Do you make the bed?


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For a long time, I threw a cover over the bed to make it look presentable. I have since given up on that and find that matching dark design sheets and comforter doe not look as disheveled when unmade.

Yea verily I need a handmaid to make things tidy, but alas that comes with its own set of problems.

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Making the bed every morning has been a habit since I was a wee child. Your day hasn't really started until your bed is made. So at our home, it is me, who makes the bed. If I wasn't around—it would never be made :Þ

Hey Bini, I can't remember if you grew up in the Philippines. It was really cool when I lived in the Philippines. I wake up, I take a bath, when I come out of the bath, my bed is already made and my clothes for the day is on top of the bed neatly pressed. I get dressed, I go to the dining room where a hot breakfast is ready. I MISS THAT!

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I've always been the bedmaker. My cats are too darn lazy and the dog was too short to reach high enough to put on clean sheets. The fish is allergic to my fabric softener.

What I want is for a hubby at least once durning the marriage make the bed all by himself. After all, he sleeps in the bed too. Why should I have all the joy found in bedmaking and then keep it all to myself.

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Hey Bini, I can't remember if you grew up in the Philippines. It was really cool when I lived in the Philippines. I wake up, I take a bath, when I come out of the bath, my bed is already made and my clothes for the day is on top of the bed neatly pressed. I get dressed, I go to the dining room where a hot breakfast is ready. I MISS THAT!

Yep, grew up for awhile in the Philippines :] I remember taking COLD showers because I'd get so hot and sticky! I preferred cool water to hot water back in those days. Now it seems like I can't be in the hot shower long enough during the freezing cold winter season in UT!
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Kind of an odd-ball question but do you make the bed? When I was growing up my mother used to make me make my bed before I left for the day but now that I'm grown rarely, if ever, do I make the bed. Friends who are married now say they never make the bed unless company comes over, which doesn't really make sense, unless the company will be in your bed room. So, do you still make the bed?

Yes and no...who is last to get up makes the bed in the morning. ^_^

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Guest mormonmusic

I knew was a site to bring out the good in people.

One of my friends also quit smoking when I showed him this thread. I also made a big donation to United Way upon reading it.

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Funny that happened this morning. It is 70 degrees here in Florida. My kids went to bed very late last night, so they woke up about 30 minutes ago. We were supposed to be at my in-law's house 10 minutes ago... So, I rushed everybody with the morning activities - and I saw my son playing with his toys. I tell him, "Why are you playing? You need to make your bed!". And he answers, "Mom, I was so smart. Last night I was thinking I would just lay on top of my finished bed and not move so that when I wake up I won't have to make the bed. And it really works! You should try it, Mom!"


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