Max age for single male missionary??


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My question for you that are more informed than myself is... What is the max age that you can serve a full time mission as a single male member of the church? I have heard that 27 is the cut off but i'm not sure if that's just a recommendation to promote marriage rather than missions once someone is a little older or?? I mean if someone is 28 would you be out of luck or would they consider putting you in the field?? Any info would be helpful thank you..

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So, up until your 26th birthday. There are exceptions made, however, but they usually have to be for a darn good reason. There was a man baptized into my ward in August, and he's already 26, I think, and obviously couldn't go on a mission until next August. He is on fire, really wants to serve, and has already baptized a friend, who will be baptizing his own mom and another friend. This man who is so earnestly enthusiastic has received First Presidency approval to go on a mission, despite exceeding the age restrictions. I doubt he'd have been granted it were he not a recent convert, but that's just me.

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I guess that means that a 27 year old single male convert is out of luck if he wants to serve a mission right away and has to wait until he's retired and can serve with his wife if he gets married.

That is probably correct. Serving a mission is both a duty and a privilege, but not a right. So if the Lord's servants dismiss you from your duty to serve a mission, there are plenty of other things you can do to build the kingdom.

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I guess that means that a 27 year old single male convert is out of luck if he wants to serve a mission right away and has to wait until he's retired and can serve with his wife if he gets married.

You make this sound like it's a bad thing. Think about it for a second. Most (certainly not all) 27 y/o men are beginning their career. This is a prime time to get established in employment and likely time to begin thinking of starting a family.

I think there is some wisdom in having age limits. And as has been pointed out, there are other ways to serve the church besides a full time mission. One can be a ward missionary or serve in the temple or serve in the bishop's storehouse or be a great home teacher or .....

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