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I was talking to my good friend who is muslim and its amazing how much faith she has in her religion. This got me wondering, everyone has so much faith that their religion is the correct one as well as many people claim that they ahve prayed and received confirmation that their beliefs are true (myself included). Where is their confirmation coming from?

(p.s. this is just meant to be kinda an opinion/philosophical question/thread. i am in no way doubting the truthfulness of the mormon church or downplaying others, simply just wondering how every religion in the world has members who feel that they have had confirmed feelings that their beliefs are true. just something interesting to talk about).

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You just opened a door that I would never open on this forum.

This has been bought up several times on this forum before. One poster I know of who has posed this question is snow. It's a very valid point and one that has aided in leading onto many more questions for me personally.

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I have a book somewhere - a kind of epistolary novel by a guy called Dick Dowsett. It's called God, That's Not Fair. In the book, a young fella writes a series of letters to Dowsett trying to argue a case for comparative religion and Dowsett replies back demolishing these arguments. (The "young fella" is of course Dowsett himself playing Devil's advocate.)

I found it a very disturbing book, not least the chapter called "But other religions work!" Dowsett's foil starts by describing how his Mulsim etc. friends say how much comfort and joy from their religion. Dowsett (now in his true voice) responds by saying more-or-less: "Isn't that exactly what you'd expect? The Devil is out to deceive! He'll hand out comfort and joy if that's what it takes to draw people away from the truth!"

Well there's no denying that possibility, but it opens up a proper can of worms. What does anyone know about their own faith other than that it works? (For them anyhow!) How do we know that it's not Islam that represents the truth, and that Christianity isn't the "Devil's counterfeit"?

I think the best any of us can do is to look for what "feels" right and what they're comfortable with. People who thump the Bible and say "This is God's revealed word! Ignore your feelings!" should ask themselves why they're so sure it is God's word. I think even for them, it ultimately comes down to what they feel.

And our feelings can deceive us? Well, yes they can. But that's a risk none of us can avoid taking.

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Guest mysticmorini

well if thats the case we must be the true religion because i find little comfort, or rather there are many things which i would be happy doing if it weren't for certain commandments and covenants. (haha there is no way this is coming out right.)

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You just opened a door that I would never open on this forum.

I dont mean any bad or controversy with this post, thats not what is intended. It might be a regional thing but i am from southern california where there is a large Jewish, Muslim, Chrisitan (non-denominational), and actually one of the largest mormon populations. As well as i am in a formal debate class which deals with world issues and cultures. As you might guess, this results in a lot of personal debates between us. I mean in my one class, there is hindi, sikh, muslim, jewish, mormon, catholic, non denominational christian, and atheists. I feel that it is very appropriate and not harmful to talk and learn about other religions. When you consider that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all abrahamic religions and descend from eachother, its really interesting and worthwhile to explore and talk about topics such as the one i brought up.

I have a book somewhere - a kind of epistolary novel by a guy called Dick Dowsett. It's called God, That's Not Fair. In the book, a young fella writes a series of letters to Dowsett trying to argue a case for comparative religion and Dowsett replies back demolishing these arguments. (The "young fella" is of course Dowsett himself playing Devil's advocate.)

I found it a very disturbing book, not least the chapter called "But other religions work!" Dowsett's foil starts by describing how his Mulsim etc. friends say how much comfort and joy from their religion. Dowsett (now in his true voice) responds by saying more-or-less: "Isn't that exactly what you'd expect? The Devil is out to deceive! He'll hand out comfort and joy if that's what it takes to draw people away from the truth!"

Well there's no denying that possibility, but it opens up a proper can of worms. What does anyone know about their own faith other than that it works? (For them anyhow!) How do we know that it's not Islam that represents the truth, and that Christianity isn't the "Devil's counterfeit"?

I think the best any of us can do is to look for what "feels" right and what they're comfortable with. People who thump the Bible and say "This is God's revealed word! Ignore your feelings!" should ask themselves why they're so sure it is God's word. I think even for them, it ultimately comes down to what they feel.

And our feelings can deceive us? Well, yes they can. But that's a risk none of us can avoid taking.

nice response, makes alot of sense, however i think i might disagree that its the devil bringing them away, but rather just a false sense of happiness? idk, thats why im asking hah. the spirit is a powerful thing and its pretty obvious when you feel it so it makes me wonder how other people feel when "they feel their spirit". Its all just very interesting.

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There is only one God anyone who is sincere worships Him no matter what their religion, for me the one tning we have is the Melchzedek priesthood - that is what makes it the true and living church, its what binds families together, it achieves miracles with little ceremony etc...... however there is a reason we are taught to take the good in other religions and we can increase the Holy Ghost in our own lives by studying them

Plus being a Latter Day Saint you can see how every other religion came out of ours.

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You just opened a door that I would never open on this forum.

So you're saying you don't have any valuable contribution......

nice response, makes alot of sense, however i think i might disagree that its the devil bringing them away, but rather just a false sense of happiness?

I would caution against saying people of other faiths have a false sense of happiness. I think there are many people of other faiths whose happiness is equally real and oftimes better than the happiness latter-day saints feel. Happiness is not dependent on religion, but dependent of attitude and choice.

idk, thats why im asking hah. the spirit is a powerful thing and its pretty obvious when you feel it so it makes me wonder how other people feel when "they feel their spirit". Its all just very interesting.

When "they feel their spirit" what makes you think that they're feeling anything different from what you are feeling when "you feel your spirit?"

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So you're saying you don't have any valuable contribution......

I would caution against saying people of other faiths have a false sense of happiness. I think there are many people of other faiths whose happiness is equally real and oftimes better than the happiness latter-day saints feel. Happiness is not dependent on religion, but dependent of attitude and choice.

When "they feel their spirit" what makes you think that they're feeling anything different from what you are feeling when "you feel your spirit?"

ya, that was a stupid response, i dont believe its a "false sense of happiness", im just trying to make my answers so that they wont be offensive to mormons since this is an lds site. Some members on the forum might be offended if i said that other religinos feel the same spirit.

i have just been kinda enthralled lately with middle-eastern culture and religion. Friend just gave me a Qur'an actually. Its surprising how we hold very similar beliefs. I think all members should explore other religions, not because i think ours is missing any truth, but because learning about other religions has only strengthened my belief in the lds faith.

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ya, that was a stupid response, i dont believe its a "false sense of happiness", im just trying to make my answers so that they wont be offensive to mormons since this is an lds site. Some members on the forum might be offended if i said that other religinos feel the same spirit.

Actually, I think you'd be surprised at how open the LDS on this board are to questions and conversations like yours. I think it's valid to write posts that won't offend the members, but I also think it takes a lot to offend them.


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ya, that was a stupid response, i dont believe its a "false sense of happiness", im just trying to make my answers so that they wont be offensive to mormons since this is an lds site. Some members on the forum might be offended if i said that other religinos feel the same spirit.

I agree that there may be some here who would be offended if you said other religions feel the same spirit. But I think that's more of a reason to say it than to not say it. We may as well speak truth.

i have just been kinda enthralled lately with middle-eastern culture and religion. Friend just gave me a Qur'an actually. Its surprising how we hold very similar beliefs. I think all members should explore other religions, not because i think ours is missing any truth, but because learning about other religions has only strengthened my belief in the lds faith.

Completely agreed. We are taught that the Spirit will teach us the truth of all things. It will testify of truths in the Book of Mormon, the Qur'an, the Torah, and in Men are from Mars; Women are From Venus. It will also teach us what parts of those respective books are untrue.

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I was raised in the United Church. When I visit the old church to attend weddings and such, I am filled with feelings of appreciation and love and memories. I am converted to the restored gospel and my membership is solid in the LDS church. I think many people feel that pull and attachment to their heritage being of a certain faith. I think it would be easy to confuse those feelings with other good feelings such as the Spirit bearing witness of truth - if you don't have a deep understanding of it. It took me a long time to separate the two, and understand them distinctly.:)

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ya, that was a stupid response, i dont believe its a "false sense of happiness", im just trying to make my answers so that they wont be offensive to mormons since this is an lds site. Some members on the forum might be offended if i said that other religinos feel the same spirit.

i have just been kinda enthralled lately with middle-eastern culture and religion. Friend just gave me a Qur'an actually. Its surprising how we hold very similar beliefs. I think all members should explore other religions, not because i think ours is missing any truth, but because learning about other religions has only strengthened my belief in the lds faith.

not sure why it should be offensive its the same spirit - I feel Holy Ghost in places other than Latter Day Saint buildings and with teachings from other churches.

These are from the Ensign

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Islam and Mormonism—A Comparison

LDS.org - Liahona Article - A Latter-day Saint Perspective on Muhammad

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Ishmael, Our Brother

LDS.org - Ensign Article - A Life among Muslims

LDS.org - Ensign Article - The Church’s Cross-Cultural Encounters

LDS.org - Ensign Article - The Church’s Cross-Cultural Encounters

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Guest Alana

Taking the stance that no religion is true and that all of our confirmations, regardless of the religion is all a result of our brain playing tricks on us because we want to believe is easier than the idea that only one religion is right and all the others are wrong. I don't have a good answer, and frankly the idea that my mind is just playing tricks on me like everyone else can be an overwhelming thought. Then I remember the way the Spirit feels for ME regarding the Book of Mormon, and I'm good. Don't know about all the others, just know about my confirmation for this church.

Maybe in the future, when we all drive hover cars, and can re watch our dreams on a tv we'll be able to import other peoples feelings and thoughts on things into our own brains and we'll see a difference, or not. In the meantime I can only deal with what I know, which is a good thing:)

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Don't want to make this political but if i was to ask "who is Barrak Obama"

I would get as many different answers as there are people ranging from a socialist bent on destroying the country to great president changing the country for the better.

This is a man we can all see, and hear. Who's words can be recorded verbatim and we can't agree who he is what the chance of agreeing on and "invisible" entity with 3rd hand accounts and all our cultural differences?

The idea they are worshiping a false God because they call him Allah (as an example) makes as much sense as me claiming Jamie123 must be homeless and car less because he claims to live in a flat and drives a lory. (Everyone knows it's a truck and communal living buildings are apartments so he must be making it up.^_^)

This is further complicated with the addition of polytheism however i am under the impression all people who worship God worship the same one and with the plan of salvation the way it is this is ok. A Muslim can make it to the Celestial Kingdom just as an LDS Bishop.

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I was talking to my good friend who is muslim and its amazing how much faith she has in her religion. This got me wondering, everyone has so much faith that their religion is the correct one as well as many people claim that they ahve prayed and received confirmation that their beliefs are true (myself included). Where is their confirmation coming from?

(p.s. this is just meant to be kinda an opinion/philosophical question/thread. i am in no way doubting the truthfulness of the mormon church or downplaying others, simply just wondering how every religion in the world has members who feel that they have had confirmed feelings that their beliefs are true. just something interesting to talk about).

THere is truth in all religions in varrying amounts. The holy spirit is not limited to just the gift that members of the LDS recieve, but strives with man as much as the spirit can do while still letting man have his agency. And if allowed, the spirit will testify of truth of a thing.

I was quite impressed with the little bit of the Q'uran that I have read, there are many truths that can be found in the muslim faith.

But we also know from the scriptures that people can also be decieved.... Personally I tend to be more optimistic and think it would be the case of the former rather than the latter, but I can't discount the possibility of the latter.

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Alma 29:8 teaches us that all people are given the amount of light and truth they are ready to receive. Brigham Young taught that Mohammed was inspired to take a group of people from a telestial level of faith to a terrestrial level. Of course, some radicals are taking it the wrong way back to a telestial sphere today.

God inspires people to accept as much truth as they are ready to receive.

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I think it's a good idea to learn about other religions, as it's one of the ways we're a diverse planet. If one is a true believer of their religion, chances are that they're not going to welcome any missionaries from another church. By understanding this, one can respect someone's beliefs and not send missionaries over.

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ya, that was a stupid response, i dont believe its a "false sense of happiness", im just trying to make my answers so that they wont be offensive to mormons since this is an lds site. Some members on the forum might be offended if i said that other religinos feel the same spirit.

Why would they be offensive to mormons?

Article of Faith #11:

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

Article of Faith #13:

If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Both of those BASIC principles of the LDS Church REQUIRE us to have Faith that WE are not the ONLY source of Truth or the Spirit. What we DO claim is that we are the ONLY source of THE COMPLETE gospel - ALL TRUTHS.

I wouldn't say being Muslim gets you an automatic divorce from the Spirit - even the confirmation of truth. Because, even Islam has elements of truth in it, and so does Catholics, and Assemblies of God, and Jews, and Buddhist, and even atheists.

In the investigators 3rd discussion by the missionaries (at least 8 years ago it was - they bring the paper cups and make a pyramid of it), they tell us about how all religions take a grain of truth and build a church around it. In the same discussion, it explains how "a little true" to "mostly true" is good but that "the whole truth" is what we seek that can be found in LDS.

I dont mean any bad or controversy with this post, thats not what is intended. It might be a regional thing but i am from southern california where there is a large Jewish, Muslim, Chrisitan (non-denominational), and actually one of the largest mormon populations. As well as i am in a formal debate class which deals with world issues and cultures. As you might guess, this results in a lot of personal debates between us. I mean in my one class, there is hindi, sikh, muslim, jewish, mormon, catholic, non denominational christian, and atheists. I feel that it is very appropriate and not harmful to talk and learn about other religions. When you consider that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all abrahamic religions and descend from eachother, its really interesting and worthwhile to explore and talk about topics such as the one i brought up.

nice response, makes alot of sense, however i think i might disagree that its the devil bringing them away, but rather just a false sense of happiness? idk, thats why im asking hah. the spirit is a powerful thing and its pretty obvious when you feel it so it makes me wonder how other people feel when "they feel their spirit". Its all just very interesting.

I was born Roman Catholic. Everybody will agree that the Roman Catholic church has tons of truth in it. When I was in my early 20's, I went through the "search for truth" phase. I attended every church friends ask me to attend including Theravada Buddhists, Hindu, Jewish, Islam, and yes, LDS, that some of my friends attended. After 3 years of this, I concluded that I was born Catholic, I will die Catholic because the Spirit is strongly telling me this is where I need to be. I went back to being devout Catholic for the next 7 years until I got baptized LDS.

So, you might ask - was that a "fake" Spirit then, telling me to stick with Catholic? Of course not. 8 years after being LDS, I can tell you now that there was a reason I was prompted to remain a devout Catholic. It will take me an entire day and a half to explain to you my life story to tell you what led me to this testimony. But I testify that I would not have found the Restored Gospel unless I have been Catholic first. And because of this, I will always be eternally grateful to the Roman Catholic Church, to the Catholic priests and nuns and especially my family who forged my Catholic foundation. I love them and they will always be my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Edited by anatess
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.Some members on the forum might be offended if i said that other religinos feel the same spirit.

One of the first pair of Sisters who explained Mormonism to me said she had no doubt that members of other churches were guided by the same spirit as the LDS. Perhaps she was a heretic. But the idea that "The Spirit only talks to non-Mormons on the one specific issue of the truth of the Book of Mormon" is something I've heard more often from anti-Mormons that from LDS members.

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I was talking to my good friend who is muslim and its amazing how much faith she has in her religion. This got me wondering, everyone has so much faith that their religion is the correct one as well as many people claim that they ahve prayed and received confirmation that their beliefs are true (myself included). Where is their confirmation coming from?

(p.s. this is just meant to be kinda an opinion/philosophical question/thread. i am in no way doubting the truthfulness of the mormon church or downplaying others, simply just wondering how every religion in the world has members who feel that they have had confirmed feelings that their beliefs are true. just something interesting to talk about).

I would like to give it a shot at trying to answer this question, not that there is any expertise here just what has been observed, read about or just guessed at.

The first thing that came to mind was something Gerald Lund said in one of his none fiction books. He talked about pray and why we sometimes feel we do not always get answers.

He said that God answers all prayers, and if we feel he has not it is for one of three reasons:

1: We are not listening

2: He has already answered that question

3: We are not ready for the answer yet.

If a Muslim or any other outside the only true church on Earth should ask is their church true then the answer must reside within 2 because did He not answer that question in the first vision.

My cousin, whom is also a close, dear friend, and devout Catholic, went on the defensive when I talked to her about the church as she saw it as a direct threat to her beliefs. Therefore, I changed my approach and talked only about principles, Jesus Christ, family values, subjects she was comfortable with and none threatening.

This does not change what is truth it just diplomatically allows discussions to continue.

Everybody has something in common it is just a matter of finding it, with Muslim its family values, healthy diets, abstention from alcohol and other damaging substances.

They believe, like the Jews, that the messiah is yet to come for the first time. Their faith is strong, stronger than some of those who have the truth me thinks, but that does not change what is true and that one-day they will know that He already has been once and adopted as the figurehead by their archenemies for centuries.

Personally, I think it is all in the question rather than the answer. Joseph Smith wanted only to know which of the churches he should join, that question got him the correct answer, none of them.

Edited by Kenny
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I have found that I have much more in common with devout believers in other religious faiths than there is difference in our understandings of basic principles. This I take to be more of an indication that I am on a right path than a wrong path. However, only the LDS presents and initiates G-d’s loving plan that all on the correct path of faith can and will be brought together by work beyond death and in the temples.

The Traveler

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