[B]Five Second Rule??[/B]


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I'm a pretty gross person and eat lots of things I probably shouldn't. I also have the least stomach disturbances out of anyone in my family.

If there was a chocolate chip cookies on the floor and it has been there for a day, I'd probably still eat it.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

Depends... if it's indoors at my house or somewhere I trust isn't horribly dirty, then sure. Also depends on what it is. For example, I cooked a frozen pizza and it fell cheese/sauce side down. Didn't eat it, had to throw it away. :( But if it had landed on the other side, no problem. :D

[End of story, for all interested: I made another pizza. :D]

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I don't even eat leftover.

of course i'm so weird If i have worn pair of sock, even only for a minute, and took them off they are dirty and i wont put them back on.

haha I thought I was the only one OCD about socks! Yeah, once they're on the feet then off they get thrown in the washing machine.

I have a 5 second rule, because I believe in the cleansing power of the microwave :lol:

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of course i'm so weird If i have worn pair of sock, even only for a minute, and took them off they are dirty and i wont put them back on.

I was about to post a message saying how weird I thought you were... then I thought about it, and realised I do exactly the same thing too. It only applies to socks though. Trousers and the like are all fine, unless they have been worn for more than half an hour.

And there was me thinking I was free of OCD. I hadn't even thought about that as being an OCD trait haha.

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I hope you ocd sock people do your own laundry! Every week I wash a certain Scoutmaster's uniform shirt that has been worn (over a tee shirt) for exactly one hour and twenty minutes. I mean, a person doesn't go around changing his shirt every 80 minutes, so why can't this shirt be reworn?

Back on topic: I have lived in a third-world country, and will eat just about anything.

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I hope you ocd sock people do your own laundry!

Lol, I do my own washing, but my mother and I regularly have "discussions" as to whether her many complaints about how long the washing took during my childhood were unfounded or not. I mean, it's not exactly like we have to do a lot, is it really? You put it into the machine, take it out the machine and let it dry... 95% of the process is automated :D (yes, she isn't happy with my argument either).

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