridgment of the records that were kept by the Nephites. I don't know the source so it is rumored, until someone brings the quote, that the records kept by the Nephites would fill a large room and from that the records were abridged.

Ben Raines

Not sure if this helps


An Account Written By


Upon Plates Taken From The Plates Of Nephi.

Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites--

Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile--

Written by way of commandment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation--

Written and sealed up, and hid up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed--

To come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof--

Sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord,

to come forth in due time by way of the Gentile--

The interpretation thereof by the gift of God.

An abridgment taken from the Book of Ether also,

which is a record of the people of Jared, who were scattered at

the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, when

they were building a tower to get to heaven--

Which is to show unto the remnant of the House of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers;

and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever--

And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that JESUS is the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD, manifesting himself unto all nations--

And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men;

wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ.

Bro. Rudick

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