Tea Parties?


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Suppose if I were in England, it was around 3 PM and I was thirsty, a tea party might be okay - especially if the White Rabbit was there. One of my hesitations is that I dislike holding my little finger in the air while grasping the cup, like those tea baggers do. The other is that tea parties give the appearance of evil because of the tea and kookies.

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I did. Spoke at ours in Buffalo. We had about 700-800 people, which isn't bad for a holiday weekend. We are next up for the July 17 'mini-tea parties' that are taking place at our 'representatives' offices locally (Senators and Congressman) to oppose Crap and Tax and the 'Healthcare' bill. All happen at 12-1p.m. EDST (so 9-10 a.m. PDST) to send a message.

This is too important to sit back and wait. And it just ain't the Messiah (Lord Barry) that is the problem. Congress is flipping out of control, our state gov'ts (for the most part. I know that NY is WAY out of control, what with a crackhead as governor and a despot handling the assembly) are out of control. It seems that the answer to EVERY problem is 'tax the rich!'. Well, guess who the rich are, guys? Those of us NOT on welfare.

And if you think differently, you need to get out of your mom's basement more and wake up and smell the Postum!

Edited by sixpacktr
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I attended the Orem Tea Party. There were a few hundred of us there. There were 22 different Tea Parties across Utah alone.

Attorney General Mark Shurtleff was there, as was a Utah Congressman, and a few others. Heck, even one of the Osmonds showed up to sing a song (and sell T-Shirts that read "Proud Owner of General Motors"). Miss Utah (of 2007???) was a doll, too.

I thought it was good.

While not all believe things are as dire as they appear to me, I am convinced that it's time for the Elders of the Church to start their rescue efforts of the Constitution - as prophesied.

I hear sooooo many people complain about our current Legislative and Executive Branches, but so few are doing anything beyond whining about it... which is sad. Complacency and chosen-ignorance are our greatest crutches.

We CAN make a difference if we can begin to move en masse.

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I did. Spoke at ours in Buffalo. We had about 700-800 people, which isn't bad for a holiday weekend. We are next up for the July 17 'mini-tea parties' that are taking place at our 'representatives' offices locally (Senators and Congressman) to oppose Crap and Tax and the 'Healthcare' bill. All happen at 12-1p.m. EDST (so 9-10 a.m. PDST) to send a message.

This is too important to sit back and wait. And it just ain't the Messiah (Lord Barry) that is the problem. Congress is flipping out of control, our state gov'ts (for the most part. I know that NY is WAY out of control, what with a crackhead as governor and a despot handling the assembly) are out of control. It seems that the answer to EVERY problem is 'tax the rich!'. Well, guess who the rich are, guys? Those of us NOT on welfare.

And if you think differently, you need to get out of your mom's basement more and wake up and smell the Postum!

If you would get out of your mom’s basement more often you might have known that Postum was discontinued nearly two years ago.

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We had a NYS Assemblyman there. I had to leave to speak at a funeral, but I did catch some of his speech. He was falling on his sword, knowing how we feel about pols in our group (they are roundly booed and harassed for even showing up). He did a Jimmy Swaggert moment 'AH HAVE SINNED!!' but said he'd do better.

Yeah, right. He just realized that this movement is growing and that he was supposed to represent us.

As for the Elders stepping up, I see some of that in Glenn Beck. He has 4 hours a day to preach the gospel, which he does without a lot of non-members knowing it. Mitt has brought a lot of attention to the church. There are a lot of us in our Stake that are trying to do what we can, in between missionary work, temple work, and our callings, of course.

My own personal opinion is that this is our 1776: either our posterity will revere us for standing up for freedom or spit on our graves for doing nothing. And B Hussein isn't the only problem (he is a big one, but not the only one). Both Dems and Repubs have sold us down the river. Either we take these parties back to be Pro-American and Pro-Taxpayer (not coddling welfare queens, illegal immigrants, corporate fatcats, etc) or we start a third party. Here in Buffalo we are trying to start the 'Common Sense Party' (thought of before Glenn's book came out). There are current dems and repubs backing this. Before we are that, we are Americans first, and there are a lot of us that are 'right wing extremists' (Secretary 'Bruno' Napalitano's words, not mine) and worried about the gov't clamping down.

The Elders need to work with other conscientious people in this country to save it. If not, then we will have a Nephi/King Mosiah moment, when we will separate out and live according to the Constitution and let the wicked destroy themselves...

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Since this is a Mormon forum, I just thought I shouldn't mention coffee. You know, since I offended some by calling our President 'The Messiah'...

I might almost buy that explanation, except for the fact that you made the Postum comment in your first post in this thread. That is to say, before anyone could complain about your referencing Obama as the Messiah.

The truly amusing part of it is that you accuse Obama of being a sort of an elitist (what better description for a messiah complex), while simultaneously accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a socially disconnected recluse who hides in his/her mother’s basement to avoid having to interface with reality. Am I the only one that sees the irony in that? And seriously…why doesn’t this forum have an emoticon for :hypocrite: ?

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I might almost buy that explanation, except for the fact that you made the Postum comment in your first post in this thread. That is to say, before anyone could complain about your referencing Obama as the Messiah.

The truly amusing part of it is that you accuse Obama of being a sort of an elitist (what better description for a messiah complex), while simultaneously accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a socially disconnected recluse who hides in his/her mother’s basement to avoid having to interface with reality. Am I the only one that sees the irony in that? And seriously…why doesn’t this forum have an emoticon for :hypocrite: ?

You should hear him talk about the "trailer trash" he met on his mission.


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Right on, SixPack. Thanks for the comments.

You know, when we as members of the Church have been taught that the Constitution and Declaration of Independence came about as part of His will, by men that He inspired... how can any Latter Day Saint believe that the road we've been on for years now (this all started well before Obama - he's just not even bothering with the softsell his predecessors used) is acceptable to God?

If the Constitution came from God, then how can anyone be okay with how far away we've walked from it?

I currently identify with the Constitution Party. It all comes back to their simple logic: you government types want to do something? Then show me where that's allowed in the Constitution. Oh, it's not there? Well good thing the Founding Fathers developed a method to make improvements! If what you want to do is so universally important, then you shouldn't have ANY problems passing an amendment.

Aaaarrrrggggh. I'll stop. For now.

If anyone is still reading at the bottom of this post (haha), I'd strongly encourage you to read Mark Levin's "Liberty & Tyranny". I haven't been through Beck's book yet, but I hear great things about it, too. As well, Ron Paul's Conservative Manifesto is a great thought-provoker...

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Since this is a Mormon forum, I just thought I shouldn't mention coffee. You know, since I offended some by calling our President 'The Messiah'...

I could care less what you say about President Obama. The offense I took was at your blatant demeaning of a sacred name applied to the Savior.

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Glenn's book is fantastic. Only $10 at Target, and I will pass it along to everyone. They need to read this, especially basement dwellers...

And I too like the Constitution party. Problem is that they aren't here in NY State.

Things are about to get interesting. It is funny how many people are okay with watching thier freedoms and money torn from them and all they can say is 'Bush did it too'. Well, duh! We know that. But the real culprits here are the Dems and Repubs and their lack of understanding what they are there for. The libs simply want us to be like Europe (funny how the Europeans are starting to say, 'you know, this socialist crap doesn't really work') and the Repubs have no spines to stand up and stop them, or rather try to work with them, you know, so they'll be liked.

And it is sad to see so many in the church that think that if they just pray hard enough that it will all be fixed. Or that actually agree with the Dear Leader (there is that a better way of referring to him?), that don't see a problem with bowing to Saudi Kings (and then having the 'audacity' to state that the King is just so short. What the hell is he talking about??) or giving iPod and DVDs to heads of State? HUH??

This thug from Chicago is an arrogant elitist (better for you MoE?) that thinks he is just smarter than the rest of us. Where Clinton and Bush put in a couple of Czars (which was ludicrous) B Hussein has raised it to an art form. Where is the oversight? Since when does the Executive Branch have all the power?

Yeah, I get pretty het up. We need to march with torches and pitchforks and lock these guys out so that they quit defiling the Constitution.

But I'm sure that the basement dwellers, with their Mountain Dew and Skittles, just think I'm being paranoid...

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