Greetings from Germany


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Hi everybody,

I'm Connie. My family converted when I was two and that makes me raised in the church I guess. I served a mission in Germany and I loved it.

I love irony and am myself a little sarcastic sometimes. I love languages and communication. That's why I study English and French literature/linguistics.

Well, love to get to know you... ^_^

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Hi everybody,

I'm Connie. My family converted when I was two and that makes me raised in the church I guess. I served a mission in Germany and I loved it.

I love irony and am myself a little sarcastic sometimes. I love languages and communication. That's why I study English and French literature/linguistics.

Well, love to get to know you... ^_^

Hi there :)

My mom was born in Germany (my grandpa was in the Army) and then my dad served in the Army and was stationed in Germany as well, and really liked it there.

And, one of the characters in my book speaks German and used to live in Germany, too :)

(This character is a smartypants who speaks 5 languages. He's also a vampire but that's not important ;))

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hi, connie, welcome. I spoke some german in High School, but that was MANY years ago. The few words i remember i wouldn't attempt to


Hehe, about the only thing I remember except for a few scattered words is, "Meine deutch ist nicht sehr gut." (My apologies for any spelling errors). Of course I did pretty much flunk that class, it probably shows.


Gutten Tag Connie.

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