The missionaries are coming to meet with me. What to expect?

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I'm comfortable with ministers, missionairies, priests etc. I'm not nervous. My kids are VERY excited and happy. :hyper: They keep asking me "do you think this church might work out??" :D

I was just wondering what exactly we will be doing or talking about?

Should we sit in the living room or at the dining room table?

I met the missionaries on Sunday at church (or is that Sacrament meeting?). They were very nice young men. I'm looking forward to talking with them and asking them all my wacky questions. ;)

Thanks for your help.

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Sit where you are comfy or in what setting helps you to be yourself. Sit in the LR for comfy chair reasons, or move to the table if it helps lay out study materials.

I am not sure what they will start out with. They may start out talking about the nature of God or Gods pattern of talking to people through out all the dispensations of time. OR...they may custom fit the discussion to your questions and pressing spiritual needs.

Have fun. Hope you have a good discussion.

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That is wonderful. We will all want to know how it goes!

The missionaries won't care if you're in the living room or dining room, so wherever you feel more comfortable (I personally like the dining room). They will probably have to tailor their discussions to meet your needs, as you have studied up on Mormonism already.

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I'm comfortable with ministers, missionairies, priests etc. I'm not nervous. My kids are VERY excited and happy. :hyper: They keep asking me "do you think this church might work out??" :D

I was just wondering what exactly we will be doing or talking about?

Should we sit in the living room or at the dining room table?

I met the missionaries on Sunday at church (or is that Sacrament meeting?). They were very nice young men. I'm looking forward to talking with them and asking them all my wacky questions. ;)

Thanks for your help.

just make some green jello for them and everything else will flow.:)
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Lilac, no coffee? That will excite the missionaries, for sure.

I've taught in basements, backyards, street corners, in front of gangs, prostitutes, and every other kind of place/person you can think of. They'll just be happy they have a roof and a place to sit.

The only thing I think you should expect is to feel the Spirit.

I know what they'll be teaching you is true, hope you can find out for yourself as well. Hope to see you around here some more, and, feel free to ask all the wacky questions you want!

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They are coming on Thursday night. I work on Friday so I won't be able to give you an update for a while.

But I will return with the Missionary Update!!!! :computer:

I really, truly hope that this works out. I hope I clear sense of whether this is right or whatever.


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The first meeting usually goes over the basics. Who is Joseph Smith, how did the Book of Mormon come to be, and what does it have to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You will be challenged to read the Book of Mormon (or at least part of it). They may give you specific sections to read, but it's really up to you where to begin. Then they will ask you to pray about what you have read, following the council given in Moroni 10:3-5.

Future visits will teach you more about the gospel, and the church, and tell you what will be expected of you if you decide to become members. They will also go over what you have read, and answer any questions you have.

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The missionaries teach out of a book called Preach my Gospel you might want to check it out of the local church library for reference. As to what to expect it varies with the teaching habits of individual missionaries. Some are all business some are laid back, some are full of the spirit, some are a little too excited and appear pushy etc.

Sometimes they show video's, sometimes they use a lot of scripture sometimes just a little.

Remember a few things ( I oversee the progress of people looking into joining the church and newly joined members in our ward so I find these things are common.)

Missionaries are there not to convince you to join the church but to teach you basic church doctrine to allow you to go to Heavenly Father and pray to him about what direction you should take. Don't think you need to know everything first.

Please ask them questions. You can not ask a dumb question because not one of us knows everything about everything. They honestly want you to ask them questions, bring up concerns etc.

They tend to ask for a baptism commitment early on to provide motivation. Remember you can refuse and they won't be upset if you are not ready. What I suggest to people is go ahead and select one but make sure it is a time line that gives you time to be comfortable with it. I usually suggest a month or 6 weeks but I know people who felt the spirit and were baptized in a week.

Be willing to tell them about yourself, the more information they have on your family the more they can teach things that are relevant for your needs. And if the Ward has a good Ward Mission Leader ( my calling in my ward) then he can use that information to help your progress by finding appropriate Home or Visit teachers etc. (the missionaries can teach you what those are.)

Becoming LDS is a life long journey, you are starting at the beginning, there is a steep learning curve, it seems like a completly different lifestyle and language. Things that become second nature to members are completly confusing to new people. Most members are willing to help you, some don't remember what it's like, but most will help.

An important point is especially in Sacrament and 3rd hour classes lessons and talks are given with the understanding that a foundation of LDS gospel exists. Until you have that sometimes things are said that are make perfect sense in the gospel understanding but not the worldly understanding. If you find something said causes offense or hurt then talk to someone. Having been on the other side it has always been a misunderstanding through lack of foundation and nothing more.

It should be that you are welcomed with open arms and leaders take your family aside as individuals to get to know about you and help your progression. Often leaders are so busy fighting fires or dealing with squeaky wheels that the quite ones get over looked. Understand people in the LDS church with callings are just like you. They have no special training and squeeze what time they can for callings out of family, employment, sleep and relaxation time. If you feel they are ignoring you then talk to them, they will listen I promise.

One warning as soon as you begin telling people you are looking into the church you will have negative comments coming out of the woodwork. Most is so dumb it's a laugh. My wife and I are the only LDS in our families and we heard every story imaginable. I use humor to deal with it and usually make jokes about it. It does stop after the ones who love you see the changes for the good it makes in your family. Mine went from not ever mention it around me to lets take the Missionaries some food when there was extra!

If you have questions that the Missionaries haven't answered feel free to message me. Our Ward also has created a Mormon-English Dictionary that I uploaded to the net. I don't have the link at the moment but if you would like it let me know and I'll post it again.

The Missionaries are a great group of dedicated youth. enjoy them.

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It went really well. I knew the young men very nice guys from meeting them in church the other day. Thye were not pushy at all (I didn't think they would be). One of them was homeschooled so that went over very well in my house. (we homeschool) :D

A bishop also came along. He was also very nice and laid back.

As I've posted before, we are practicing Protestants and quite "devout", for lack of a better word. So, I think the missionaries understood that we were not on a "beginner" level as far as religion is concerned. (I hope that didn't sound cocky, you know that I mean).

We discussed Bible prophecy mostly and the ongoing prophecy that the President receives etc. My husband was not really into that idea so he asked them a lot hard questions. They did their best to answer his questions and the Bishop also jumped in. I'm not sure if my husband agreed but they did answer his questions kindly and to the best of their knowledge.

I am having them for dinner on Monday night. I think I'm hosting Family Home Evening?? :popcorn::D

They asked what we would like to discuss and I said "monotheism and polytheism" :D

They gave us a Book of Mormon and asked us to pray about it etc. I think I need a BOM with bigger print...I'm getting old, I could barely read the tiny print. :cool: Even with my fancy lenses.

Do they usually send a Bishop? I don't mind, I was just wondering.


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We discussed Bible prophecy mostly and the ongoing prophecy that the President receives etc. My husband was not really into that idea so he asked them a lot hard questions. They did their best to answer his questions and the Bishop also jumped in. I'm not sure if my husband agreed but they did answer his questions kindly and to the best of their knowledge.

Do they usually send a Bishop? I don't mind, I was just wondering.

Funny that was the part that made the most sense to me. Explain it this way to him:

does it make sense that a loving Heavenly Father would provide prophets on the Earth for centuries before the coming of Christ and not afterward when there are more of his children on Earth facing problems unknown in Christ time?

During Christ's ministry on Earth he called apostles to help him, when he returned to Heavenly Father new Apostles continued to be called to replace ones who were killed. Until it became impossible for them to continue.

Growing up I had no religion in my life. Around 13 I started contemplating the existence of God and religion. Logic told me God exists, but the fact we had no revelation on Earth today when we had it hundreds of years ago was not logical therefore I decided organized religion was not correct.

If there is a God who loves us and we believe that. Then God must love us equally. If we believe that then we have to believe he would provide Prophets to help guide us as they did in ancient times. And if God did not intend for us to have Prophets after Christ returned to heaven why were new ones called.

I told the Missionaries they had no chance of me joining the church 12 years ago, but the Logic told me otherwise, I'm glad it did.

Missionaries try and take a member with them, it can be hard to find ones who are willing and usually Bishops are very busy dealing with members needs. It is a blessing to have him come.

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I can see that would be hard transition. I rely often on the logic of things. Knowing the Vatican has said they had scripture they decided not to put in the bible for varoius reasons Logic tells me there must be other works. I always thought it didn't make sense that God would give scripture to the people of the middle east region but not to anyone else on Earth.

And since each of us remembers things slightly different the only way God's word could remain true was if someone was able to clarify his word for us to stay on course.

Here is the biggest thing that converted me. The Missionaries told me they would not convince me, God would. I never came across a religion that told me to not believe what they taught but to ask of God and he would let me know. While this sometimes takes time to realize how he is communicating with us, I had gotten an answer. If I can then it makes sense Prophets can get far more. But simply knowing to ask of God instead of trusting their word told me it must be true.

Since you have a religious background you don't need to learn just modify some of it. The gospel is the same it is just man's interpretation of parts of it that causes change.

Don't try to know all things, don't fall into the i'll never be as good as the others (cause we all have to grow into the gospel), don't go faster then you are ready for, and never be afraid to ask questions especially in Gospel Principle class which is for new members or people looking into the gospel. We all know something about something but not everything about everything so it is okay to ask about what might be obvious to another. And members don't always know what you might not understand yet. Last enjoy the journey, it can be confusing but I am so greatful my family is so blessed from us joining. While I don't like everyone in our Ward we are a Ward family just like my real family I have members I don't care for, but we love and help each other where we can.

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One of the great things about the LDS Church is that we can teach you all we want but we leave you with the saying, "but don't take our word for it, find out for yourself." If you come to God with a humble heart, and a willingness to learn he will never steer you astray. As a Christian if you believe that Heavenly Father listens to and answers your prayers, then pray to Him about The Church and the Gospel until you get your answer.

The Missionaries are just a tool to help get you "up to speed," the real evidence and answers lie within your own heart and Heavenly Father. :)

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LDS Valley it all was so well said! I hope you do not mind me borrowing those words sometimes (in an other forum an other language)

I was a very active protestant when the missionaries found me. :D I just felt everything fall on its place. I felt so good and safe knowing what the missionaries came with that first time in long time I fell a sleep without problem and so it ahs continued some 30 years soon. Even though my family did not like my search or my babtizement (had no one there of my family to see me babtized). I did not let their convictions in. I knew and understod their vorry, but I also knew, that I knew and I could not deny it, as I knew that God knew that I knew!

As protestants there are a few questions that are "above all". One is that can there be more profets? I found no reason why not. Sutre God is he loves us sa much as it is said is able to and willing to tell us his will through profets again. Trinity is an other... but I ahd no problem with that as I, even as a sundayschool teacher, always felt sick when I had to tell kids God is a spirit, like a dusk... That part of the protestant faith I just never managed to understand and all the allegories about us beeing alike him yet the gospel should be so easy that anyone can grasp it if they are willing to believe.

Later I have found out that the not adding anything to the Bible is not right... it is ONLY in the revs. Same is found in OT too and IF that should be taken as for the whole book so the UT should not ahve been added to the OT either, besides revs were one of the first books written, but it was placed last just because that sentance suitet so well for the leaders of the church at that time.

You can also find the BoM here: Scriptures

Maybe you can make the letters bigger there. It also has all teh referances there easy and fast to find with a click. :D

Here you can ask with a special word and find speaches of it: - Search Gospel Library

byu radio is also nice and also the tv on line.

I think growing with gospel is fantastic. I still keep learning new after all these years!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys!

I wanted to give you an update on how things were going.

The missionaries have been very nice and helpful. However, I am stuck on a few points and I'd like them to help me with these points and I'm not sure they are able to understand where I'm stuck. One evening they brought a Protestant convert and he was very good to talk with. The other times they brought very caring people but they had grown up LDS and were not that familiar with my Protestant faith so that was a bit of a setback.

Aside from that, my husband and I have figured out that the LDS child are filled with lovely people who are been kinder to me in the past month than in all the churches I've ever been to put together. I'm not sure how this will turn out BUT I can certainly say that I will always defend the LDS even if I'm not sure about some of its doctrine. My kids love the church and are very happy there. However, you cannot choose a church just because the people are really caring. It's certainly part of need to see fruit. But it can't be the "only" thing.

The missionaries asked me if I was ready to be baptized and I said "no, not at all" and they looks crushed. :o

I don't have a testimony for the BoM. :huh:

I'm reading a very good book, I think it's called "Why would you want to join the Mormon Church" (I think that's the title, it's downstairs). I'm hoping I might get a handle on some of the doctrine where we are stuck.

Thanks for the help and thoughts you have posted.


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