Which would you consider a worse sin, and why?


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And Someone who is stoned and keeps it to themselves so they don't hurt anyone, *will be under less condemnation then someone who is so judgmental they hurt their children.

*I don't think we are able to measure a persons level of condemnation.

yup have a couple of situations right now where the parent being judgemental is ruining the children - when a parent is a bully they often raise children to behave the same way

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I can't agree with anyone that takes a stance as to which is worse.

Suppose person A smokes pot, but has no problem avoiding judgmentality. Clearly, for this person, smoking pot is a greater transgression because it is the harder to resist.

Person B avoids pot easily, but is frequently judgmental. Clearly, for this person, judgmentality is the greater transgression because it's the harder to resist.

I refuse to accept that one of these sins is universally worse than another. There are very few sins, in fact, that I am willing to acknowledge are universally worse than any other.

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We are allowed to judge for ourselves right versus wrong. "Being judgmental" implies expressing to someone conclusions made based on what one thinks they know about their actions and circumstances. The problem with "being judgmental" is that in essence one is trying to take on God's all knowing power which includes understanding another's intentions and desires of the heart. We can make general judgments about right and wrong, like it is wrong to smoke pot. But, we can't say that so-and-so is wrong for smoking pot without being in a position to receive God's all knowing judgment, i.e. - a bishop, or even a father or mother over their child.

In my opinion, "being judgmental" is always wrong where smoking pot requires more insight to know if in any particular circumstance it is wrong and to what degree. So the smoking pot in general is wrong and should be avoided but I don't have the authority to tell any particular person that what they are doing is wrong - (unless it is my teenage daughter.)

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In general, I would say Judgemental.

That being said, we make judgements about things and people all the time. But usually these are based on a person's dealings with ourselves, and not in general. We cannot know what is in a person's heart, nor do we normally have all the facts at our disposal.

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Guest mysticmorini

I think, if we were really fast, we could smoke one joint before the Prophet came out against it. ;)

I'm pretty sure the prophets already came out against it as their are countries where it is legal and there is a church presence.
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Guest mysticmorini

Where's King Soloman when you need him? -- I'm sure he could figure this all out for us.

cut the sinner in half and the lesser sin will yield to the greater sin rather than seeing the sinner die.
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