Hand gestures


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Hi forum,

Unknown to most Christians is the fact that in Judaism the priestly family is given a combination of hand gestures with which they not only identify each other but also with which they are to bless Israel.

Here's an example of one of such gestures. This is forming the Hebrew letter ש which is the first letter of the word "Shaddai" (Almighty)



I had a friend who was from the Kehat family - an ark-carrying priest - and his family had some specific hand gestures he would not show me because they were sacred and to be used among themselves.


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Hi forum,

Unknown to most Christians is the fact that in Judaism the priestly family is given a combination of hand gestures with which they not only identify each other but also with which they are to bless Israel.

Here's an example of one of such gestures. This is forming the Hebrew letter ש which is the first letter of the word "Shaddai" (Almighty)



I had a friend who was from the Kehat family - an ark-carrying priest - and his family had some specific hand gestures he would not show me because they were sacred and to be used among themselves.


I am probably not the only one who finds this interesting as well.

We also have gestures that are associated with our Temple worship, that we cannot discuss, because they are sacred, and we have covenanted not to reveal them.

Because of that, we will probably not be able to delve into this topic too deeply. But know that your contribution on this matter is quite appreciated by the latter-day saints here who have been to the temple.



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Thekabalist.....how much do you know about the LDS faith/doctrine/etc.?

I'm not very proficient in it. I know a thing or two from what I've read on the other forum. Since they used random information here and there mostly to attack LDS posters I may know more than the average outsider in some things but don't trust my sources.

I'm hoping to learn more from you. :)

I hope in my ignorance I haven't offended you with this post about hand gestures. I had heard in the other forum that LDS had them and immediately thought of our own priestly hand gestures in Judaism.


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I'm at work and so am unable to view the images regarding the hand gestures. I'm very interested in what you've given us so far and I'm sure will find these pics interesting as well (once I get home and away from the firewall).

No offense at all, but Vanhin is correct that we need to be careful what we discuss because of our temple rites/ordinances are considered sacred.

Edited by beefche
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Hi forum,

Unknown to most Christians is the fact that in Judaism the priestly family is given a combination of hand gestures with which they not only identify each other but also with which they are to bless Israel.

Here's an example of one of such gestures. This is forming the Hebrew letter ש which is the first letter of the word "Shaddai" (Almighty)



I had a friend who was from the Kehat family - an ark-carrying priest - and his family had some specific hand gestures he would not show me because they were sacred and to be used among themselves.


You bring something quite interesting and unique to this forum. There are, sort of similar, hand gestures among the LDS but the actual “gesture” is very different. These things are all closely associated with very sacred temple covenant and therefore – like your friend we do not discuss them outside the temple. They are not used among the LDS for identification purposes.

The Traveler

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Hi forum,

Unknown to most Christians is the fact that in Judaism the priestly family is given a combination of hand gestures with which they not only identify each other but also with which they are to bless Israel.

Here's an example of one of such gestures. This is forming the Hebrew letter ש which is the first letter of the word "Shaddai" (Almighty)

Posted Image

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I had a friend who was from the Kehat family - an ark-carrying priest - and his family had some specific hand gestures he would not show me because they were sacred and to be used among themselves.


Live long and prosper.

Posted Image

And it's not just coincidence.

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You bring something quite interesting and unique to this forum. There are, sort of similar, hand gestures among the LDS but the actual “gesture” is very different. These things are all closely associated with very sacred temple covenant and therefore – like your friend we do not discuss them outside the temple. They are not used among the LDS for identification purposes.

The Traveler

Yes, I noticed this a while ago. Here's another view:

Posted Image

...and then there's madonna, more to the point of Traveler's post:

Posted Image

They say some brothers are teaching her kabbala...


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That's a pretty cool thing. I didn't know about the Star Trek connection. Jews in space. Cool! ;)

As for other gestures unfortunately I don't know any others because I'm not of a priestly family. Even if I were I probably wouldn't be able to discuss them.

We do have the habit of covering our faces with our hands when we recite the Shema which is a prayer we recite very day morning and evening.

About Madonna that's not real Kabbalah. It makes me want to vomit what these New Age gurus are doing.

Being a Star Trek fan I find this all *raises one eyebrow* fascinating.

DO youhave any references to other hand gestures?

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We do have the habit of covering our faces with our hands when we recite the Shema which is a prayer we recite very day morning and evening.

What is the significance in this if any?

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As for other gestures unfortunately I don't know any others because I'm not of a priestly family. Even if I were I probably wouldn't be able to discuss them.

TheKabalist, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on The Temple Institute. Is it true that persons have been identified who would be qualified to officiate in a new Temple at Jerusalem?

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I have a question about your avatar.

You show the 10 sephira in a configuration I don't usually see, with apparently Malkut at the 4th instead of the 10th position, prior to the Fall?

Usually I see nothing at the 4th, moving the 4th to Chesed and on down the line.


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I have a question about your avatar.

You show the 10 sephira in a configuration I don't usually see, with apparently Malkut at the 4th instead of the 10th position, prior to the Fall?

Usually I see nothing at the 4th, moving the 4th to Chesed and on down the line.



Very well observed. I'm impressed someone would notice. What you see in the fourth position is Daat and not Malchut. Usually Daat is the hidden sefirah because to put it simply knowledge is concealed from this creation. You will not find Malchut because Malchut is in connection with the World of Speech. Therefore this is an artistic conception of what the Ein Sof would look like before the words of creation. :)

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TheKabalist, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on The Temple Institute. Is it true that persons have been identified who would be qualified to officiate in a new Temple at Jerusalem?


To quilify for officiating in a new Temple all one has to be is a cohen. That is one has to belong to the priestly family. The only complication lies in the fact that the cohen must not have had contact with the dead. But this leaves from for speculation because without the red heifer we are all "tamei mot" (ritually unclean because of the dead). This is something that needs work but it isn't the most complicated of all matters.

I really enjoy the work of the Temple Institute and hope that we will live to see the Temple rebuilt.

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Very well observed. I'm impressed someone would notice. What you see in the fourth position is Daat and not Malchut. Usually Daat is the hidden sefirah because to put it simply knowledge is concealed from this creation. You will not find Malchut because Malchut is in connection with the World of Speech. Therefore this is an artistic conception of what the Ein Sof would look like before the words of creation. :)

Very good. Then it represents, as I said in part, a view of spiritual creation prior to the Fall, prior to the 'big bang' or creation of Asiya, if you will.

As I understand it the Fall transforms Da'at down into Asiya, where it becomes Malkut. Knowledge is veiled from this world, and where it *was* (still is but as you say, is now hidden) becomes or is part of the Abyss.

I love your description of Malkut as "the World of Speech". The Spirit taught me that probably close to 10 years ago. The symbolism of speech is so very limited, it exemplifies Malkut to a 't'.

"Let there be Light" requires speech, it's all so very beautiful to see it come together.

If you differ in your views of any of this, feel free to bring it up. I love discussing the Tree of Life, etc.


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BTW, for my fellow LDS---

thekabalist's avatar has the numbers 10 and 22.

10 meaning the attributes of g_dliness as expressed in the manifest universe (including all worlds). 3 worlds before the Fall, 4 after; wherein Da'at (Knowledge) ((eating of the tree of knowledge, don't you see)) becomes Malkut (the Kingdom) ((the kingdom of G_d on earth, at its best)).

22 meaning the letters in the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph-Beit).

For thekabalist -- do you consider the 22 letters in relation to the paths between the sephira after creation?

And why the repetion of '10' and '22', one set on the side of limitation, the other set on the side of bounteousness (my word)? I think I see why the '10' is 'above' the '22'...


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Very good. Then it represents, as I said in part, a view of spiritual creation prior to the Fall, prior to the 'big bang' or creation of Asiya, if you will

Yes, that's correct.

As I understand it the Fall transforms Da'at down into Asiya, where it becomes Malkut. Knowledge is veiled from this world, and where it *was* (still is but as you say, is now hidden) becomes or is part of the Abyss.

Ah yes. The absence of Da'at is precisely what gave room to the appearence of Malchut. Think of it this way: It is only where knowledge conceals itself where there can exist something other than G-d. Malchut by definition touches that which once was not and which could only come to be when G-d concealed himself.

I love your description of Malkut as "the World of Speech". The Spirit taught me that probably close to 10 years ago. The symbolism of speech is so very limited, it exemplifies Malkut to a 't'.

"Let there be Light" requires speech, it's all so very beautiful to see it come together.

If you differ in your views of any of this, feel free to bring it up. I love discussing the Tree of Life, etc.


I am surprised to learn that the LDS are interested in the Tree of Life. Is that an interest shared by all or just a personal interest?


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