Pet Peeves


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People that take a full cart to the self-check out lanes...then end up making the attendant stand at the register and clear all the faults as they occur...toatlly defeating the purpose of having attendant-free check out lanes in the first place...while I stand in line behind them with a jug of milk and some oreos.

My grocery store has 4 self-checkout lanes -- two are express, two are not. I never use a non-self-checkout lane anymore. I can bag my own groceries much quicker and more efficiently than any 16-year-old working there (or 47-year-old, for that matter).

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So what are yours??

What really gets you going for no particular reason?

I have two at the moment....

1. People who have junk cars and insist that if they put a HUGE muffler on them and tailpipe that makes them VERY loud and VERY annoying that it will somehow make them (the person) seem cooler and the car seem faster. Yeah.....riiiiiight.

2. People who call my desk and ask me if I can find a phone number to a place for them. And then when I say, "The number is.........." they say, "Oh, hold on....let me get a piece of paper and a pen." If you were calling someone for a number and were expecting them to give it to you.....why wouldn't you HAVE THE PEN AND PAPER READY TO WRITE IT DOWN?!?!?!

Listening to someone eat.. especially eat open mouthed.

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People who sound their horn at you because you slow down to take a turn. What do they expect you to do - take the corner at 40mph so they don't have to slow down?

People - usually BMW drivers - who drive on your tail flashing their lights because you're keeping to the speed limit and they don't want to.

In fact BMW drivers period.

People who only have one thing to say. They say it, and when you ask a follow-on question they reply by simply saying it again.

People who recite things with seeming authority, with total disregard for whether or not they make sense. Example, when American TV cops arrest someone they always say:

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

I have no objection to the "can". It's the "and will" which is nonsensical. For example, if the suspect is asked his name and replies "John Smith", will that be used against him in court?

Prosecuting Attorney: Your honour, the defendant was asked his name, and he replied John Smith.

Judge: So what? That's his name isn't it?

Prosecuting Attorney: Yes, but the Miranda rules specify that we have to use it as evidence against him.

Makes me SO mad!!!
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People who sound their horn at you because you slow down to take a turn. What do they expect you to do - take the corner at 40mph so they don't have to slow down?

People - usually BMW drivers - who drive on your tail flashing their lights because you're keeping to the speed limit and they don't want to.

In fact BMW drivers period.

People who only have one thing to say. They say it, and when you ask a follow-on question they reply by simply saying it again.

People who recite things with seeming authority, with total disregard for whether or not they make sense. Example, when American TV cops arrest someone they always say:

I have no objection to the "can". It's the "and will" which is nonsensical. For example, if the suspect is asked his name and replies "John Smith", will that be used against him in court?

Makes me SO mad!!!

While the Miranda rights vary from one jurisdiction to another, there is a standard script. According to Wiki, the "typical" Miranda rights script is

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?

When you hear that, it's only that the police officer is complying with the law and affording the arresting the opportunity to understand his rights and responsibilities.

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While the Miranda rights vary from one jurisdiction to another, there is a standard script. According to Wiki, the "typical" Miranda rights script is

When you hear that, it's only that the police officer is complying with the law and affording the arresting the opportunity to understand his rights and responsibilities.

OK - so I guess my "peeve" is about the person who wrote the standard script (which I still say is nonsensical). You're right - we shouldn't get angry with the poor hardworking cop because his superiors don't understand logic.

Edited by Jamie123
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You mean the United States Supreme Court?

(They didn't write the exact wording, but they mandated its use.)

LOL - Whoever mandated it needs to brush up on their English. CAN means "is able to happen", WILL means "is definitely going to happen".

The British version makes better sense (though I'm not claiming everything over here makes more sense than its equivalent in te US): "Anything you do say may be used in evidence".

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the most annoying thing is flash photography at the dinner table. I hate going to a resteraunt and someone has to take a picture of themselves having dinner. Look its something done everyday you dont need a picture to remember eating. you want to remember the occasion go outside and take a pciture in front of the resteraunt. some people have very sensitive eye and dont feel like 10 minutes of burning sensation while eating dinner!!!!!!

ok that is my rant im done.

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Slow walkers.

I can live with this as long as it doesn't coincide with... * ominous music* abreast walkers, two or even three in a decent sized halway can be okay, but I hate walking around campus and having to play chicken with a group of 5 or 6 people walking abreast and chatting because I have to go into the 'wrong lane' to get around the group I'm stuck behind.

See also:

Chatting Islands. Do not just sit there in the middle of the hallway (And I mean middle) and chat your freaking head off, move to the freakin' side and get out of the way.

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I can live with this as long as it doesn't coincide with... * ominous music* abreast walkers, two or even three in a decent sized halway can be okay, but I hate walking around campus and having to play chicken with a group of 5 or 6 people walking abreast and chatting because I have to go into the 'wrong lane' to get around the group I'm stuck behind.

See also:

Chatting Islands. Do not just sit there in the middle of the hallway (And I mean middle) and chat your freaking head off, move to the freakin' side and get out of the way.

You know how to get them to move? Get your cell phone out and start taking their pictures. When they ask what you're doing (and they will) simply state you're photographing the most important people in the world. If that doesn't work, immediately launch into full on stalker mode. That always works..along with the cell camera.:D

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people (adults, not make sense) that take ten minutes to get every....last...bit....of.....shake....from....the....bottom....of....the....cup.......through.........the............straw.............

One of the rare times I wish I could carry a concealed paintball gun.

And do the whole slurp noise thing with the straw to do it.

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the most annoying thing is flash photography at the dinner table. I hate going to a resteraunt and someone has to take a picture of themselves having dinner. Look its something done everyday you dont need a picture to remember eating. you want to remember the occasion go outside and take a pciture in front of the resteraunt. some people have very sensitive eye and dont feel like 10 minutes of burning sensation while eating dinner!!!!!!

ok that is my rant im done.

That happens all the time when I go out. Suck it up, be a man, and quit whining about the small stuff.

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Cell phones in general, I have come to hate them. Just another excuse for people to be even more rude than they already were. Working in customer service, and the person in line is on a celly, and having them seem like I'm the rude one when I ask them how I can be of service, when they're the one's coming to me.

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This but snow.

Yes, caution is required when it is snowy, slowing down can certainly be warranted. However snow != magical death dust. I'm looking at you, the drivers, a lot of whom were in trucks or SUVS, who made me waste time going 25 mph in a 65mph zone. I know it's not Alaska, you don't have quite as much experience with snow, but come on!

No no no no, I'd rather have bad drivers go slow in snow than bad drivers go fast in snow. I want to reach 100 years in this mortal life!

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people (adults, not make sense) that take ten minutes to get every....last...bit....of.....shake....from....the....bottom....of....the....cup.......through.........the............straw.............

One of the rare times I wish I could carry a concealed paintball gun.

Hey, I do that! It's just that good :D

What I dislike intensely is when people know I want to watch a show on TV and they do the little huffing noises because I don't change the channel. I want to watch 1 hr of Bridezilla and by gum I will watch it!

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My pet peeves:

People that are turning right, but wait at a red light, until it turns green, when they had all the time in the world to turn, when the light was red.

People that are rude to you, you try to be nice as possible to them, and they still feel that you were rude to them!

People that drive four-wheel-drive trucks in a snow storm, or in deep snow, at, and sometimes above, the speed limit, never thinking that a four-wheel-drive vehicle can slip on ice, get stuck, or crash into a non-four-wheel-drive vehicle.

People that equates anything with Nazism, i.e.… religion, politics, companies, etc..

The worst case scenario being used in a situation to start off the topic. For example, talking about STD’s when starting out talking about the worst ones, like AIDS, when there are numerous of other STD’s that are more common, that are easier to get, and easier to prevent.

Future visionaries that talk about that someday, in the near future, there will be flying cars, never thinking about any of the ramifications of flying cars, like how can you prevent flying cars from flying over private property? If the public has flying cars, then police will be forced to buy, and to be trained to be able to fly, flying cop cars, costing tax-payers millions, if not, billions of dollars to set up.

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