The devil can do it too?


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Hey. I had a friend in the church mention to me once that satan can make you feel the same feeling God can. The same Holy Spirit feeling. Is that true? Has anyone ever heard this before?

Yes - but not just Satan. I can do the same thing, but I'll need some gauze, some 3-in-1 oil, and some 40-weight ball bearings.

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Satan can imitate many things that come from God, but he cannot give you peace. That come only through the Holy Ghost.

That is right. That is the 'sign' of the holy ghost -- not so much the dove itself or its image, but the thing the symbol of the dove represents -- peace.


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The Devil can imitate peace. It's not the same, but when you need it, and you get more desperate for it than God, it'll do. Christians of all stripes have become addicted to alcohol and drugs. In fact I heard a statistics (goodness, it's 30 years old) that if a teetotaling Christian (i.e. LDS and most evangelicals) starts to drink, there is a 50% likelihood that alcoholism will develop. There is guilt, and the booze salves that guilt, and a cycle develops.

In addition, a demonic self-righteousness can feel like a testimony, religious cruelty can feel like 'contending for the faith,' and immature sarcasm and feel like profound spiritual humor.

So...still seek the Spirit...but look to Him, not to the feelings He provides.

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The Devil can imitate peace. It's not the same, but when you need it, and you get more desperate for it than God, it'll do. Christians of all stripes have become addicted to alcohol and drugs. In fact I heard a statistics (goodness, it's 30 years old) that if a teetotaling Christian (i.e. LDS and most evangelicals) starts to drink, there is a 50% likelihood that alcoholism will develop. There is guilt, and the booze salves that guilt, and a cycle develops.

In addition, a demonic self-righteousness can feel like a testimony, religious cruelty can feel like 'contending for the faith,' and immature sarcasm and feel like profound spiritual humor.

So...still seek the Spirit...but look to Him, not to the feelings He provides.

thata actually makes a lot of sense. and I agree with desirexnoel.. i like that last sentence a lot too :)

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Based on my understanding of the doctrine - no, Satan cannot directly imitate the Holy Ghost. That being said, we are often confronted with the counter-argument (especially from our evangelical friends) with the Biblical mandate to "try the spirits" which, when coupled with the warning that Satan can appear as an "angel of light", leads many outside of the Church to conclude that the Holy Ghost is not immune from imitation. I believe this conclusion to be false (obviously) for the following reasons:

1. The Holy Ghost (and his mission) is always spoken of separately and distinctly from these Biblical passages in the New Testament. Consequently, his mission, and methods, appear to be outside of the warnings contained with those passages;

2. There are specific "fruits of the Spirit" outlined in the New Testament which are only spoken of in relation to the Holy Ghost (see Galatians);

3. The admonition of Moroni requires a method which cannot be imitated by Satan, else the encouragement to "read and pray" is hollow and fraught with peril;

4. God wants us to talk to Him. He intends to communicate with us...He MUST have a voice...that voice is the Holy Ghost. It, therefore, follows that He would prevent imitation of that voice.

Edited by ttribe
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The Devil can imitate peace. It's not the same, but when you need it, and you get more desperate for it than God, it'll do. Christians of all stripes have become addicted to alcohol and drugs. In fact I heard a statistics (goodness, it's 30 years old) that if a teetotaling Christian (i.e. LDS and most evangelicals) starts to drink, there is a 50% likelihood that alcoholism will develop. There is guilt, and the booze salves that guilt, and a cycle develops.

In addition, a demonic self-righteousness can feel like a testimony, religious cruelty can feel like 'contending for the faith,' and immature sarcasm and feel like profound spiritual humor.

So...still seek the Spirit...but look to Him, not to the feelings He provides.

PC, that's how the Holy Ghost works... with power and feeling... and impresses upon the heart of man.

Satan is the father of lies. He will not give you truth. The truth is that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of the world. This is the truth found in the scriptures. When you read these truths Satan cannot make you feel peace.

The peace I'm speaking of is a peace the world cannot give. This world cannot make us feel at peace with God.

1) God speaks

2) We hear or read His word

3) We believe it is true

4) We exercise faith in God by virtue of our belief and hope in Him and do what He says

5) We endure in the word

6) We are taught by the Holy Ghost by power and feeling that the Word of God is true

7) We know

Satan does not teach us the Word of God is true. He cannot resolve doubt or confusion.

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Hi Justice,

U said,

Satan does not teach us the Word of God is true. He cannot resolve doubt or confusion.

Satan does use the word of God, we know that in the examples in the Bible. How do u figure he cannot resolve doubt or confusion? He can masquerade as an angel of light. Do u think Satan cannot tell tell the truth or that he only speaks lies? Thanks
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Hi Justice,

U said, Satan does use the word of God, we know that in the examples in the Bible. How do u figure he cannot resolve doubt or confusion? He can masquerade as an angel of light. Do u think Satan cannot tell tell the truth or that he only speaks lies? Thanks

But isn't he simply our older brother who disagreed with God?

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But isn't he simply our older brother who disagreed with God?

By way of clarification, it wasn't simply a "disagreement" - Satan sought to essentially overthrow the Father ("give me thy glory").

Additionally, can you clarify what you are asking? Are you wondering why the discussion of limitations given a potential common spiritual heritage between him and us?

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By way of clarification, it wasn't simply a "disagreement" - Satan sought to essentially overthrow the Father ("give me thy glory").

Additionally, can you clarify what you are asking? Are you wondering why the discussion of limitations given a potential common spiritual heritage between him and us?

No. The question was much simpler then that. Why would he hate his fellow brothers and sisters?

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But isn't he simply our older brother who disagreed with God?

That could be a deep complicated question. We evangelicals see Satan as a renegade angel, who tried to overthrow God. His mission is the steal, kill and destroy. Jesus warned Peter that Satan wanted to sift Peter like wheat. He's also the acuser of the bretheren. No, we don't believe he is our brother. Angels and humans are not kin--other than that we are fellow servants of the Most High.

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That could be a deep complicated question. We evangelicals see Satan as a renegade angel, who tried to overthrow God. His mission is the steal, kill and destroy. Jesus warned Peter that Satan wanted to sift Peter like wheat. He's also the acuser of the bretheren. No, we don't believe he is our brother. Angels and humans are not kin--other than that we are fellow servants of the Most High.

See, that makes more sense to me, because if Satan was like us, then we should be able to understand where he is coming from and why he is the way he is. I have siblings and although we may have huge arguments I don't feel a need to devote any energy into the choices that they make.
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But isn't he simply our older brother who disagreed with God?

In my opinion, Satan forfeited his right to call himself my brother when he rebelled so violently against my Father. He is not my brother--he is my enemy.

According to

Satan, also called the adversary or the devil, is the enemy of all righteousness and of those who seek to follow God. He is a spirit son of God who was once an angel "in authority in the presence of God" (D&C 76:25; see also Isaiah 14:12; D&C 76:26–27). But in the premortal Council in Heaven, Lucifer, as Satan was then called, rebelled against God. Since that time, he has sought to destroy the children of God on the earth and to make them miserable.

So, it was more than a disagreement. In the Book of Revelation, it was described as a "war." I think it is difficult for us to envision one of our own siblings in such a manner. But look at Cain and Able. They are an example of extreme hatred and rebellion striking truth and innocence.

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In my opinion, Satan forfeited his right to call himself my brother when he rebelled so violently against my Father. He is not my brother--he is my enemy.

I am upset with my mother and sister for behaving the way they did, even with violence... but I am far from calling them my enemies...

I can't put that much hatred on a family member. I was raised pretty much conditioned not to. I can't even pretend to have any idea what it would take to consider them as such...

But I guess that is why it is my question. n_n

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Satan declared war on his father and enlisted his brothers and sisters to fight against their parents and other siblings. We aren't talking about getting angry at my sister because of something she said or did that hurt me. He was essentially raising an army to imprison his brothers and sisters--make them subject to his laws and he was willing to force that on anyone who opposed. He was essentially wanting to overthrow his father forever.

I honestly don't understand his hatred for me. But we are taught that he does hate us--he wants us miserable, enslaved, chained, kept from all that is true and good. I seriously doubt this describes your sisters.

I'm glad to hear that you do not have that kind of hatred in you--that's wonderful. But you also must realize that not everyone is like you, unfortunately. There are those in this world that would take advantage of you with even a remote possibility. Satan is worse than that. He has plans to make each person miserable--to steal their souls and whatever good they have. He's been at it a long time and has been able to increase the hatred of God and Good to a degree that I'm guessing most of us don't completely understand.

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