Should I read the entire Book of Mormon before deciding to become Mormon?


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Not necessairly. I was able to obtain confirmation that it was scripture without having to read the entire thing. IMO the most important step to deciding whether or not to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is to obtain a witness through the Spirit.

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Guest missingsomething

Mormongrl... I have a "read the book of mormon story in like 25 entries" sorta thing I put with BOM that I share w/ people.

Let me find it (may take a week as this week is packed) and I will get it to you.

YOU need to read as much as possible and pray about it.

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Well since you have gone from Mormon to not being Mormon to being Mormon to not being Mormon...maybe this is the time to read it all the way through.

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While reading it isn't a prerequisite, it is definitely something I would suggest you do. The BofM, imo, is a document of power. At least that is my experience with it. It opens my mind, strengthens my understanding of God's will for my life, and it helps me to comfortably do things that take great faith.

Give yourself the gift of reading and internalizing the words of this book. And the get baptized when it is the right time for you.

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Not necessairly. I was able to obtain confirmation that it was scripture without having to read the entire thing. IMO the most important step to deciding whether or not to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is to obtain a witness through the Spirit.

That was how it worked for me.
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Hi everyone. Should I read the entire Book of Mormon before deciding to become Mormon? At this point in my life I am currently trying to figure out exactly what the truth is. I am exploring Mormonism and may become a member once again.

The issue here is not the truth of the doctrine or the soundness word of God in the scriptures. The issue is your willingness to live in faith by the commitments and covenants you have made. You will never fully realize your potential or receive the fullness of the blessing that our Heavenly Father has in store for you if you are not wiling to repent, give up your sins and allow the Savior to heal you, strengthen you and reclaim your soul.

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Normally I would advise that you don't need to read the BOM at all before you get baptized but in your case I would have a different answer.

I would advise you to live the covenants of your baptism (yes, I know you've had your membership withdrawn) for a solid year prior to getting re-baptized. If you can attend church and live as if you were baptized, except for taking the sacrament, for a year, I think you will be at the level of commitment you will need.

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Hi everyone. Should I read the entire Book of Mormon before deciding to become Mormon? At this point in my life I am currently trying to figure out exactly what the truth is. I am exploring Mormonism and may become a member once again.

Nope. there are many very powerfull confirmations of this church that do not include the b.o.m. Just things in it i;e... baptism, laying on of hands, holy preisthood authority, sacrament, and so on, that confirm.:)

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I've been a member for over a year (minus a few months as inactive) and I still have not read it all the way through. Before I went inactive I was near the end of Alma. I came back without starting to read again. So no, I don't think you need to read the entire BOM. But you should start studying the scripures again, and continue reading them if you decide to come back.

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When I was a missionary, I compared reading the Book of Mormon to an apple pie.

You don't have to eat the entire pie to know that it's good!

However, Pam brought up a very good point. Because you were a member of the church, you need to work out things a bit differently than if you were just "investigating" for the first time.

Good luck and enjoy your reading!

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Thanks everyone. I will consider reading all or at least most of the Book of Mormon before getting baptized again.

I would definitely recommend it! I'm not saying that it's absolutely necessary to read the entire thing, but it certainly can't hurt. I believe it would only make your testimony that much stronger and more solid because then you'll have a strong testimony in one of the things that's at the core root of the church. Then after you're baptized, read the entire D&C and the Pearl of Great Price! Congratulations on your future baptism and TRY to make this one stick. Just keep hold of that iron rod.:)

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There's something else I just thought of after making my last post and that is you could even purchase the Bof M on c.d. so then that way you can either listen to it in your car, or you can listen to it while your reading the book. I read that your retention level of reading and hearing something at the same time is somewhere around 80% first time thru! Hope this helps.

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Guest SmarterBlue

I would recommend reading until you feel good about it. And then YOU decide what you want to do. I if there are any topics that interest you look at the glossary in the back and look them up. Also asking LDS friends about any clarification is a good idea. Sometimes I pray about something I want more information about and then look it up.

I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!

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Well since you have gone from Mormon to not being Mormon to being Mormon to not being Mormon...maybe this is the time to read it all the way through.

I agree with Pam. If you're having a hard time deciding, then best go with learning as much as you can/need to in order to make up your mind. The missionaries may be trying to rush you, but frankly, it's more important that you feel it's the right decision before you join the Church.

I wish you the best. :)


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