Did I miss the New Moon thread?


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It has been widely reported that New Moon is the biggest opening-night release in box office history, bringing in more money in a single day than the yearly gross national product of several African nations.

Almost unreported is the little-known fact that not a single male in the entire North American hemisphere has actually watched the movie, thus making New Moon the ideal vehicle for fomenting the long-brewing überfeminist revolution. Unfortunately, feminists despise New Moon almost as much as men stay away from it, so all the subliminal messages fall on deaf ears -- or perhaps more correctly, ears that hear only the voices speaking, "Oh, Edward!"

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Almost unreported is the little-known fact that not a single male in the entire North American hemisphere has actually willingly watched the movie

There, fixed that for you.

Well, I didn't say the didn't go, I just said they didn't watch.

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I am a female and I can say I also was not in the masses. Never saw the first one and don't know if I'll see this one as well. Though I have read the books...for some reason just not really that interested in seeing the movies. Or maybe I should say..I'm not interested in paying to see the movies.

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Evil, evil, evil. I not so foolish as to think my marriage was the only one negatively impacted by the movies and books. No laughing or joking here. Not only would I never have any interest in watching the movie, I'd like to see the whole ball of wax disappear altogether.

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My daughter's boyfriend went to see it (not counting falling asleep during it) so he could write a critique for a magazine he works for. My daughter disliked the first one but said the 2nd one is better. I will not see it in the theatre due to lack of interest.

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New Moon is definitely better than Twilight. I've been following Taylor Lautner's carrier (the werewolf, Jacob) since his sharkboy days as he's half-Filipino. The lead characters are a wreck. They can't act! Taylor had to carry Kristen through all their scenes (as she's in his scenes 90% of the time) and it shows. Robert Pattinson, who I thought was a good actor from Harry Potter, is uncomfortable with his role as the sparkly uber-romantic vampire and it shows.

Twilight sucked yet it still made tons of money, thanks to everybody who gushed over Pattinson. He didn't have to do anything but brood and the movie makes money. Taylor had 5 minutes in that movie yet he captured the essence of Jacob so well in just the first 30 seconds!

They brought in the guns in New Moon so the Volturri scene was just magnifique! It's what you would expect from a vampire movie. Dakota Fanning had about 3 lines in the whole movie and about 3 minutes of screen time, yet she pulled an entire scene with nothing but a look. She's one heck of an actress that one. And of course, Michael Sheen is just great. Although it is quite funny that he switched from a werewolf in Underworld to a Vampire in New Moon. And Pattinson held his own in that grand setting. But then, in comes Kristen Stewart and ruined the entire thing.

I'm excited to see where Taylor Lautner is gonna go. That kid has great potential. He seems to have a natural feel for acting. He has a martial arts background that gives him that ease of movement and grace. I give him about 5 more years and he can be one of the big stars who become big not just because of their good looks but because of their amazing acting - like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.

Oh, and another trivia... Chaske who played Sam Uley was Dracula in broadway (or off-broadway, maybe off-off-broadway) and the alpha werewolf in New Moon. He was great for a newbie!

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Oh and another bit of trivia...Taylor Lautner is supposedly dating Taylor Swift. We're keeping the Taylor's together here. lol

I was wondering if that's the only reason they're matched up together - coz they have the same name!

I remember when Grease came out (way back when, okay I'm old too) and thought it was funny if John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John would get married because then Olivia will be called Olivia Newton-John Travolta.

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Since I didn't even finish the first book because I hated it, I haven't read or had any desire to read the rest of the series, or watch any of the movies. As a result, I won't be part of the hysteria at all, in fact I think it's creepy that moms are drooling over teenage boys. In real life when that happens, they get thrown in jail, especially if they're a teacher and that boy is a student.

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I could not get into the Twilight book. Then I saw the movie. It blew me away. So I then re-read the book, and once I realized it was a simple distraction, I enjoyed it. I then read the whole series, and again enjoyed them.

I saw New Moon yesterday, and I really liked it. I had low expectations when I went in, so was pleasantly surprised.

The only thing I didn't like is the ending! It just STOPPED, and I wasn't ready for it to stop. So, now I have to wait a whole year to see where it goes.

BTW, there was a guy sitting next to me. Perhaps he was the only one in the whole world who went to the movie, but he was definitely a manly man, and I heard him tell his girlfriend (I assume it was his girlfriend) that he liked the special effects. So, there you have it.


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I'm excited to see where Taylor Lautner is gonna go. That kid has great potential. He seems to have a natural feel for acting. He has a martial arts background that gives him that ease of movement and grace. I give him about 5 more years and he can be one of the big stars who become big not just because of their good looks but because of their amazing acting - like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise an amazing actor?



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