Running....thinking about going to chiropractor????????


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Ok.......................I've been running for awhile now (in fact I am planning on doing a 5K on August 1st:cool:)

My problem/concern is during my last run I really messed up my IT Band. Been doing stretches and finally went in and had it injected:eek:. IT band feels really good BUT I am starting to think that my hip is out of alignment.

Should I go to a chiropractor??? I have never been to one and to be honest I'm a bit nervous.

I really really want to run this 5K.............I've been working really hard and NEED to do it for myself.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!



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Ok.......................I've been running for awhile now (in fact I am planning on doing a 5K on August 1st:cool:)

My problem/concern is during my last run I really messed up my IT Band. Been doing stretches and finally went in and had it injected:eek:. IT band feels really good BUT I am starting to think that my hip is out of alignment.

Should I go to a chiropractor??? I have never been to one and to be honest I'm a bit nervous.

I really really want to run this 5K.............I've been working really hard and NEED to do it for myself.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!



Yea find a chiropracter that has a "tomsons table" to work with, not a chiropractor that does mainpulation. for hip.pelvic problems yu need the table! and not to worry one bit, you will wonder why yu didnt do this years ago. my wifew sort of forced me into gouing about ten years ago for the first time, and it has changed my life. {seriously}:)

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Ok.......................I've been running for awhile now (in fact I am planning on doing a 5K on August 1st:cool:)

My problem/concern is during my last run I really messed up my IT Band. Been doing stretches and finally went in and had it injected:eek:. IT band feels really good BUT I am starting to think that my hip is out of alignment.

Should I go to a chiropractor??? I have never been to one and to be honest I'm a bit nervous.

I really really want to run this 5K.............I've been working really hard and NEED to do it for myself.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!



I went to one about 6yrs ago and he made a "believer " out of was the best thing I did.....just be carefull some of them try to get you coming back for the rest of your life....

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If you are running on the side of roads, try alternating sides of the road to 'even out' the stress. Sometimes pelvic misalignment is caused by running too much on a slope on one side. Or run as much as possible on level surfaces.

My last run I decided I needed a little variety....and ran up a canyon. Needless to say it was the down hill that I think did me in.

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Ok.......................I've been running for awhile now (in fact I am planning on doing a 5K on August 1st:cool:)

My problem/concern is during my last run I really messed up my IT Band. Been doing stretches and finally went in and had it injected:eek:. IT band feels really good BUT I am starting to think that my hip is out of alignment.

Should I go to a chiropractor??? I have never been to one and to be honest I'm a bit nervous.

I really really want to run this 5K.............I've been working really hard and NEED to do it for myself.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!



NO!!!!!!!!!!!! What you need is someone to show you how to release knots, stretching tendons, and so forth. How do I know? My whole families are runners...^_^ What state are you living in?

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i have gone to a chiropractor since about 5th grade. not a manipulator, they are different. i take my kids in when needed. i highly recommend one. in fact i've recently started discussing most of my medical conditions/decisions with my chiropractor. i don't think they have all the answers but if you get a good one they can be a great resource in making good health decisions.

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i have gone to a chiropractor since about 5th grade. not a manipulator, they are different. i take my kids in when needed. i highly recommend one. in fact i've recently started discussing most of my medical conditions/decisions with my chiropractor. i don't think they have all the answers but if you get a good one they can be a great resource in making good health decisions.

I agree with you.....:)
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Guest Alana

I've been to chiropractors and it was great. I've also heard lots of people who really don't like them and refer to them as 'car salesman.' I had a pretty good talk with my ophthalmologist of all people about chiropractors. He said he's all in favor of them because vertebrae and ribs are all movable. He went to one for his hip. He said that sometimes he gets people with eye twitches and he tells them they just need their neck aligned, and they do it, and the twitch is gone. So, go to a chiropractor, go to one who doesn't annoy you and is more interested in helping you rather than selling you a lifetime of adjustments.

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something to keep in mind with chiropractic is that it is a lifestyle. you either have to change your lifestyle so you don't keep getting misaligned (if it's a bad pillow that's hurting your neck you have to get a new pillow, may need new shoes, or to carry your wallet in a different pocket, or get a smaller purse, lose some weight, whatever it is that is hurting you) or you have to keep going to the chiropractor the rest of your life. for me it's a little of both. i'm working on my lifestyle and i keep going back.

the bones in your body are made to move they are made to move a specific way, if they are not aligned properly they will hurt. if not adjusted they will eventually get used to being wrong, they will "stop" hurting. you will be crooked (thus things like scoliosis). when you first start aligning those bones they will sometimes hurt again, just as they did the first time. the body will eventually learn how they should be and things will be right again. that is when you will notice how much pain you were in and had gotten used to.

i'm not one that goes to the chiropractor every week, or even every month. i am bad about not keeping appointments. i go when i feel the pain, i don't wait till it stops hurting. sometimes i can go once and i'm good. other times i've really hurt myself and i have to go back every week for a few weeks to get it straight. i've been going off and on most of my life. the one i have now is the most helpful doctor i've ever had. i don't get everything he sells. i don't live and breath his medical advise but i do think his opinion is worth getting.

chiropractic isn't a quick fix. it's not a pill you can take and have all your symptoms go away. it's not a go once and that's all. it's a process. it's about general good health, keeping the bones in proper alignment so you can move like the body was intended to move. it's something you invest in, sometimes short term, sometimes long term. it's an investment into yourself, you decide how long you will do it.

lol anyway, i'll shut up now. just wanted to throw that into the discussion.

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I went to one about 6yrs ago and he made a "believer " out of was the best thing I did.....just be carefull some of them try to get you coming back for the rest of your life....

Maybe I'm just a hard one to keep in line, but I believe I will use chiropractic for the rest of my life. My issues are not dibilitating. I'm in the stage the doctors call maintenance. And yet, I find that if I miss a week i get real stiff in the upper back and shoulders.

If this only happened with one chiropractor I'd think maybe he was keeping business. However, I've visited chiropractors off and on since my mid-twenties, and always ended up with the same results--life is good as long as I make my weekly trip.

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I've gone to a chiropractor for many years, and it has helped so much. I have a comprssed disc, L5-S1, and at times I couldn't move at all. I did, and taught yoga for many years, but stopped doing it, for various reasons. This was when my back really started giving me problems. I stsrted combining chiropractic with yoga again and it helped so much. The thing about chiropractic is that the spine gets out of allignment do to various reasons, you got to a chiropractor and nthey put it back, but personally i feel thet if your muscles are not toned in order to support the re-allignment, you'll have to continually go back. If you work on also strengthening the mscles that keep you aligned, you may still have to go but not as much, depending on the stresses you put on your spine. Remeber, one side of your body is dominant, left or right, and that will cause imbalance in the strength of one side to the other, which will pull you out of allignment. If yoga is done properly, it will help strengthen both sides equally. Yoga in fact means, balance.

Just my two cents.

Don't back problems realy stink?

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I'm a semi-believer in chiropractors. I tweaked my back as a teen and my mom took me to a chiropractor, and the adjustments did help short-term. What really helped me though, was that it was found that I had one leg slightly shorter than the other and the chiropractor ordered specially-fitted orthotics formed to my feet with a spacer attached to the bottom of one to straighten my spine. This worked until I was halfway through my mission, at which time I began to get severe back and leg pain on the opposite side from my original pain. After experimenting a little bit, I found that my pain was relieved when I removed the spacer from the one orthotic. I have now worn that pair of orthotics for over 30 years with no problems and I believe they have helped me especially because because my arches are higher than most.

I like chiropractors because they are willing to try unconventional remedies or fixes that most medical doctors ignore or are frowned upon if they try. What I don't like about chiropractors is that sometimes they have a tendency to push certain holistic or homeopathic remedies solely as a means to line their pockets. The chiropractor I saw had convinced my mom that my back needed adjustments 3 times a week for 3 years until I went on my mission, even when my pain had gone away. I'm not convinced that was the best treatment course for me. I think that the constant adjustments may have actually caused me to go out of adjustment more easily. Plus, he started selling her herbal pills for all kinds of maladies that she suddenly had. I think greed came into play somewhere on the line and he took advantage of her gullibility.

Bottom line, I think chiropractors have their usefulness, but I would advise caution and a step back before jumping headlong into unusual or expensive treatment regimens which depend on you going back repeatedly over long periods of time. I suggest you look for ways to find a fix for back, neck and leg pain for the long term. I strongly believe that self-treatments such as losing weight, finding a good mattress, and weight training with emphasis on strengthening the back muscles have done me more good than many treatments out there would have.

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Thank you all for these extremely useful posts!!!

I tend to sit the fence.....I believe that western medicine has greatly enriched/blessed our lives however I also strongly believe that we tend to forget that there might me a natural remedy that could also benefit our lives.

I have been previousely manipulatd/adjusted, however it was done by a D.O. and not a chiropractor. Sadly the community lost this provider in an avalanche and I haven't trusted any one one to adjust me.

As Gwen and John Doe have stated I too believe that wellness is a process and there isn't a quick fix. I have made numerous changes over the past 6 monthes and running is just one of them!

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