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At the gym, an attractive and fit young lady is working out near you. She is wearing"exercise" clothing......tight and smallish shorts and some kind of tight fitting top. She is tan and oh so fit. There are perhaps many of these young ladies around at the notice, after all you have eyes. You don't stare or gasp or wipe drool from your chin....but you do notice. You might even look forward to the gym a bit more and feel a bit more motivated to work out. The little voice inside your head might be saying,."Holy Cow....or va-va-voom or she's so hot she just can't be human." (Ladies please feel free to change the scenario to reflect an uber buff fellow).

So, when do your thoughts cross the line? As soon as you soon as you think va-va-voom, or is that ok as long as you don't need to wipe drool and aren't wishing the shorts were even shorter? Just curious?

Note: Bytor is not necessarily guilty of ANY of the above.

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My take: if the admiration is visual, OK. If you're starting to think in lustful terms, you're on shaky moral ground (if you're married, you should only be thinking that way about your spouse, Christ said, and if you're not married, you shouldn't be thinking lustfully about anyone).

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At the gym, an attractive and fit young lady is working out near you. She is wearing"exercise" clothing......tight and smallish shorts and some kind of tight fitting top. She is tan and oh so fit. There are perhaps many of these young ladies around at the notice, after all you have eyes. You don't stare or gasp or wipe drool from your chin....but you do notice. You might even look forward to the gym a bit more and feel a bit more motivated to work out. The little voice inside your head might be saying,."Holy Cow....or va-va-voom or she's so hot she just can't be human." (Ladies please feel free to change the scenario to reflect an uber buff fellow).

So, when do your thoughts cross the line? As soon as you soon as you think va-va-voom, or is that ok as long as you don't need to wipe drool and aren't wishing the shorts were even shorter? Just curious?

Note: Bytor is not necessarily guilty of ANY of the above.

You know....the Elder's on my mission (some of them) used to be like this when a new sister would come into the mish. Had to slap their little faces and put their tongues back in their mouths and help them walk back home.

You poor men! Women really do have all the power! Bwahahahahahha!

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Well, personally, if I had reached the "va-va-voom" stage, I think my thoughts would already be over the line. But I'm a woman...what do I know? ;)

Actually, it reminds me of a movie scene. I'm not one to tend to quote or even refer to LDS movies, but it makes me think of the scene in God's Army when they're in the restaurant and the elders tell the new kid, "If you don't look once, you're not a man. If you look twice, you're not a missionary."

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"But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not."

Mosiah 4:30

"But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Matthew 5:28

These two scriptures- and others- lead me to believe that our thoughts are judged as if we had actually committed the thought-of action in reality (however, in the mind, I believe the Lord weighs the "desires of our heart" more heavily than when judging our actions). According to that line of thought, then any action that would be immoral would be immoral to contemplate doing ("thinking" it in our hearts). Therefore, the line of what's too much to think about doing is the exact same line about what's to much to actually do. I'm not 100% sure if that's the whole truth, but it seems to me to be true.

In any event, one could easily sin in the mind and not take the step to ask the lady out or attempt to make any contact, as has been suggested earlier in this thread (jokingly).

Edited by Maxel
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